Thanks for testing. The final 3.2.7 installer is now available.
Beta4 is up, which hopefully is the last beta before I release 3.2.7. This beta has a few more optimizations and code cleanup. If you test the beta, please let me know if you find any problems.
A little off topic with this, but could this update allow for multiple tracks to be selected & moved at the same time? If I import a bunch of, say, drum samples onto individual tracks, I then have to select them one by one to move to a drum group track. Not a big deal, until you have to repeat the same action 15 or 20 times. Just a workflow issue.
And maybe I’ve missed this, but a shortcut to select all events on one track would help the workflow too.
Multi-select of tracks won’t make it into this release. It’s on the roadmap, but I have a few other things I’d like to work on before that. A menu command for selecting all events on the focus track is one I’ve missed too, so I will put that in for the final 3.2.7 release.
Quick error report, don’t know if it’s related to the changes in this version.
Error message:
“A plugin has performed an illegal action.
[…] Twin 2 […]
This may have caused memory corruption in Podium. […]”
Plugin: FabFilter Twin 2 version 2.27 (newest at this time), x64.
This happened while switching preset from “Keys – Other – FM Piano 1 DJM” to “Pad – Soft A-M – Afterglow O” during playback of just one track. Didn’t crash Podium, but killed all audio until I powered the arrangement off. Doesn’t seem easily reproducible.
Tested this, and I can provoke the crash too. It can also crash in the previous Podium 3.2.6 release, so it is not related to the new update of the plugin loading. It seems that if the preset switch is done while a note is playing, the plugin crash then occurs at the start of the next note. I don’t think I can do anything to prevent that.
Hi. How far should I adjust buffer size, now that I can? Or would it be best to leave at 128 default? The benefit of smoother automation makes me want to lower it a lot, but are there drawbacks to low buffer size? Sorry if I ask too much—
If you set it to 128, then the bounced audio should be identical to previous Podium versions (unless you use an even lower ASIO buffer size). Since the buffer size can affect the generated audio, I recommend leaving it at the ‘Audio driver’ setting. That way the bounced audio should be identical to what you are hearing during normal playback. The drawback to lowering the buffer size is that Reaktor will crash 😉 Other plugins may have similar problems. The bounce rendering process should also take longer with smaller buffer sizes, since the overhead of handling the buffer changes will be larger.
Would it be feasible to include MIDI Out devices in the track input selector menu?
Support for routing the MIDI output of a plugin into the input of the plugin above it in the chain is on the roadmap. It’s not a simple thing to implement, so it won’t make it into this release.
Does the fact that the Image-Line plugins have vectorial interfaces have an influence on the newly implemented threaded processing?
As you have Reaktor, would you mind confirming that its Song Position module isn’t enacted in Podium?
Right-click structure > Built-in Modules > MIDI In > Song Position
The output of it should count up every 96th note, when playback in Podium is engaged. i haven’t been successful in achieving so. Which is weird, because other plugins that have synced LFOs or step sequencers happily lock onto the timeline.
The Image-Line UI should not affect the threaded processing or the changes to the plugin loading system in this release. I have not worked with Reaktor before, so I’m not sure how the Song Position module is supposed to behave, but if I follow your instructions then I don’t see any animation on the module during playback.
Beta3 is up.
– (3.2.7 beta 2) Loading any color scheme disables my audio interface (deselects it as active ASIO device in the Audio/MIDI preferences). Doesn’t happen in 3.2.6.
– (3.2.6) Setting volume or pan via numeric entry on a track with post-effects metering disables the meter. The dialog in which you enter the value (Effect Track Properties) has a blank selection for “meter mode” no matter which track the meter is set on.
Fixed. Thanks for reporting these bugs.
In addition to bug-fixes, beta3 has a new “Offline bounce buffer size” option in the Preferences dialog. I was working on a bug-fix for NI Reaktor which would crash when doing an offline bounce. It turns out that Reaktor crashes with any buffer sizes below 160 samples, and previous Podium versions used a fixed buffer size of 128 for offline bouncing. I was not able to make NI Reaktor behave with lower than 160 sample buffer sizes, so therefore this new option. The new default is “Audio driver setting”, but you can select a buffer size as low as 16 samples. The only benefit from selecting a smaller buffer size is that VST parameter automation will be smoother, since VST parameters are updated only once at the start of each buffer.
Thanks. Good to know.
Hi Steve,
The main search form on the website searches both the normal pages as well as the forum topics. You can input a search either on or by clicking the ‘+’ button at the top right of each page.
Thanks for testing. I’ve also encountered more plugins that won’t work with the background thread option, so I suggest you ignore this option from now on as I definitely will remove it for the final release.
Beta2 is up, with a couple of bug-fixes. While testing NI Reaktor I found that it could crash if the preset was loaded in the background thread. So now presets are also loaded in the main thread, like older Podium versions. I’ve found another crash issue with offline bouncing of NI reaktor tracks, which also was present in older Podium versions. I’ll continue to work on a fix for this.
Hi Jan. Sorry for the late response.
1/ Podium can send MIDI timing clock and MTC messages, but you need to enable that with the checkbox options for each MIDI output in the Audio/MIDI dialog. Podium should also respond to MIDI start/continue/stop messages but it does not sync to incoming MIDI timing clock or MTC messages.
2/ There are some ‘rollback’ options on the metronome preferences page.
If you look at the MIDI indicator in the Podium transport toolbar, does this also become unresponsive after two seconds of playback?
Do you have other MIDI inputs that you can try?
If it is the MIDI driver that gets disconnected, then you can restart it by opening the Audio/MIDI dialog and press ok. No need to restart Podium.
Also check that you don’t have other applications running that use the MIDI ports. If you have MIDI-OX open when running Podium there may be a conflict if they both try to open the MIDI driver.
Installed the demo today and I get the same behavior. I debugged the window size messages received from the plugin but I cannot make sense of it 😕
I tried changing the Podium code for handling plugin window sizing but got the same behavior. The first time the plugin window is opened it requests the host to sets its size to width=2 and height=26. Immediately after that comes a second request to set the window to its proper size. When the plugin editor has been closed and is reopened, only the first request for a size of 2×26 is sent. I hope you can live with the workaround.
Transfer complete. If you see this message, it means you are loading from the new server. I have not yet activated the SSL certificate, as I first want to make sure the website is still working properly after the transfer. If you notice any problems with your account and download of files, please let me know.
Hi Utpara,
Sorry for not responding sooner. Can you elaborate on what you mean with flat and dull? Is it simply a matter of audio volume difference, or does the frequency spectrum change?
Depending on the plugins you use, they could produce a different output if their processing is called faster than realtime. Also, the Podium offline rendering uses a buffer size of maximum 128 samples, which also could produce slightly different results compared to if you are monitoring with a higher ASIO buffer size. Plugin parameter automation is processed at the beginning of each buffer, so a smaller buffer size should result in smoother parameter automation.