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  • in reply to: 1.57 #6643

    Hi xis23

    I am not having any success with your suggestion. All that seems to happen, is a partial link to the CakeWalk Folder where the presets are stored is made i.e. C:Program FilesCakewa and thats it.
    I’ve tried to move the presets folder to various places but Rapture seems to lose the plot and not be able to locate them at all then.

    It isn’t a huge problem to be honest. Thanks for the suggestion and if I’m still being dumb about you’re solution then feel free to call me a Horses Ass and point me in the right direction.:roll:


    Technophobia 8)

    in reply to: 1.57 #6640

    Thanks Frits. A welcome addition for VSTi’s

    I still have a preset problem however but, I hasten to add it’s not a problem created by Podium.

    I have a certain CakeWalk VSTi called Rapture which has decided to break away from the common old fxp:fxb format (they have used “prog” instead). Trust CakeWalk to bugger it up!! 😡
    Anyway, I have, at the moment labeled the track sequence as the preset name but it does kind of wreck the usual labels of intro/break/outro etc. Is there any way I can put a label beside the preset panel header to describe the preset location etc (without it linking to the preset) as a reminder for me or indeed if a stickie can be attached to the preset panel itself.

    Keep up the good work (must be difficult to devote the time to Podium in Denmark because the Beer is sooooo good, especially when combined with music, like at the Roskilde Festival 8) )


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