thanks Frits, and congratulations on your first Podium plugin
I’d recommend editing your email address, so now bots come past and pick it up, otherwise you’ll started getting spammed
xis23 [at] hotmail [dot] come is a way some people write their email addresses online to avoid spam bots
I should add I completely understand your POV suges, as in other genres EQ is a very important tool in crafting the perfect sound 8)
@suges wrote:
To Super Crunchy, I’ve never heard anyone say in my life 5 bands is “overkill”…maybe “good enough” but not overkill. Can’t always “choose another instrument to replace the part” for example, if I was mixing a Britney Spears record and HER VOCALS needed more than 5 bands to sound good (which is likely
) would you suggest replacing HER? Hahahh.
My background is electronic and dance – and I always get sounds to work from teh start – so that’s my experience Of course, everyone works differently and to achieve different things, so all our opinions are valid (including mine)
@super_crunchy wrote:
5 bands is enough, IMO
i did say that too, as well as saying it was overkill … but you chose not to quote the “enough” bit
I think 5 bands is fine for what it is – a sequencer based EQ this will come (free?) with Podium. If people want better, then they should buy a third party plug
5 bands is enough, IMO
edit: to add to my argument, if it’s to be used as a tracking EQ, I really think more than 5 bands is overkill anyway. If you need to EQ a sound with more than 5 bands while tracking, maybe you should choose another instrument to replace that part (or re-record it, or edit a synth patch)
just my opinion
A size of 100kb is nothing in the scheme of things too, and it would be great to see new users’ benefiting from having demo project files to work with, with plugins loaded, so they understand how Podium works
I agree with Max’s responses too
@Improv wrote:
No offence you say? Why in the world would I take offence at something as trivial as any difference of opinion. This is a forum, there is always differences of opinion-so what?
i was just trying to be polite
oh, and Podium’s alot cheaper than Cubase SX and the other big sequencers , but still very powerful … which is why I use it
@Improv: no offence intended, but it really sounds like Podium isn’t for you, if you have to keep questioning why it’s so good
you can’t rely on people telling you why it’s so good, you really have to use it yourself extensively, while working on real tracks, just like any other host. I’ve brought many tracks from concept to near-mastering stage within Podium and for me the workflow is absolutely fantastic. But, for you, perhaps other programs have a better feel. No one will be offended if you choose not to continue using Podium, as everyone works differently and so some tools will feel better than others. Good luck
i personally prefer the terms “track” or “lane”
I really like the new track layout look, veeery nice work. the left pointing arrows are also effective, indicating the signal flow up the heirarchy. I agree that the new layout looks different from the rest of the GUI, but nothing’s stopping you from tweaking the rest of the GUI one day to match the new look (eg. mappings/presets/paramters section at left could use the same thick lighter stroke in it’s design, just like the new track layout)
i’ll tell you what i like about Podium
– overall it feels very polished and professional;
– the GUI – very polished/professional, looks nicer than Tracktion or eXT
– the mixer is damn nice, level meters are great
– midi editing is better than Tracktion and eXT in my opinion… alot better
– easy to put in automation tracks, and the curves are easy to edit
– easy to set up vocoders/side chain compression
– whoa… the support is top notch, new update every couple of weeks!
– once you’ve done your initial set up, you can save a set up project as a template so it’s preloaded with common instruments and effects, and master out etc… then you can get straight into making some music! once the set up is done, it’s very quick to make a tune in Podium because it has a great workflow IMO
– the bounce feature (now includes offline bounce) – great way to bounce down and save CPU!
– the project browser is cool, allows you to set up instruments/effects so presets will automatically appear in the preset window when you use an instrument or effect mapping… saving more time in loading presets
– the fact that the interface is all there in front of you.. if you wanted to, you could always have everything displayed in the Podium interface at once (mixer, arrangement editor, midi editor, track header) and never have to open a new window (i usually edit midi in a new window though)
– you can change the colours of the GUI
…that’s all I can think of for now
maybe some blatant videos, with arrows travelling from bottom right to top left… “this is how the signal flows!”