Battery now seems to be in the second state.
I can go into the options dialog and change the number of outputs. What is strange however, is that the plug-in is not telling me, I have to reload it this time.
Ive had it crash at two different times.
The first was when clicking on the ‘options’ button inside battery. It crashed before the options dialog was displayed.
I managed to bring up the options dialog inside Podium once….then changed it. But the i pressed play, and Podium reported an error in a dialog box….except this time it looked like a Podium defined error.
Im using the latest update
Perhaps you should download the demo…
You should (I hope) get the same problem 🙂
Nice one 🙂
Yes, I have the following midi output interfaces, and they are all checked:
SB Audigy Synth B [B800]
SB Audigy Sw Synth [B800]
SB Audigy Synth A [B800]
SB Audigy Synth MIDI Port [B800]
SB Audigy Synth MIDI Port II [B800]
Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth [B800]
I found following:
Fresh reboot of PC.
Empty arrangement.
Enabled metronome.
Disabled the ‘output to midi device’. It does NOT crash when played
As soon as I enable ‘output to midi device’, and play. It crashes.
Can I also suggest you try putting together a small piece of music, before you choose your vote. That way, youll have a better idea if you like it or not.
Yes the metronome outputs sound.
just before it crashes, Podium kindof jitters (like its struggling with something). This gets worse over a small time period 1-2 seconds. Then the crash report occurs.
My metronome settings are currently set at:
Output to MIDI interface: checked.
channel: 1
bar-key: c3
bar-velocity: 127
beat-key: c2
beat-velocity: 80
Output to Audio Interface: checked.
base channel: 3
bar-gain: 10db
beat-gain: -10db
stereo: checked.
Podium seems rock solid, except for this problem, which occurs when Im using the metronome.
You may like a clean bug report on my original problem:
I boot up windows XP from fresh.
I start Podium.
I have following log file:
ASIO device: SB Audigy ASIO [B800]
– Supported clock sources: Internal
– Current clock source: Internal
– Supported sample rates: 48000
– Current sample rate: 48000
– Input channels: 18 (111111111111111111)
– Output channels: 14 (11111111111111)
– Input/Output latency, buffer size: 2500/2400, 2400
– ASIO sample types: 16, 16
ASIO driver status:
– ASIO sample position gaps: 1 (2400)
Audio stream buffer errors:
– Output buffer skip count: 1
AppName: podium.exe AppVer: ModName: podium.exe
ModVer: Offset: 00139995
Code: 0xc0000005
Flags 0x0
Record: 0x0.
Address 0x0000000000539995
Podium GUI is still in ‘play mode’ in background. I click to close the debug info and thus the application. Podium then exits. As mentioned. This is a report straight after a fresh boot of XP.
Hope this helps.
@Zynewave wrote:
It means you cant have 2 arrangements open, and switch between them, without losing plug-in settings
If you want to store changes to plugin settings with your arrangement, you create library presets on the tracks with the plugin mappings, and select the ‘sync’ option on the track (sync is selected by default). This way Podium will keep the library presets updated with changes made in the plugins. When monitoring is deactivated, the library presets will be updated with the settings in the plugin before the plugin is unloaded.
Loading/unloading of insert plugins for the active arrangement, is done for performance reasons. Assuming that your project contains 12 arrangements for your next top-40 album, if all plugins used in all arrangements were to be loaded always, it could mean that thousands of plugins would need to be allocated in memory. So you could say that activating monitoring of an arrangement is a kind of song-load.
Ok, I understand now :D. Thanks
I have technical question for you fritz, if I may.
What technology (api/sdk) did you use the produce such slick graphics…is it a well known one…or is it something home grown?
think you can resize the height of the tracks as a whole.
Would be very beneficial however, to be able to resize each one individually.
@Zynewave wrote:
I wouldn’t call it a panic button. It loads insert plugins and enables MIDI and audio inputs. It’s a preparation for playback. Only one arrangement at the time can be monitored, so if you enter another arrangement and activate monitoring there, the previous arrangement will be made inactive, causing insert plugins to be unloaded etc.
I understand the need for a button, to select the active arrangement…but is it really necessery to unload the plug-ins when switched off? It means you cant have 2 arrangements open, and switch between them, without losing plug-in settings. I know its an unlikely thing to do, but it is a possibilty. Its not nice, unloading the plug-ins, as the settings for them plug-ins are lost.
@Zynewave wrote:
If I setup a map to a VST/I plugin in one of my tracks, the ‘edit’ button doesnt appear. I have to press play, before it does. Is the plug-in getting loaded on play…and not on setting assigning a map?
Insert plugins are only loaded when monitoring of the arrangement is activated. That’s the lower leftmost power button (shift+space).
Ah, I see. Is this button, some sort of panic button then? Is there any reason why one would want to flick it off…unless they were having some problem with audio feedback etc…?