Just a short update: Version 1.09 has been released which adds extended error check on preset assignments.
I’ve made the keyboard editor horizontal grid lines a little darker. Will be available in v1.10.
Is there any way to increase the velocity of a note independently of any other notes occuring at the same time?
Select the ‘checkmark’ button in the left edge of the velocity lane, or use the context menu ‘edit only selected events’. Drawing in the velocity lane will then only affect the notes you have selected in the keyboard region.
Also would it be possible to have an option to set a note color for a specific key
That could potentially become a mess. As it is now, the colors of the events differ depending on whether they are selected or not, and depending on their velocity. The basic colors can furthermore be customized in the Colors dialog in the setup menu. Allowing custom coloring of each note would require an additional 12 color settings in this dialog, which I think is a bit much. Why would you want this option? Maybe I just need to emphasize the grid lines that separate the notes.
@ageis wrote:
Slightly off topic… what’s coming in 1.10? 😉
I’m working on improving the MIDI file import currently.
I recently reorganized the Future Development topic. Anything that is in the pipeline is written in bold. I update the page frequently.
OK, just browsed through http://www.em411.com and my impression of the site is good. It does seem to be more focused on user reviews/submissions of interesting stuff, rather than being an info site for press-releases by companies. I wonder if it would be fitting for me to post about Podium there?
Agreed. I intend to put out a word when 1.10 is released later this week.
I must admit I haven’t visited 411.com much, but I’ve just signed up there, so I’ll check it out.
Yes, of course. The download topic in the VIP Lounge forum now contains links to two zip files. One zip file for the main pages of the zynewave.com website, including the Podium Guide, and an additional second zip file for the videos.
Just extract the the two zip files into the same folder, and you can surf the entire zynewave.com website offline, with the exception of the Community pages.
A few technical details:
Some of the updates in this release are made in preparation for implementing bussing in the mixing engine. As a result of the extended error check on preset objects and global instance mappings, your old projects may show some new track error popups. Follow the description in the popups to resolve the conflicts.
If you have used global plugins in your older projects and have placed MIDI mappings on subtracks of a track with an audio mapping, you need to move the group of MIDI tracks up on a level outside the plugin audio track.
The reason for this restriction is because tracks with MIDI and audio mappings of a global plugin need to be compensated with the same latency delay. If you in previous Podium versions would insert a plugin with latency delay between a parent track with an audio mapping and a child track with a MIDI mapping of a global plugin, the latency calculation routines would fail.
Assuming you have assigned the plugin on a track and monitoring is active; create a new bank library preset on the track using the track menu. Right click on the new preset in the preset list (or press Alt+Enter with key focus in the list) to get to the properties dialog for the preset. Choose the ‘Import…’ button and locate the fxb file.
After exiting the dialog the new bank should now be loaded into the plugin. You may additionally want to use the track menu ‘Update programs list’ to update the list of presets in the ‘Programs’ folder to the new contents of the plugin preset bank.
Ok, the forum is now open.
Some of you mentioned that you would like to contribute definition files. Go for it.
Hi nhytro,
I believe the ASIO problem with Creamware cards is resolved. I have not had the chance to test it myself, but nproject responded to the 0.92 release topic that it had fixed his problems. Download the demo and try it out.
Hi loop,
No, sorry. Some plugins support MIDI parameters as well as VST parameters, so these plugins can be controlled with a MIDI keyboard.