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  • in reply to: Purchase Inquiry – no answer..? #20412

    @chase wrote:

    However… i inquired as to the upgrade costs after seeing a post on the topic in the forums and some questions regarding purchase via email about a week ago..

    nobody replied – this has me a little conserned.

    Hi chase,

    Sorry for the late reply. I hope you got my reply to your email yesterday. I’ve been busy with other matters the last couple of months, so my presence on the forum has been less frequent than usual. I hope things return to normal soon.


    in reply to: What`s up with Podium developement??? #20410

    @Trancit wrote:

    1. Something bigger is on it´s way (what I personally hope)
    2. the project is dying…:shock:

    Something big is not on its way, and the project is not dying. Although, in the future I will have less than the 70 hours per week I’ve spent on Podium for the last 5 years. Once I am ready to resume work on Podium, I’ll post about the status. Hopefully the dust settles within a couple of weeks.

    in reply to: Arranger Track in Podium #20409

    I don’t know precisely how the Cubase arranger track works, but I assume you mean a way to piece together a song by specifying a sequence of sections, like: intro, verse, chorus, etc.

    A while ago I had an idea for a new feature on the marker event lane, that would allow easy manipulation of timeline sections. That is however a feature that currently is low on the priority list.

    in reply to: problem) cant buy podium #20408

    Don’t worry about expiring upgrade periods. I’ll catch up with all that eventually. I’m still tied up with other non-Zynewave stuff.

    in reply to: Minimize window #20407

    @batman42ca wrote:

    So you’re saying that this is a Window’s issue with smaller window frames and it’s out of your control?

    Yes. Even if I tell Windows to show the min/max buttons, it will not show them on the small window border frame.

    in reply to: Minimize window #20357

    It’s because the editor windows (and all the other non-project windows) use a smaller type of window frame, on which Windows does not show the minimize/maximize buttons.

    in reply to: Lost import plugin menu option #20347

    I think I know what caused this. Your “project template library folder” in preferences was probably set to your main projects folder path.

    I’ve checked the code, and I found that if the number of folders/project templates exceeds 100, the construction of the “Load Plugin Setup from Template” submenus can be skipped prematurely, causing the remaining menus to not display properly. I’ll fix that.

    in reply to: problem) cant buy podium #20346

    I’ve been busy with stuff not related to Podium the last few weeks, so the shop is still offline. I hope to have everything sorted soon. I’ll reply to this topic when the shop is open again.

    in reply to: Tags (late to the party) #20345

    @druid wrote:

    Is there any reason you thought a group should become a bus return group if a bus return track was inside?

    The group track will only be marked (internally) as a bus return group/section, if it is the only group that has bus return tracks child tracks. Podium uses this to include the group track in the docked bus return section in the mixer, if you have enabled the docked bus option in the mixer region properties.

    in reply to: Lost import plugin menu option #20326

    @batman42ca wrote:

    On the Podium page that shows “Contents – Arrangements, Sounds ” and “Devices – I/O Busses, Plugins” menu bars, I used to have a menu option under “Devices – I/O Busses, Plugins” for “Import Plugin“.

    What could I possibly have done to make that menu option disappear?

    I’m using Podium Free – version 2.37.

    Weird. Please provide more details of what commands you do see in the menu.

    in reply to: FR: A/B the Global Solo/Mute/Record Arm state. #20325

    @levendis wrote:

    Say you have a set of tracks (possibly of different groups) soloed. The Global Solo button will light up and when clicked will un-solo those tracks.

    What I’d like is to then be able to click the Global Solo button again and have the previous track solo states invoked.

    Auditioning recent edits could then be A/B’d between the output of all tracks (bar those muted) and a selected sub-group.

    I think you can achieve what you want, by using the undo/redo commands to A/B the solo mode changes.

    in reply to: x64 version? #20324

    @4mica wrote:

    So, Frits, you have a new computer now? Congratulations if you do…

    I don’t have a new computer yet. Still no ETA of a 64-bit Podium build.

    in reply to: Tags (late to the party) #20323

    @druid wrote:

    Frits, is this intentional, or an oversight? I don’t really want midi going to my group track for analysis, just want audio to run through it, almost for it to be invisble.

    Input selectors are removed from all tracks in the bus return section. When you move a bus return track into a group track, this group track becomes the bus return section (which can be shown docked in the mixer). This was done as I thought it would be confusing to be able to assign inputs in the bus return section. So it is intentional, but I’ll consider removing the auto-hide of the input selector.

    in reply to: S L O W loading and "not responding" errors #20322

    @ronin wrote:

    There was a problem a few versions ago which prevented fast shutdown of Podium. Security tools like virus scanners caused a massive delay while writing the configuration file. This has been fixed a few versions ago and that fix should already be in Podium free too.

    This was fixed in 2.38, so it will appear in the next Podium Free release.

    in reply to: How do I make my CPU stable #20321

    I’ve removed the spam links from the post, and locked the account.

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