Sad What happen , no other music producers?
Ok, here is something I have written and recorded this weekend. I really like to have some nice vocals on it, but I am not a singer.. If anybody has an idea, please p.m. me…
The song is hard rock. I used Jamstix and ezDrummer for drums, and the Line6 Gearbox plugin for all the guitars and bass. The entire song was made with Podium of course! 😉 The mix is a first draft..
Sounds fine! 🙂
when pressing ctrl and clicking on the pitch dial, the pitch is set to the lowest value. Wouldn’t it be better to have a reset here? And could you add some presets like +1 semitone, +2 semitones, -1 octave etc. ? Or you could add another dial for changing semitones instead of cents.
Very important addition to Podium by the way! I won’t have that much use for it because I have Melodyne Cre8, but for many users this will be an important feature I guess!
EDIT: And by the way.. I have tested zPitch on a drum loop I created, and it doesn’t sound horrible at all! I like the possibilities of changing a drum tracks pitch.
Hm.. I do not see any mappings on your tracks.. And why do you route the audio track to the midi track above?
It seems you do not have activated monitoring.. 🙂 your plugins are not loaded then.. If so, choose the bounce track and press Ctrl+B
You first have to draw a sound event on the bounce track using the pencil tool.
Klick auf den Part, den du kopieren willst, ziehe in auf die “neue” Stelle und halte “strg” gedrückt. Auf diese Weise wird eine Phantom Kopie erzeugt, die eigenständig ist. Alternativ kannst du auch auf den Parts die oben links das kleine “plus” zeigen mit recht klicken und “create phantom copy” anklicken.
Hoffe das hilft.
WoW! 😯 What a nice update! Thanks Frits!
Sound events placed on record enabled tracks are muted during recording. Previous behaviour was that old recording would play while being overwritten by the new recording.
This bugged me sooooo long! Thanks for fixing this!
# Track lanes are now tinted with the color defined for the track. The amount of coloring can be defined with the “Track lane color opacity” setting in the tracks region properties.
Very nice addition to the gui.. I like the fact that we can change the amount coloring here!
Multiple events can be bundled using the “Bundle Events” and “Unbundle Events” edit menu commands. Clicking an event that is part of a bundle will select all events in the bundle. Shortcut key is Ctrl+N.
Useful feature!! Like it!
There doesn’t seem to be a rule of thumb.. sometimes searching works and the other day it doesn’t..
That would be enough for me at least..
EDIT: Adding a lock symbol to the event would be great..
No the files are not in the same folder..
I do not have the old project file.. 😳
😯 When will 1.79 come?? 😆
Nice addition!!