A belated Merry Christmas from me, too!
You probably didn’t set your multi-timbral instrument’s MIDI track(s) to automatic solo mode! Either Alt-click the track’s solo button or press Alt+S when it’s selected (please ignore the outdated shortcut key combination shown in the video).
Normally, all other tracks are muted when you bounce a track. But as you can see, if the MIDI track is muted, no notes get passed to the instrument, and so the bounce output is silent!
Hope this helps. 🙂
You have to disable the ‘Colorize notes with track colors’ option!
Go here from the MIDI editor’s View menu -> Customize Region -> Notes. There you’ll find the option.
With it disabled, notes will be colored with the ‘parameter gradation’ range colors set in the colors dialog (Setup menu -> Colors). The same color range is also used for faders and automation curves!
I’ve been using a project template to start projects with my preferred bus configuration up until now, but I thought I’d try to skip a step and directly use the plug-in database file.
After some testing, am I right in thinking that when you create a project and select “load plugin database”, that really only the plug-ins are loaded from PluginDatabase.pod? I’m asking because it seems that the bus mappings I edited (amount, names, folder structure, etc.) are not loaded, and the default bus setup is created instead. The same goes for audio/MIDI devices, but that is obvious enough as you select them on the new project page.
So… if that means the entries for busses and audio/MIDI devices in PluginDatabase.pod aren’t ever used, why’re they in it? :-k
@Zynewave wrote:
Otherwise, my other option is to be silent about what I’m working on presently, and only release 0.1 or 0.5 version updates each 6 months. These larger updates will then have a wider range of features that hopefully will include something useful for most users.
But… but… who would beta test them? 🙁
@Zynewave wrote:
I think the iPhone/iPod 3.5″ display is too small for serious arrangement work. It will be handy as a portable recorder, and as a quick way to make beats in the drum map editor. I would not find it enjoyable to work on a full arrangement. For that, you’ll need a tablet size device.
That is an interesting point there: why would you use Mobium, which would be a full-fledged studio environment, for something as simple as this on the go? I love Podium, but there are a lot of iPhone apps available that already do these things, and quite possibly do it better (as in they’re quicker or easier to use) because they were designed from the ground up for just one thing, as well as specifically for mobile touch-screen devices.
If the plan is to get the full Podium ported to an iPad-sized device in order to use it as a complete DAW, that’s fine. But just minimizing the interface and making it more touch-screen-friendly while leaving everything as-is isn’t going to work very well because it’s still going to come across as complicated, I think… even more so because of how simple to use most programs for these devices right now.
Nevertheless, I do very much support this development! 🙂
You can double-click a track to open the track properties, where you can disable volume/panorama faders and meters independently. The “minimize MIDI tracks” option in the mixer will work on tracks that have a source mapping which has no audio in- or output configuration (see the device mappings chapter in the guide about this). It seems “minimize audio tracks” will work on any tracks that have one of the above options enabled.
If you’re using a hardware synth you may want to try creating a hardware definition for it in order to be able to assign and use it just like a plug-in instrument. I can’t help with this, though, as it’s one of the few things I never did in Podium myself. 😉
Yep, it seems that did the trick. My Nucleum example project renders fine as well now. Now let’s hope for no side-effects. 😉
I also mostly agree with Trancit that “smart-“phones are a plague at this time… mostly. 😉
However, I think the point for Podium to run on this kind of device isn’t just for marketing, but that tablets (and whatever they’ll evolve into) will become much more powerful quickly and eventually swallow up the PC/laptop market. Though one or two years back I would’ve agreed it won’t happen because so many programs (and most importantly, professional users) depend on higher specs, big screens, keyboards and other things… Tablets might be a toy right now for making music, but it started the same way on computers.
I’d be very interested to hear Frits’ thoughts on the UI matter, seeing as it should be quite exciting for him. 😉
I noticed all the standard menu buttons are missing in the screenshots – those are one of the conventions I was talking about. We all know how to do it by mouse or keyboard, but how do you reach the functions on a touchscreen? What about buttons that are always visible, like tool buttons, drop-down menus and such – is it reasonable to take them along to the “new world”, or are they better off only appearing when needed (just for example, as a single tool button stuck to the right screen edge that expands into a palette when you hover over it/draw some gesture)?
To be honest, all the iApps I’ve seen so far are either very simplified programs or simply unusable, UI-wise. Even as mobile devices will get more powerful, bigger and lighter, I think you mustn’t emulate mouse-and-keyboard behavior on them. I’m curious to learn whether you’ve thought of alternatives. Better get your patents right first, though, or Apple might become a successful innovator again soon. 😆
Don’t worry – I think it was quite obvious you were about to head in this direction, Frits. 😉
I’ve fantasized about it before, but to be honest, I always came to the conclusion that it would not be a good idea to take a “mouse and keyboard-oriented” program and try to use it with a touchscreen. There just are different conventions to it (or at least I think there should be!).
Nevertheless, I will definitely consider getting an iThingy (or whichever OS you get it working on) just for this!
(Sorry, I broke the rules. I’m only going to read the full text plus replies now!)
Hmm, I’m afraid I don’t see any change from how it was before… are you sure you uploaded the correct version? 😛
Video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7NxUCJ96OY (only just uploaded; should become available soon)
It might be interesting to know it happens even when you put the bounce track before the effect that’s creating latency.
Hey Frits… glad to see you back from the coding cave! 😉
It seems zPEQ got under the wheels during the restructuring:
Showing the embedded editor in the inspector additionally freezes everything.
I’ll give the main part of the update a thorough test over the weekend.
Also, previewing a mono sound file in the browser with no arrangement powered on gets sent only to the first output channel (not related to 2.40).
@Infinitoar wrote:
– I’ve decided not to send you the file because even if it is a bug[IF it is] Zynewave will only fix the “paid version” and not the freeware version.[Notice how the freeware version is still on 2.35….]
@Infinitoar wrote:
For my final say so on this whole THING. I SENT the FILE to “thc”. Whenever he can get to it and see what’s wrong I hope is soon.
Huh… well, I’m confused. 😕
Anyway, I did take a look at it, but I guess the result will be disappointing to you because I don’t see anything out of order. When I render the master bounce, it stops right at 5:30 just like it should, and there is only silence after this point…
Here’s what it looks like on my system (sorry, big screenshot):
Could you post a shot of how it looks for you?
I noticed that you seem to have time-stretched the tracks provided for the remix from 134 to 140 bpm – which program did you use for this?
By the way, I’m afraid to say Liquid is right – this amount of SynthEdit plug-ins is guaranteed to make any sequencer cry hard. I had more crashes in 30 minutes than I’ve experienced in the whole 3+ years I’ve used Podium!
Lastly, whether or not you see the delay on Podium Free updates as unfair or not, it’s a fact that any bugs will be fixed in both versions equally. They really are identical, so I’m sorry to say that whatever technical problems you have in Podium Free you will also have in the full version…
@Infinitoar wrote:
And thc how do you find “invisible tracks”?! 😆 They’re invisible so how do you “find them”?
Well, you have to know all the possible ways to hide them in the first place. 😉
Won’t you let me give it a try? Please upload the .pod project file somewhere (without any audio files). You can find it by clicking on the ‘project’ menu button in Podium and selecting ‘explore projects folder’.
I can say I know Podium very well and I believe the trouble and doubt this issue causes you can be easily removed. And if I’m wrong and it really turns out to be a bug, we’ll be able to report it to Frits in a way that he can fix it quickly!