Nice, though I’m afraid it still glitches if there’s a track above it in the tracklist:
There seem to be a few discrepancies with the “depth” of the group level strips. I’m pretty tired, so I’m not sure what to make of it right now…
Here’s an example picture (thumbnail). On the left is what the actual hierarchy looks like.
A minor issue regarding the follow focus feature: selecting (docked) master or return tracks in the mixer scrolls the tracklist even if those tracks aren’t shown there.
@Zynewave wrote:
@thcilnnahoj wrote:
3. Normally, the navigator zoom snapshot buttons light up when you return to one of their zoom settings. This doesn’t seem to work though if you zoom to the full arrangement length by double-clicking the zoom pane. In the example GIF, I can get the snapshot button to activate after moving the pane around, but not anymore after zooming in and double-clicking to return to the original zoom level.
I’m not getting that here. It looks to me that your zoom snapshot is not exactly the full length.
Can you please verify, and describe how to reproduce this bug?
Yeah, it was a false alarm. If you look very closely, you can actually see that the snapshot highlights a smaller area. I don’t know how I ended up with that snapshot, since I never touch the zoom pane handles.
Sorry about that one.
@Zynewave wrote:
Another idea I had is a ‘tags’ button in the track properties window that opens when you create a new track: It could expand a simplified tag list panel to the side, so you could assign tags right at (multiple
) track creation. the panel should remember its state (shown/hidden) after closing the dialog, to be always there for people when they need it, and others who don’t use track tags won’t have to bother with it. Once your tags are set up, this might be even a little quicker than creating ten new tracks and ticking them one by one.
Oh, and I think it’d be nice if child tracks of a tagged group track would show greyed-out tick marks in the track tags window, whenever ‘include child tracks…’ is checked. You’d much more easily see where the group you’re tagging ends, and I imagine you can get a little lost once you reach 30+ tracks.
When I implement multiple track selection, you would just select all the tracks you want tagged, and then click the tag check button to assign the tag to all selected tracks.
That sounds good too, but as it is right now, you’d have to deselect all tags and go look for your newly created tracks in order to even select them… I look forward to how you’re going to handle linking the tag feature with creating tracks. 🙂
@Zynewave wrote:
I’m considering adding another tag option called “Include parameter tracks of tagged tracks”, placed below the current “include child tracks of tagged group tracks” option.
Currently parameter tracks are always included when the source track is tagged, but would there be situations where you would like to show a bunch of source tracks together, without showing their automation tracks?
Hmm, I wouldn’t have a use for it, personally. As long as there’s the Ctrl-G shortcut, I’m all set to fight hordes of parameter tracks, though that’s of course not the same.
Edit: Actually, I can think of a use. The question is whether parameter tracks of tracks further down the hierarchy that belong to a tagged group, but are not tagged themselves would also be hidden. Ouch, now my head hurts. 😆
@Zynewave wrote:
I’m talking about bus return tracks, not mappings. Currently when you first time assign a new bus send to a track, you need to manually go create the corresponding bus return track.
Ah, suddenly, it makes sense. 😳
Try the new beta3. I’ve made it so that tagged tracks that are part of a hidden/collapsed group, is now always shown. Check if you still get the visual bug as in your screenshot, and then tell me how your track hierarchy is. Note that in beta2 I dropped the implicit display of collapsed parent tracks for tagged child tracks. So, if a tag includes tracks from different groups, the tracks are not displayed with their actual hierarchy relations. It saves the space used for unneeded parent tracks. In beta1, the master track was always shown as collapsed at the top, which was annoying.
It’s the same in beta 3, unfortunately. The hierarchy consists of: Master < Vocals group track < Lead Vocal track. This glitch happens when the "lead vocal" track is shown (without its direct parent group) along with the master track.
I think it’s fine to omit group tracks when only child tracks should be shown. Besides, it looks very nice without the master track. 😉
@Zynewave wrote:
Creating new arrangements will no longer put the return tracks in a “bus return” group, but will just create single return tracks on the same group level as the normal tracks.
Sounds good, as it means more space, but I hope there’ll be some way around assigning new bus tracks to the busses tag by hand.
Another thing I’m going to implement for the busses, is a “Do you want to create a bus return track for the new bus send?” yes/no messagebox which will appear when you add a bus send that does not yet have a return assigned. That gets rid of the manual work you previously had to do when adding extra sends to your arrangement.
Pardon me if we’re talking different things, but I seem to remember Podium creating both send and return mappings all along, when using the devices menu, as well as selecting ‘new instance’ from the right-click menu?
Something that seems to have gone a bit awry in beta 2:
(As before, the vocal track belongs to a group which isn’t shown in this tag selection)
Another idea I had is a ‘tags’ button in the track properties window that opens when you create a new track: It could expand a simplified tag list panel to the side, so you could assign tags right at (multiple ) track creation. the panel should remember its state (shown/hidden) after closing the dialog, to be always there for people when they need it, and others who don’t use track tags won’t have to bother with it. Once your tags are set up, this might be even a little quicker than creating ten new tracks and ticking them one by one.
Oh, and I think it’d be nice if child tracks of a tagged group track would show greyed-out tick marks in the track tags window, whenever ‘include child tracks…’ is checked. You’d much more easily see where the group you’re tagging ends, and I imagine you can get a little lost once you reach 30+ tracks.
In the meantime, I’ve got three minor strange occurences to report:
1. Auto-scrolling to a track in the arrangement view doesn’t scroll far enough, about 2-3 pixels short. Example GIF, in which I make it scroll to the topmost track. There’s still a tiny bit of way left to scroll up (or down). Probably the shadows! 😛
2. The topmost position the navigator zoom pane can be dragged upwards is further down than it’s possible to scroll by other means. Again, a few pixels. Example GIF here.
3. Normally, the navigator zoom snapshot buttons light up when you return to one of their zoom settings. This doesn’t seem to work though if you zoom to the full arrangement length by double-clicking the zoom pane. In the example GIF, I can get the snapshot button to activate after moving the pane around, but not anymore after zooming in and double-clicking to return to the original zoom level.
I remembered it was actually Petersilerdäpfel – the preferred side dish in Schnitzelland. Except for French fries.
(ahem) Can I just quickly mention how much I want the tags to be saved right now? O:)
1. Hmm, yes, it seems that is the case. You have to use the inspector or mixer. Interesting you should say this, because I can’t remember why the commands for adding effects were put in the source selector button menu in the first place, where they become unavailable on minimized tracks, or when you hide the source selectors. Gotta have to read that thread back. 😆
2. I can’t remember it ever using the arrangement name for the bounce file before…? What did Podium name other than the master’s bounce files, then?
I think the quickest way to change the name is to go to the arrangement page, look for your “Master Bounce.wav” in the arrangement folder and rename it. It should keep this name after subsequent bounces. If you just want a one-off export of your master track, use the new “Export To Sound File” command in the File menu on the arrangement page.
3. Well, since the signal flow dictates the visual hierarchy, the inputs must come before sources (instruments) and effects.
If you work with VST’s only, and don’t need to see the inputs, you can disable showing them in the Track Region Properties (View menu -> Customize Region -> …). The source selector will then be the last thing to get hidden when you size tracks down.
I don’t think there’s a way to show inputs on some, and sources on other tracks simultaneously. Though back in that big beta thread, I myself suggested to hide inputs when a source is assigned to a track! I can’t see a use having both input and an instrument on one track, but maybe there is. Maybe MIDI plug-ins…? (Edit: Ah, the suggestion was the other way around! Remove source selectors if there’s an audio input assigned… Of course there’s a need for MIDI input and instrument both, but I am ever so forgetful of MIDI inputs. :blush:)
I don’t care if you call them Track Tags, PCCTG’s or Waldschweinschnitzel in Kürbiskernpanier mit Braterdäpfeln und Preiselbeerkompott – this feature is absolutely divine! 😀
I actually like how the tracks region is separated from the timeline, marker and tempo regions. The check buttons are also a great idea, though I’d never have understood what they do if it weren’t for popup help. 😉
If there’re still free keys, maybe Alt-click could be used to quickly unselect all tags.
Three peculiarities I’ve seen:
1. Say I have a group track for vocals, and in it, there’s a single track that I assigned my “lead instruments” tag to. If the group is collapsed, then I only see the minimized child track if I select the tag, and the only way to expand the group track in this view is with keyboard shortcuts (which is not a problem for me, personally).
I don’t know if this would work, but here’s my suggestion to “smarten” it up a little: If a track that belongs to a group is tagged, always expand its group upon selecting the tag. Granted, the group stays expanded after this, but I think it’s worth trading this annoyance for the other… This is for when you show child tracks only – there shouldn’t be a problem if a group is tagged as a whole.
2. Select a track -> remove the selected tag from it by clicking on the tag’s check button -> the next track with this tag is automatically selected (look for the active selection color). However, it is actually the track that was just unchecked that still has key focus and thus is selected (as also seen by the unchecked tag mark)!
[Edit] 2.1. Closely related… Select a track (example track has the “vocals” tag) -> select a different tag the track does not belong to (“rhythm section” in this example) -> the first track with this tag will appear as selected, but the tags are not correctly checked off. The vocal track also still has keyboard focus. So switching tags should either force the selection on the track that appears as selected, or should not show a track as selected when it isn’t, in my opinion. :-k
3. If I create a track, it’s invisible at first. You said it would inherit the currently selected tag (or tags?) – maybe it’s just not implemented yet.
I don’t think there’ll ever be a version of Podium available on CD, mostly because Podium is frequently updated, and burning new CD’s every time would be quite a waste. 😉
It’s fine however if you burn it yourself. Or even better – just use a USB stick to transfer it over.
Please read the licence agreement again though, before taking it to your studio – I think it says you can install on up to three computers, provided you’re the only one using it, and only use it on one computer at a time!
Since you’re from the UK, another option would be to get the current issue of Computer Music magazine: It has a completely free version of Podium on its accompanying DVD, but it is not eligible for updates like your licence is.
Are you using the embedded sound editor that opens when you click one of “Editor” button above the transport bar – where it says “Tracks, Editor, Mixer, Big Transport” – or are you using the editor that opens up in a new window?
If it’s the first, maybe you minimized it by accident. Try looking for the editor’s title bar:
You can click it and drag it up so the editor becomes visible again.
Otherwise I can’t think of anything right now that could go wrong. I’ve never had something like that happen… 😕
Also, when you say you double-clicked on all four tracks, do you mean you clicked the audio events? Double-clicking the track headers will only bring up the track properties window.
If dynamic categories (like I described earlier… don’t know how to call it) were possible, then I think the first name proposal (tracklist filters or just filters) is still best.
Otherwise, if the feature’s finished as is, then I’m fine with either category or tag.
However, I want to say that I think “tag” is not perfect either. In my opinion, it works backwards compared to how it works in photo applications, for example, where you take a photo and assign tags (descriptors) to it.
Here, you create or select the tags first, and then assign tracks to them. This is fine – I just think it’s not the way tags usually work…?
I don’t know if another new menu entry would be necessary for multiple track creation. I would welcome it if it was simply a “number of tracks to create” numerical entry field in the track properties dialog that opens. Otherwise there’d have to be four menu entries instead of two: add new track, add new tracks, add child track, add child tracks. The entry field should probably be reset to 1 every time, so you can continue to use the two existing “new track” menu entries for quick creation of a single track. :-k
@thcilnnahoj wrote:
So one idea would be to have an (optional) set of pre-defined automatically generated categories for, e.g., tracks that hold (non-auto-assigned) input mappings, tracks that have source mappings (or maybe simpler, audio and MIDI tracks, like in the show/hide options of the mixer), automation lanes (plus their parent tracks, minimized as you said) and so on. That would be a basic but useful filter option, in my opinion… I don’t know if, or how deep you plan on getting into it.
More thoughts on this suggestion: it would be of more use not as pre-defined categories but as entries in the track list column (e.g.
@UncleAge wrote:
b. A user could select multiple tracks to drag into a group (or even via a context menu)
I see the appeal of copy/paste but it does have the small (and I mean ever so small) downside of giving each track an identical name. Also, right-clicking 15 tracks to add them to a group is not quite as appealing as selecting all of them and doing the same thing in one step.
You can move multiple tracks to a new group in one step with the “move to new group” menu entry. There’s no way I know of that would do this with an existing group track, and it also won’t work if the tracks you want to move are not next to each other. I like the sound of multiple track selection!
Please don’t get me wrong – I greatly do want to use this feature. Only some of the added work seemed a bit cumbersome at first, and a few things could maybe be automated. Like for instance, if you had to go through all categories and enable showing newly created busses, it would quickly become more of a chore than a joy to use. It’s good news that this isn’t the case.
So one idea would be to have an (optional) set of pre-defined automatically generated categories for, e.g., tracks that hold (non-auto-assigned) input mappings, tracks that have source mappings (or maybe simpler, audio and MIDI tracks, like in the show/hide options of the mixer), automation lanes (plus their parent tracks, minimized as you said) and so on. That would be a basic but useful filter option, in my opinion… I don’t know if, or how deep you plan on getting into it.
@Zynewave wrote:
1. Is there a way to add multiple tracks at once with the “+” button on the toolbar?
Not currently. Clicking will open the track properties dialog, for naming the new track. If you need an initial number of tracks, isn’t it sufficient that you have the track setting in the “new arrangement” dialog?
Well… for once, I would take a guess most people don’t know exactly how many tracks it’s going to be in the end. That may be a kind of user error, but it still happens. The situation I sometimes find myself in personally is drum tracks. You can’t specify things like “create 2 group tracks, one with 8, the other with 6 child tracks” in the new arrangement dialog.
Maybe this is best done with track templates… I do however see multiple track creation as a rather basic function. Either way, that’s my opinion on it.
I also forgot the most important question: How it will work across different editor profiles! I hope, since you say the categories are tied to an arrangement, that the “filter” is going to work independently.
I’m quite baffled a t the moment. It looks great (and so does the color theme, by the way :wink), but I’ll have to ponder some more about the balance of additional housekeeping vs. the benefits the “categorization” brings to the table. Maybe we’ll get a few ideas about disarming it – if that is necessary at all – after a beta becomes ready.
Some questions that come to mind:
1. Is there a way to add multiple tracks at once with the “+” button on the toolbar?
2. How does this work with group tracks… If you select, for example, the “Bus Returns” group track to be shown, will it automatically show its child tracks? And will it update correctly if you add more child tracks (returns in this example) to it?
3. Is it possible to have only child tracks from various groups shown, and if so, how will it affect the visual routing?
[Edit] 4. (One more): Can you go still back to the a view of all tracks, categorized or not, or do you have to create an “all-encompassing” category first yourself? If it’s the latter, will it update if you add more tracks later on?