I agree that adaptive quantization/smart snap would be a great feature to have. I’ve got lots more FR’s too, but I’ll refrain for now. 😆
Just this one, as it’s related to quantization/snap:
Marquee selections should not be quantized by default! It’s simply stupid that you have to change snap settings sometimes only to select that one more note/event!
There are situations where it comes in handy, so maybe assign shift-click-drag to snap selection to quantize setting.
So is there no quick way for you to ‘patch’ the meter update rate? 😉 Like I said, it works with Live for example, but I wouldn’t know how they do it.
Guess I’m stuck with my original plan b – re-cabling, like you did. It’s workable but gives me a few more things to worry about.
For recording I’m using good old VirtualDub. I wouldn’t recommend it if you don’t already know it (and its bugs) inside-out, as it can be quite crashy. 🙄
What you’re using looks like a good choice!
Glad you do, Frits. Thanks! 🙂
As promised, here it is: Podium project file (including the voice WAVs)
If you do check it out, there’s a problem I’ve encountered… This one bass drum hit precisely at bar 52 is always off the beat when I render a master bounce, and I just cannot figure out why.
Hey everyone!
I made another demo track with just Nucleum and the Z-plugs. Well, and a short robo-voice audio file.
It might need a few listens. 😉
Sorry it’s just the mp3 this time. I’m sort of in a rush now (have to go away for a not-so-fun weekend) and I still need to clean up the project file a little – if anyone’s interested in that, I’ll get it uploaded on sunday evening.
Anyway, I hope someone enjoys it! Have a good one! 🙂
—> Link to mp3
After a few test runs I can say it’s looking good now.
Here’s a new problem that at least wasn’t in beta 1:
When I load a WAV file into beta 3 (by drag and drop from browser or Windows), the event doesn’t display the waveform until the arrangement window is refreshed(?) by opening/closing the inspector/embedded editor/mixer/etc.. It works when I import a file that already has a .mini waveform.
If I attempt to move any audio event at all I get a crash. 🙁
After this (not sure if it’s related) it also crashes when I open an arrangement that has a bounce event somewhere.
@kyran wrote:
Maybe if Fritz could spare half an hour looking at this and then put a big “wine compatible” logo on his frontpage. I’ll happily make convenience scripts to install and configure linux boxes and update the wiki etc.
So, after it first f–ed me over royally during installation 🙄 I finally got my copy of Linux Mint working. If Frits can eventually make Podium run on Linux, I’d appreciate a little help in form of a “setting-up” tutorial.
Now I can at last take a peek at Ardour, Rosegarden, etc. later on… but don’t fret – Podium is where the heart is at. 😉
@moikkelis wrote:
Well that insert doesnt work in “same way”. Example if i select notes and i press insert, it wont duplicate my selected notes.
That’s true, it only works on a single event (yet). But for duplicating one event in the arrangement, like in the second part of your video, you don’t have to CTRL-drag it over and over this way.
While it hasn’t crashed for me, the changes in 2.18 seem to have broken a few things, unfortunately. Did you try the beta version of 2.19? If you still get crashes, I guess Frits could use some more information (plug-ins, etc.) to fix it.
The yellow markers are there to see which measure/bar/beat your event is at more easily, yes? That’s actually quite cool.
For duplicating events a little quicker, like you did in the ‘autopaint’ video, you can select an event and press INSERT (above the arrow keys) in Podium.
Also I want to add that in order to play the videos you need a codec called Techsmith Screen Capture Codec. If you’re using ffdshow 💡 you’ll likely have to enable decoding for this one first, like I just had to.
While I don’t get slowdowns as such, I can’t help but notice CPU usage going up up to 40% on this dual core PC while scrolling or zooming anywhere – it’s still smooth as butter, though. 🙂
The only thing that’s far from it are the panel show/hide animations (but I don’t use them).
Does Podium make much use of your graphics card?
Because I don’t see much difference between my old computer with a partially shot card and the newer PC with a powerful one.