@Conquistador wrote:
…I get the feeling he loves design work and it gives him a much needed break from things like MIDI and Audio related features.
That sums it up pretty well. It can be quite exhausting to work on the engine code, so I do need to get back to straightforward UI design once in a while.
Although, I’m not happy with the amount of time I so far have spent on the 2.38 font resize feature. There were a lot of places in the UI that needed to be made scalable. I underestimated the amount of time needed for that. Still, I think the scalable UI is an important feature when looking years into the future. The DPI resolutions of screens are increasing rapidly if you for example consider the new “retina” (Apple buzz word) resolutions that are appearing on the fast-growing tablet market. This means that there can be huge DPI resolution differences between different PC systems that you may use to run Podium, so it’s important that the user is able to scale the size of the entire UI. The support of touch-input is another feature that requires the UI controls to be larger than when using mouse-input.
That is just some thoughts on why I’m spending time on making the UI scalable. Some of the new images/icons in 2.38 have replaced images I designed more than 15 years ago. It was time to let them retire 😉
Does it scan/import with the correct mappings?
What happens when you try to load it on a track?
Does it crash during scanning, or what doesn’t work?
Make sure you haven’t enabled the “Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth” in the MIDI output list.
Beta4 is up.
This beta includes some fixes, and redesigned tool icons. Like with the new object icons, the tool icons are now unicolored. Let me know what you think of the new design. The new select tool icon may be a bit cryptic :-k.
I plan to update the mouse cursor tool icons as well, to match the new pencil, eraser and scalpel tool icons.
There is no command for automatically sorting the plugins according to type or developer. You can sort them alphabetically by selecting multiple objects, and using the right-click menu. Other than that, you’ll need to manually drag-reorder the plugins the way you desire. You can also manually organize them into sub-folders.
If you create the copies by Ctrl+dragging with the mouse, you can press the Ctrl key repeatedly (while dragging) to toggle between dropping phantom or unique copies. The mouse cursor changes between ‘+’ (unique) and an arrow (phantom).
Beta3 is up.
All the object icons have been redesigned so that they are unicolored. This means there shouldn’t be any visibility issues with different color setups. I’ve also fixed a lot of issues with the select and inactive select coloring various places in the UI.
Let me know what you think of the new object icons.
By coincidence, this was changed in the latest 2.37 release. Check out the release note:
You’ll need to wait for the 2.37 Free version, or you could try the 2.37 demo to check if the new bypass behaviour is what you want.
Unfortunately I currently don’t have an audio interface that allows selecting among different clock sources through ASIO. I’m using an RME hammerfall interface, and all clock source settings are handled in the RME control panel. I just checked that it worked when using SPDIF as clock source.
Check your E-MU control panel. Perhaps you can select SPDIF as clock source there, or at least see an indication whether the SPDIF input is present.
Also check that your SPDIF input is actually 44100 Hz. If not, then try selecting 48000 as samplerate in Podium.
@thcilnnahoj wrote:
– Love the new pin icon, tabs, inspector panel and editor/mixer headers. I could list a few more places that would look nice with a soft gradient like that. 😉
Then, by all means, list the places. 😉
Also, as you know from my constant complaining about this (:blush:), most icons become invisible if you use both bright text and bright selection colors (or both dark). As you’re working on them now, maybe it’s the right time to take care of this.
Please refresh my mind with an example. The new icons I’m designing are all colorized with the text or selection text color. For example, the previous pin icon was a photographic image that wasn’t colorized, so it could be difficult to see with some bright color setups. I’m going to redesign the edit tool icons so they can be colorized as well.