Topic: Preview 2.04: Pre/post fader and meter improvements

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  • #12979

    Beta4 is uploaded. I think I’m done with adding features for the 2.04 release. Still a couple of days remaining with testing and bug-fixing.


    @Conquistador wrote:

    Couple of things...instead of “Click to toggle pre/post fader” Maybe “Click anywhere in the Grid to toggle Pre post fader” is better. I see that as adding a bit more clarity and really finishing off a superb round of upgrades to the mixer.

    As this is a text that is constantly shown in the popup, I’m looking for something that is briefer than the text you suggested. The popup would otherwise be twice the width.

    Mixer header info: I still think it would give a user a really nice way to see what is in the mixer but without needing to have it visible all the time. Any reason why you think it is not a good idea? Only showing info for the focus track is an advantage surely if that is what the user has currently selected…no?

    I just don’t think that the mixer title is a proper place to put this kind of info. I would hate having to constantly see this fader/meter info in the title when working in the timeline editors, where I’m not concerned with pre/post fader setup. Especially as the text would update whenever the track focus moves. It would draw my attention to irrelevant info.


    @Zynewave wrote:

    As this is a text that is constantly shown in the popup, I’m looking for something that is briefer than the text you suggested. The popup would otherwise be twice the width.

    Ok…good point.

    I just don’t think that the mixer title is a proper place to put this kind of info. I would hate having to constantly see this fader/meter info in the title when working in the timeline editors, where I’m not concerned with pre/post fader setup. Especially as the text would update whenever the track focus moves. It would draw my attention to irrelevant info.

    He he…cool. It’s just an idea that I think will make things easier (optional even) but lets move on…:) 😛 I am more than happy with the changes so far and the Grid looks very accessible now. Thanks! 2.04 looks great!

    Beta4 is uploaded. I think I’m done with adding features for the 2.04 release. Still a couple of days remaining with testing and bug-fixing.

    Yes…it’s a very nice update already…anything else can now wait for 2.05. 8)

    You know what is really strange about 2.04? While it’s not the same thing you could even call this Mixer Grid feature……………………the zGrid! How is that for irony?



    My time is a bit tight at the moment sorry….but after a brief run out I have to say I really like the way the pop up updates. Very clever. I have not spent enough time on Beta 4 to find bugs (if there are any) but so far so good. 8)

    The mixer looks great!


    The changes so far look beautiful and very usable!

    But I’ve noticed a small bug. I use a dualhead setup. One screen shows the arrangement and the other the mixer panel but I guess this not nessecary for the bug. It just helped me discovering that.

    Add a track and leave the metering options disabled.
    1. The mixer panel doesn’t show the meter (thats right since we disabled the meter) but the arrangement panel does.
    2. If I add an effect to that track the meter in the arrangment panel disappers but the context menu says it is enabled. (it can be reenabled by deactivating the fader and activating it again)

    There are a few more “enabling and disabling the meter”-related glitches.
    The arrangment meter sometimes disappers if an effect is inserted and you switch between pre/post. This happens only on some tracks.
    Sorry I can’t give a detailed way to reproduce this right now but this seems only to appear if fader and meter are set to the last effect in the chain.

    edit: I was using beta4 🙂


    @ronin wrote:

    Add a track and leave the metering options disabled.
    1. The mixer panel doesn’t show the meter (thats right since we disabled the meter) but the arrangement panel does.
    2. If I add an effect to that track the meter in the arrangment panel disappers but the context menu says it is enabled. (it can be reenabled by deactivating the fader and activating it again)

    Thanks for testing. Last night I fixed a bug related to the meters in the tracks region. I’ve just uploaded beta5, which has a lot of bug-fixes. Please try this and check if you still find meter inconsistencies.


    A few short tests with b5 didn’t show any inconsistencies.
    Very good response time frits 🙂 22 minutes between reporting and an avaiable fix 😆

    I’ll do some more testing later this day.


    I have a problem with the parameter tracks in the current beta. I cannot move the faders of parameter tracks in the mixer. Anybody else noticed this?


    I can confirm that the parameter faders are not movable since beta 2.


    @swindus wrote:

    I have a problem with the parameter tracks in the current beta. I cannot move the faders of parameter tracks in the mixer. Anybody else noticed this?

    Fixed last night. I’ve just uploaded beta6, which is the final beta. I’ve now completed my testing and bug-fixing. Please try this version and let me know if everything seems ok. This version now saves all the new settings to the pod file.

    If everything is ok, I’ll release 2.04 this weekend.


    I think a phase button would complete the mixer. I think there are other things like Mixer snapshots e.t.c that can be added but a phase button is IMO the last item to really complete the mixer. 8)

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