Topic: when will it be possible

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  • #10751

    1. It’s like a guitar pedal rig where the signal goes into the first pedal, through the others and out the last one to the amp; turning each one on and off as needed?

    Something like that. The zGrid plugin would be an insert plugin, and so each effect plugin used within the zGrid instance would be local to the track. On each track you place a zGrid instance, you can have a different effect setup.


    @Zynewave wrote:

    1. It’s like a guitar pedal rig where the signal goes into the first pedal, through the others and out the last one to the amp; turning each one on and off as needed?

    Something like that. The zGrid plugin would be an insert plugin, and so each effect plugin used within the zGrid instance would be local to the track. On each track you place a zGrid instance, you can have a different effect setup.

    OK cheers. I get it now. I was assuming that there would only be one global instance of zGrid.


    Reviving old thread…

    Consider this:
    I use a technique when mixing vocals that separates certain frequency bands. I apply FX to each band separately. I don’t do this all the time but it does allow me to get a mix that sounds somewhat more dense/full when the arrangement is sparse. Funny thing is that I bought a guide recently that highlights this technique, however, the focus was for Reaper. I had done this type of mixing in Tracktion using racks for quite some time. It was a nice surprise to see the technique laid out in the guide.

    With that said, I was looking forward to seeing zGrid added to Podium as it seemed as though it would give me the ability to send the dry signal along several different paths (parallel signal routes) and have in essence three or four separate FX chains (running in serial) affecting each band of frequencies separately.

    Frits I know you have been busy with improvements but I have to ask…

    Is zGrid still on the table for development?
    Will it help me achieve the goal above?
    Will we see it by the end of the year?
    Will it have the ability to “input from” or “output to” other tracks?
    Will it process audio & midi?
    Will it have a drag & drop UI?
    Have you changed your mind about providing functionality for multi-out Vsti’s?

    I know some of the above questions were discussed earlier in the thread but its been a while (almost a year) since the last input on this thread and I’m hoping you can give us an update, as well as a glimpse into the scope of what this major addition would cover.

    Thanks 🙂


    @UncleAge wrote:

    Is zGrid still on the table for development?

    zGrid never got past the idea stage. It’s still on the table for a future project, but that is far away. The idea for zGrid came about because of the (back then) tedious way that serially chained effects were handled in Podium. Since then I have made several improvements to the Podium UI that has provided a better and integrated way of doing things that zGrid was supposed to be the answer to. These enhancements includes the compact track mode and track templates.

    Will it help me achieve the goal above?

    It would, but a parallel processing as you describe can also be set up in Podium using busses. It requires that you dedicate a bus instance for this purpose. Create an audio track with your vocal wave files, assign the bus send, enable gain on the bus send track and turn the gain to off (unless you want some dry signal going through to the mix). Now set up any number of additional tracks with the bus return as source, and assign separate effects to each track.

    Have you changed your mind about providing functionality for multi-out Vsti’s?

    If you mean allowing multi-out VSTis inside a zGrid instance, then the answer is no.


    Thanks, I’ll give that solution a run through.

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