Topic: 1.94

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  • #1395
    • Redesigned the UI for the track inspector and the split bar to the right of the inspector. The inspector now has a title bar with a view menu button and a minimize button. Double-clicking the title bar also minimizes the inspector.
    • Added “master chain”, “gain”, “pan” and “send” options to the inspector view menu. These options control what is shown in the group panel.
    • Added “tracks region properties” shortcut to the inspector view menu.
    • Added bounce buttons to the group panel.
    • Moving the mouse in the group panel will highlight the clickable control under the mouse.
    • Device mappings can be assigned directly from a popup menu in the group panel.
    • Redesigned the BSMR buttons.
    • Updated all toolbar indicator fields with new fonts and graphics.
    • The play cursor indicator in the transport toolbar now shows both clock and bar/beat time. The font will scale to the configured toolbar height.
    • Added “center align” toolbar element.
    • Added “undo menu” and “redo menu” toolbar elements. The default setup has been modified to use the new menu buttons. The menus show each undo and redo edit with the time elapsed since the edit was made. The menus can be opened with Alt+Z and Alt+Y.
    • The file, edit, view, setup and quantize toolbar menus can be opened with the key shortcuts Alt+F, Alt+E, Alt+V, Alt+S and Alt+T.
    • Added “Arrangement – Big Transport” editor profile to the default setup.
    • Modified the coloring of various button and background images to enhance visibility on darker color schemes.
    • Added new “Nightfall” color scheme.
    • The old “enable audio mixing” option in the track properties dialog has been replaced with separate options for enabling gain and pan controls. Tracks with audio mappings assigned will now only show the gain/pan controls if enabled in the track properties.
    • The track minimize state no longer controls the mixer strip. Instead there is a new “Hide Mixer Strip” option in the mixer strip/header context menu. Shortcut is Shift+H.
    • Audio tracks no longer inherit the record mode of parent tracks. This change is made to allow automation recording on an effect plugin track without affecting playback of audio child tracks.

    The .pod file format has been updated for this release, so it is recommended that you make backups of your projects.


    * Audio tracks no longer inherit the record mode of parent tracks. This change is made to allow automation recording on an effect plugin track without affecting playback of audio child tracks.

    It is always not working for me : there is no sound from the track when I record the automation. 😥 😥 😥
    Can you verify please ?



    There seems to be an oversight with the way the track inspector resizes. I have circled the areas here:

    Please note that I have found that this happens with both new and existing projects.


    There is also something funny when resizing the track inspector : the loop and selection bars are not refreshed and stay in place on screen until I click on and move them.


    Confirmed. There is something wrong with resizing the track area.


    Besides the UI bug, I must admit, this is a huge update for me.. Very useful things have been added! Thank you Frits! But I have two questions:

    1. You seem to have changed the behaviour of the left arrows in the group panel. I found it quite useful to chose the hierarchy level via the drop down menu. This is gone now.

    2. The new highlighted regions in the group panel, which open a drop down menu are so important for me, but I wonder why I can’t use this important feature when a track does not already have a mapping assigned. It only works if there is a mapping. This feature would make the most sense when being able to chose and add fx plugins faster than before. In the current state, it only speeds up “changing” plugins..

    The new BSMR buttons are great. I also like the power, the inspector has gained now.

    Thanks again! Great work!



    @H-man wrote:

    There seems to be an oversight with the way the track inspector resizes.

    DOH! This was an attempt at a graphics optimization made yesterday, that I obviously didn’t test thoroughly. I have uploaded a new build of 1.94. Please delete your old installer and download the new one. Important: Uninstall your old 1.94 installation BEFORE running the updated 1.94 installer.


    @acousmod wrote:

    * Audio tracks no longer inherit the record mode of parent tracks. This change is made to allow automation recording on an effect plugin track without affecting playback of audio child tracks.

    It is always not working for me : there is no sound from the track when I record the automation. 😥 😥 😥
    Can you verify please ?

    My guess is that your plugin is assigned to the track with the sound files?
    You need to put the effect plugin on a separate group track.


    @Podianer wrote:

    1. You seem to have changed the behaviour of the left arrows in the group panel. I found it quite useful to chose the hierarchy level via the drop down menu. This is gone now.

    They have been removed temporarily. I’m continuing work on the track inspector for the 1.95 release.

    2. The new highlighted regions in the group panel, which open a drop down menu are so important for me, but I wonder why I can’t use this important feature when a track does not already have a mapping assigned. It only works if there is a mapping…

    If you check the “use object name…” option in the track properties, then you can select the mapping popup from a “blank” track. This is also something I may revise for the 1.95 release.


    My guess is that your plugin is assigned to the track with the sound files?
    You need to put the effect plugin on a separate group track.

    Yes, I was doing like before.
    It is a shame, if we need one more track when we want to automate a plugin, it is not really a workflow improvement !…

    But I have just tried to put the wave file in a subtrack : there is always no sound.
    What is wrong ???


    @acousmod wrote:

    But I have just tried to put the wave file in a subtrack : there is always no sound.
    What is wrong ???

    Did you enable the gain control on the child track? Otherwise the track will inherit the record mode from the parent track meaning it will be muted during recording.


    OK, it works.

    BUT : please, can you allow this to work like before ?
    It was one of the things that was nice in Podium and didn’t need convoluted actions to work.

    I don’t know what is the technical point behind this change, but for me it is out of logic if we can have a pluging inserted on an audio track and can automate its parameters by drawing an enveloppe, but need to create a sub track and put the audio files on it if we want to record the enveloppe with the GUI.

    And another big drawback is that the waveform doesn’t appear under the enveloppes if the audio track if below them.


    Biggest update ever! 😯



    @Zynewave wrote:

    @H-man wrote:

    There seems to be an oversight with the way the track inspector resizes.

    DOH! This was an attempt at a graphics optimization made yesterday, that I obviously didn’t test thoroughly. I have uploaded a new build of 1.94. Please delete your old installer and download the new one. Important: Uninstall your old 1.94 installation BEFORE running the updated 1.94 installer.

    Now it works!
    Thanks for this BIG update!

    sam c

    Nice update Frits, thanks.

    I notice when I minimize my audio tracks my mixer view follows. Is this right?

    Are the fonts optional?

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