Siegfried, what you’ve asked for has been requested before, but from what I’ve read so far, Frits doesn’t seem convinced. 😉
I haven’t found myself in a situation where I’d need this yet, but here are my two cents anyway:
There could be a “convert (arrangement) to unique copy” function here as well – it should be simple enough for Podium to make the current (modified) arrangement unique and afterwards reinstate the original arrangement as it is in the yet unmodified project file in one go. Of course this would only be saved upon saving the project, as always.
Now this is what you can call a non-programmer’s solution to the problem! 😆
@Zynewave wrote:
Anyways, try the new beta 14:
The events no longer change height according to velocity in the piano roll mode.
There is a new “Highlight line when mouse cursor is on timeline” option in the notes region dialog.
Thanks a lot for these changes. I know I’ve been opposed to some changes and only later came to realize their usefulness, but I hope you can see why these ones might’ve not been ideal for everyone.
And the new video is great. Shows how powerful this feature really is, espcially if it works combined with track templates, as expected.
Okay, I got a little lost editing drum maps during testing. It would be nice if the note row highlighting (in the drum map) followed the selected note in the note map properties dialog. Or if the the default (General MIDI?) note names were displayed ghosted in the dialog.
A few more small findings:
– Due to the notes’ height changing in the drum map, it looks and feels like the velocity handle (using the pencil tool) is outside the note. Also, selecting “small” notes can be done by clicking above or below them. I only bring it up because the thing you said is unintuitive is happening here… and it is, at first, but it’s definitely better than having to hunt pixels. 🙂 Don’t get me wrong, I really do like the note height feature in the drum map!
– The help text for the velocity edit mode buttons still reads “… to set default velocity of 64.”
– Not a problem, but the area where you can click the “keys” to preview at different velocites seems pretty small in the drum map, compared to the piano roll.
@thcilnnahoj wrote:
The note row highlighting – besides that it isn’t consistently bright on white and black rows […]
Wasn’t very clear on this one, so here’s a big picture to emphasize what I mean. The highlight overlay thingy would need to have different brightness depending whether it’s on white, black, or disabled keys.
How about a seperate ‘tap’ field/button to the side of the tempo display box?
Otherwise I’m for
Another suggestion: Maybe the tempo box could show the values of the currently selected tempo events (it would behave the same as it does now when none are selected). For tap tempo to work in an arrangement with tempo changes, I assume you’d first have to move the edit cursor to a tempo event to be able to change its tempo this way – might be a little confusing.
@LiquidProj3ct wrote:
Well I think it’s useful, not to see the key, but to see other far notes that’re in the same row. You could adjust easily relative pitch between notes that’re pretty far, of course, it depends of the music you’re doing 🙂
I guess so, though I can’t see a personal use for it at the moment. I just hope there’s nothing similar planned for the arrangement view, as I feel that it’ll quickly get annoying if everything under the mouse cursor is highlighted and jumps at you.
@Zynewave wrote:
The benefit of the rounded edges, is that it’s easier to discern start and end of individual events, if you have a series of joining 16th notes for example.
Honestly, I think the difference is pretty small. It’s just an aesthetics thing for me, so don’t mind it unless others dislike it, too. It is easier now to discern overlapping notes (it sometimes looked like there were three instead of two notes before), I’ll give you that.
What annoys me more is the note height now being dependant on velocity levels. This was fine for me in the drum map, where you would probably hide all unused note rows, so the vertical zoom level can be set higher – there’s no doubt that it’s useful in this case.
In the piano roll – with a little higher than default zoom level – the differences are so marginal that I’d rather have full-height notes back instead of sacrificing even a little visibility for something that conveys no information to me (or at worst even ends up confusing, as there’s no guaranteed equal spacing between notes on different rows anymore). Besides, I think the note coloring already does a perfectly fine job at this by itself.
Is it not sufficient that the width of the box increases when you zoom out vertically?
Well, that’s not very obvious now, is it? 🙂
I’ll let you and Liquid work this one out as I don’t experience the problem myself. I just mentioned it because, since I already was giving negative feedback, I thought I might as well take the blame for getting on your nerves with this. 😆
Something that seems to have fallen under the table, or maybe was never mentioned, is the possibility of reordering keys in the drum map. For example, the standard GM mapping has hi-hat strokes and tom-toms on alternating keys (probably because it’s easier to play?). If you don’t use an actual keyboard to play drums, though, you might want to have all of one instrument’s articulations placed next to each other in the drum map. Maybe in a future update? O:)
Well, here’re some quick thoughts from your resident nitpicker. 🙁 😛
First things first… the rounded edges and velocity-height relationship are a matter of taste, I guess – not exactly my favorite change ever. Have to see if I can warm up to it… 😉
The note row highlighting – besides that it isn’t consistently bright on white and black rows – doesn’t really serve much purpose, and will most of the time clutter the view, in my opinion. I can see the use when hovering over the keyboard, so you get an indication of which notes would be selected.
Notes themselves are highlighted as well, but just barely noticable. So I wonder why at all, especially since you seemed to step away from highlighting individual elements since the new group panel.
Lastly, I think I’d prefer an extra button instead of a menu entry for toggling between piano roll and drum map, for the reason that it’d be more immediately noticable.
Edit: Umm, I must also say that, while the ‘wide event’ mode is a good idea, it doesn’t work as well as Liquid showed in FL Studio (for the purpose of selecting short notes). It still only leaves 1 px to select a really short note, while the resize handles are at least 4 px wide…
Just an observation. I usually don’t use the pencil tool myself. 😉
Bug: there seem to be weird things happening to the key ‘zones’ when some notes/keys are disabled:
I’d be fine with the smallest possible strip just having meters (maybe without the numeric displays, just a few more marker lines added on the meters, like on the track headers) and no faders. Or dials? New dials with an optional glass look? Oh, don’t mind me… 😉
Also, maybe they could have a simple indication for assigned input and source (kind of like solo/mute on minimized strips).
Personally, I really like this mini-strip in the RME mixer, but the layout wouldn’t fit in well with Podium…
A little bug with controls overlapping when using the mixer setting “Gain/pan fader: Disable”.
With the save/load key map function, I hope the map can still be saved with a track template, like you suggested earlier.
– When using the note editor windowed, right-clicking on the keys opens another note map window each time. It works normally in the embedded editor.
– Right-clicking left of the keys (in the “GBP column”) in a windowed editor opens the note map window, but doesn’t in the embedded editor.
The note map window is very nice. 8) I agree on the idea of a little color picker in there!
– I sometimes enter scale information, but never use the option to highlight it. Now ‘highlight black keys’ doesn’t do what it says anymore when there’s a scale selected?
– Something unexpected: When simply selecting multiple keys in the note map window, they all will receive the name of the first (topmost) selected key upon clicking OK. Has led to accidents during testing. 😉
Nitpicks: The grid color behaves slightly differently in the editors than in the arrangement view. Looks like they don’t use the exact same timeline fill color. I also don’t like the horizontal note divisions too much.
@Zynewave wrote:
[…] Some of the latest updates to the piano roll have not made it into the drum map editor, and so combining them will ensure that the event editing is similar in both the piano roll and drum map mode.
So, instead of selecting between the “piano roll” and “drum map” editor profiles, there will be one profile, and you then have a “enable drum map” option in the menu button (as introduced in the new drum map region), which will toggle between the piano roll and drum map layout.
Sounds good to me. However, there are some users here that would prefer fixed length notes in the drum map. I’m not a big fan of the diamond shapes (or similar), but it might be worth having the option.
Also, to be able to use this toggle option, there’ll probably be an options menu button added to the good old note editor – might be a good place to put some more options in, so it doesn’t feel lonely. 😉 Unless you plan on totally unifying the editors and having the note enable/disable options in the piano roll, too (could be useful for some scenarios, like the ‘fold’ button in Live, which Conquistador showed)!
@Zynewave wrote:
@thcilnnahoj wrote:
The GBP top-align bug seems to be fixed in beta 8. Here’s another one, though:
– It’s aligned to the middle position of any visible drum key lanes instead of the whole editor’s height. Just deselect all but one key and it’ll be top-aligned.That’s on purpose. It will do that in the piano roll as well (if you zoom out and have a big vertical pixel resolution). My intention was to align it as close as possible to the event lines. Would it be less confusing if the panel was always top aligned?
Ah, okay. I only tried in the embedded editor, where the distances the mouse must travel aren’t that huge. It makes sense for editors in separate windows, and I think it’s fine as is then.
A little non-2.31 bug(?): When you minimize and restore Podium (or switch to the project page and back again), the horizontal scroll and zoom settings in the embedded editor are reset. This doesn’t happen in editors opened in a separate window.
The GBP top-align bug seems to be fixed in beta 8. Here’s another one, though:
– It’s aligned to the middle position of any visible drum key lanes instead of the whole editor’s height. Just deselect all but one key and it’ll be top-aligned.
– The tool shortcuts still appear in the sound editor right-click menu.
– A super tiny one: The octave text on the keys overlaps the GBP region when the keys region is resized all the way to the left. Previously, the GBP disappeared when the keys region was resized this much.
Whew, how come it’s suddenly so hot in here! 😆
Little drum editor bug:
When the option buttons and the grid button panel are in separate columns, the GBP suddenly becomes top-aligned when switching to note enable mode, and is reset to be middle-aligned when you exit the mode or enable/disable a note.
The GBP also becomes top-aligned when you resize the velocity region, unlike when in note enable mode, where it stays in the middle.