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  • #21696

    My list :
    #1 Possibility to merge 2 entries MIDI
    #2 Possibility of starting the recording on an event “Note on”.
    #3 Implementation of VST MIDI
    #4 Tracks variation of tempo



    if we’re talking about the merge function… I would like to get proper audio merge, with volume edits…

    Now, if I take a wave, split it, adjust volume and position, when trying to merge into a single wave again, all the volume edits are gone.

    The work around is bundle events, but that is not really merging, isn’t it?

    See this:

    Uploaded with

    The Telenator

    Wow . . . you’ve really done it this time. First of all, I think you may have missed your calling. The video illustration you’ve given us is so clear and well done that perhaps you should be in the film and video editing field. In fact, your great illustration makes the process look easier and faster than it often is!

    Second, this brings up some additional issues for me: I prefer not to think about this idiosyncrasy of Podium at all, unless I’m actually doing this job at that very moment. Further — and this betrays my age — I’m formerly a tape and scissors guy because that was all we had. And I still have that in my head when I’m putting clips together — which means also, as helpful as Podium is trying to be by automatically creating fades when you shove two segments together, splicing tape together (of course) doesn’t do that, and we relied on our ears to make things turn out right. The only editing tool I completely trust is my ears. The first time I encountered this using Podium I hadn’t read about it yet, but saw right away what it was trying to ‘do for me’. One of my personal quirks is that I don’t like anyone or anything helping me unless I’ve expressly asked for it. So I’m wishing there was a big red Kill Switch in the corner. Splicing is a job I never rush on in the first place, and I’ve always had the knack of splitting tracks without any pops or clicks resulting — I simply zoom in quickly and find a zero crossing or often just a tasty spot that I know will work.

    All right, having got my personal issues vented, what can be said about this? This is just the way Podium does it, and I suppose I could build a defense for this method, though it is foreign to my ancient Tonemeister training and the way I’ve seen other DAWs do it. Being a reative cheap skate and usually stubborn enough to do everything the long and hard way, I sometimes think my life is just a series of endless workarounds. Are you saying here that you just want the volume edits to be ‘lockable’, able to be frozen when satisfied — whatever term we want to give it? I’m not sure, but that might not be too hard to implement. I probably waste more time than some from double checking results, because this process still spooks me a bit.

    Mickael, just before you, mentioned as #1 on his list merging MIDI, but I have to assume this means throwing two separate tracks together, more of a side by side thing I think. Yet this could also include ‘splicing’ two separate ‘entries’, as they are referred to there. However, MIDI is a completely different animal in that regard. MIDI info is technically quanta, and each little package follows along in more of an analog fashion. If not limited by your editor, you should be able to pull each quantum apart from others and place them together also. I stated in my own list the broader desire to be able someday to do practically anything to a MIDI track and channel that you could do with Audio tracks.

    I know I’m getting away from your prime concern but I wanted to briefly tie MIDI into this track editing discussion. With awesome sounding VSTi’s now and a healthy learning curve for MIDI, this is how I am going to add English horn and the coronet to my own Strawberry Fields this year. I’m rather excited. I’ve seen MIDI treated as a sort of second-class citizen all around. My other DAW, Reaper, has its MIDI shortcomings, too; it’s a hot button issue on their forum also.

    So, again, would locking in your volume edits to the segments you are bringing together be the fix in your example? I don’t know if I was joking about having a kill switch or not. It is pretty clear, though, from your illustration that the process is a lengthy chore for merely sticking two chunks of audio together. As you know, when we are gluing a handful of short audio parts together then the job gets multiplied for each part included. It can become an assembly line.

    This situation you brought up and the one or two other hobgoblins that have concerned me to some degree are nowhere near enough to make me want to look for some non-existent greener pastures and consider bailing. Frits has built in so much stability, customisations, and many features I like that I can’t get too worked up over something like this that concerns me. You know, right here on this thread we’ve got a few requests for more and better scrolling all around, but that worries me a bit ’cause its my biggest problem with Reaper — though for the opposite reason. Reaper tends to be terribly jumpy. It will practically scroll itself if you so much as breathe on it, horizontally, vertically, you name it. That, and it likes to open or close menus, editors, the keyboard, etc., way too easily, whether docked or not. Very limited ability to lock down or freeze things. Jus’ saying.

    What you’ve brought up here is an issue for me as well, adimatis. If you slow down that video clip by 3X or so, you’d see about how slow I go at this! Any other thoughts on this process?

    The Telenator

    General Note: I ought to say at this point that if you have participated in this thread or have been thinking about desired features and intend to post your own Feature Request list soon, you probably have also noticed that we are beginning to elaborate on some of the subjects on our lists and discuss them.

    This is all fine and adds insight. Meanwhile, please don’t hesitate to post your list and also say whatever needs to be said. More lists would be great!

    I think it was michi who, a couple of days ago, brought up the idea of doing some polling on particular features. I’m all for this as well and believe the time is right. If michi or someone who is good at starting one or more up — either here or in a neighboring thread — would like to do that, I’d say, Go for it! But you can still post a list here at the same time for now.

    I suppose just about all of us knew fairly well which features would be brought up here. After all, we didn’t begin this topic here or only yesterday. We’ve had an ongoing discussion of the ‘biggie’ features for a while now. One thing I’ve seen change is that I and many others have clear, more defined notions of what we’d like added to Podium from reading what others have posted on same and time to think about things.

    And I want to say, Thanks Everyone! I know I’ve learned more as various facets have been discussed. So keep it coming. Maybe elaborate some on your favorite feature(s). I’m clueless about launching polls on forums but like answering them.

    No deadlines at all, really, but maybe after a while when we’ve had our own time with this stuff we can get some feedback from Frits on the most requested handful. Unless a company has specific teams to assign to chosen features, I think it’s pretty unrealistic and pointless to bother with date setting and so on, but somewhere shortly down the road I’d like to hear back from Frits concerning which feature additions he, first of all, agrees with, believes are important to Podium — and its users — and would be willing and able to accomplish and, last, rather than pinning down dates, he might be able to give us an update of priorities and some rough idea of when in the next year or two these might be fit in to the scheme of things.

    [Frits — I’m not even remotely suggesting that you jump into this renewed effort to consider new features now or anytime real soon. I don’t believe we users are quite at that point yet. I’d prefer polls at this point maybe, more of our own discussions and some tallying to sum up.]

    Finally for now, all users should be aware that the latest word I think we’ve heard from Frits is that the Microsoft Windows 8 tablet PC Podium-compatible build is going to happen. This, as I’m sure you all know, is a real chunk of time and work for Podium to function properly in a teeny weeny place (storage, memory, processing, etc.) It will influence other feature designs for a while. Right? Personally, I think it’s an extremely cool idea even if I never end up using it. OMG — real professional audio software that isn’t heading straight for the iPad/iPhone app bandwagon?!?! I’m hoping and expecting that Windows 8 tablets do real well.


    @adimatis wrote:

    if we’re talking about the merge function… I would like to get proper audio merge, with volume edits…

    Now, if I take a wave, split it, adjust volume and position, when trying to merge into a single wave again, all the volume edits are gone.

    The work around is bundle events, but that is not really merging, isn’t it?

    See this:

    Uploaded with

    The real work around for that would be to bounce the track and move bounced audio to new track, if needed.


    yes, that was me suggesting a kind of poll…
    my idea was that Frits holds the poll so he can decide which features he wants to inplement and let us vote for most wanted ones.

    another suggestion would be :
    everbody posts one thead per request and adds a polling option with 3 choices : a) i would use this feature b) i would not use this feature c) i don’t know

    i’ll add a thread as kind ox example


    @Lion wrote:

    The real work around for that would be to bounce the track and move bounced audio to new track, if needed.

    Indeed. I used that too. I noticed how important and how many roles the bounce function has in Podium – that is a good thing.


    PS: No suggestions at all, Lion? For new features I mean.


    @The Telenator wrote:

    Wow . . . you’ve really done it this time. First of all, I think you may have missed your calling. The video illustration you’ve given us is so clear and well done that perhaps you should be in the film and video editing field. In fact, your great illustration makes the process look easier and faster than it often is!

    What you’ve brought up here is an issue for me as well, adimatis. If you slow down that video clip by 3X or so, you’d see about how slow I go at this! Any other thoughts on this process?

    Actually I am doing video editing too.

    But in this particular example, I was merely given an ilustration, so it was not real editing. So, a 3X slower the speed is ok as well. When cutting and moving audio around, of course it will take much longer, for the accuracy.

    You know what could help actually?

    Having the markers visible across the tracks! Your FR #7.
    I agree with that totally.


    @michi_mak wrote:

    another suggestion would be :
    everbody posts one thead per request and adds a polling option with 3 choices : a) i would use this feature b) i would not use this feature c) i don’t know

    i’ll add a thread as kind ox example

    WEell, maybe someone, in the course of discussion on this thread, will put togheter the ideas and make a poll with let’s say 10 entries and then everybody can vote for their most wanted FR. Or, if possible, for their 3 most wanted, whatever.

    BTW, I did a search and I found a thread about time-streching as old as 2004…

    It’s good that Beat Slice was implemented and its really useful when re-creating a loop. I would have a suggestion here as well:

    Add a function to re-arrange the slices – why not randomize them? As this one could be alot of time consuming, shouldn’t be a priority, but if possible, would be a nice feature.


    @The Telenator wrote:

    Mickael, just before you, mentioned as #1 on his list merging MIDI, but I have to assume this means throwing two separate tracks together, more of a side by side thing I think. Yet this could also include ‘splicing’ two separate ‘entries’, as they are referred to there. However, MIDI is a completely different animal in that regard. MIDI info is technically quanta, and each little package follows along in more of an analog fashion. If not limited by your editor, you should be able to pull each quantum apart from others and place them together also. I stated in my own list the broader desire to be able someday to do practically anything to a MIDI track and channel that you could do with Audio tracks.

    No, no !
    Merge 2 entries Midi
    For example, use a keyboard on a entry Midi and an another keyboard on a second entry Midi and merge.
    It’s possible with an external soft and LoopBe1 but more ressources necessary.

    Excuse me for my english desastrous 😉


    @adimatis wrote:

    @Lion wrote:

    The real work around for that would be to bounce the track and move bounced audio to new track, if needed.

    Indeed. I used that too. I noticed how important and how many roles the bounce function has in Podium – that is a good thing.


    PS: No suggestions at all, Lion? For new features I mean.

    Already been said.

    MIDI Out
    and Audio Time stretching

    Everything else is like “Yea thats a good idea” lol


    @The Telenator wrote:

    Finally for now, all users should be aware that the latest word I think we’ve heard from Frits is that the Microsoft Windows 8 tablet PC Podium-compatible build is going to happen. This, as I’m sure you all know, is a real chunk of time and work for Podium to function properly in a teeny weeny place (storage, memory, processing, etc.) It will influence other feature designs for a while. Right?

    Right. I can’t do much more to optimize memory and processing, but there are some challenges with storage. Portable devices (including Win8 tablets) requires that apps can terminate within a few seconds, in case the device needs the memory for another app or if it needs to shut down due to low power. Any unsaved changes must be stored to disk within 1-2 seconds or else the data is lost. Thus, it is not possible to have a complete unsaved project with audio residing just in memory. Project changes need to be committed to file continuously in the background without disturbing the user. To be able to do this I’m considering updating the Podium project file format, as the current file format is compressed and not designed to be partially updated. One side-bonus of this revision, is that it serves as auto-backup in case of crashes. Auto-backup is another major feature that I’m surprised to see no one has mentioned yet in this topic.


    @Zynewave wrote:

    Auto-backup is another major feature that I’m surprised to see no one has mentioned yet in this topic.

    “Auto Backup” there you go it just got a mention. 🙂 Very useful feature IMO along with an option to copy any clip imported into a project please thanks. 🙂

    Auto Backup IMO is not a reflection of any reliability or stability issues in Podium, but a reflection of the need to have that extra layer of Project back up as plugins can cause any host unexpected problems for a variety of reasons. 😉

    The Telenator


    I became a compulsive ‘saver’ — “I Am Auto Backup Man!” all thanks to issues with my starting DAW Cubase which crashed for every reason you could probably come up with.

    Now, many DAWs currently have this feature, and the best ones allow the user to set the frequency or disable it all together during recording. This is partly due to the fact that some cause a DAW to ‘blink’ when it kicks in, especially when auto-saving/backing up a heavy project. Remember, all those MB’s, maybe even Gig’s, are passing through to disk right while you just might be very busy.

    Please include a frequency choice and disable should Podium have any issues. If not and it is assured to task silently and invisibly in the background at all times, skip my request here.


    @Zynewave wrote:

    … To be able to do this I’m considering updating the Podium project file format, as the current file format is compressed and not designed to be partially updated.

    This shouldn’t be a problem anymore I imagine. Space is no longer as restrictive as it used to be. Considering the quantities of samples and VST plugins most people would have, along with their host, project files almost definitely don’t require compression and just take extra processing power that these days is not desirable, in my opinion. There is a much stronger push (as I’m sure you’re aware) towards power efficiency, partially for battery, and partially because of the “green” push that is slowly taking hold everywhere (leaving aside that this push is mostly surface-deep and does not truly address the issue in a meaningful way in many cases).

    Of course, this is taking the assumption that samples are not saved inside the project file as well, but then the files could be compressed themselves and then put inside a main project file which is not compressed, I guess?

    If you don’t mind me asking, Frits, was the reason you compressed the project files in the first place? Was it related to space utilisation, or were there other considerations?

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