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  • in reply to: Preview 2.04: Pre/post fader and meter improvements #12961

    @Zynewave wrote:

    Fair enough. Although I would still claim that if you have an effect plugin that boosts or dampens the signal to such a degree that you need to add a fader in Podium to fix the level, it would be better to fix the preset in the offending plugin instead.

    Yes that is actually another good way of looking at it, but having 3 or four meters representing each fx tracks outputs is a great and flexible way to visualize a chain in a busy mix. It is one of Podium’s unique strengths …offering such a feature. Live has something similar but the meters (between FX) are barely visible.

    This would only show the fader/meter selections for the focus track. I’m going to experiment with popups inside the mixer instead.

    Thanks for trying the popups!

    I would add that Popups *and* the info in the mxer header serve different purposes…and as result still can both be useful as the Pop ups should aid the use of the Grid while the mixer is visible.

    Mixer Header info:
    The info in the mxer header however provides crucial info even with and crucially *without* the Mixer or GP in view so real estate is 100% maximised. In any case lets see what you are cooking up. 8)

    I’m afraid it doesn’t make sense to me. You are describing a lot of workarounds for understanding the Chain Miniature, which shouldn’t be necessary.

    Agreed I guess that should not be necessary.

    Today I’m going to revise the Miniature (which btw. I’m now calling “Fader & Meter Grid” πŸ˜› )

    He he…good choice, I think having “Grid” somewhere in the description does make sense. πŸ™‚

    Thanks for the feedback. Although, I wish you would chop up these monster posts into several smaller posts. It’s hard work getting the quotes right in the reply. πŸ˜‰

    Yes. Sorry. I need to stop trying to enter the Guiness book of records for lengthy posts. I sometimes have a lot to say and want to keep it in one post. But more smaller posts are a better idea. Heh. πŸ˜›

    in reply to: Preview 2.04: Pre/post fader and meter improvements #12958

    Here is a mock up of the Mixer header info idea I mentioned earlier. Very subtle but essential to avoid getting confused when using the Chain miniature. I doubt it’s possible to get lost in any way with this info clearly visible…

    In the above image a user has control of the Fader for the Guitar track but can see the Meter for the Kick track.

    Of course if he wants control of the Kick fader instead and see the meter for the Kick track as well for instance, once he has selected the kick track and can see two full blocks that form a row the information in the Mixer header will change to…

    Current Fader – Kick Current Meter – Kick

    One of the best aspects of this information and where it is placed is that one can hide the mixer and still see this info.

    in reply to: Preview 2.04: Pre/post fader and meter improvements #12956

    @Zynewave wrote:

    As UncleAge mentioned, it’s not easy to walk the fine line between “more features/less UI”.

    True and I think you have done a great job walking that line but as the menu options increase e.t.c seriously considering a ribbon idea or something very similar will become more of a necessity. I have experienced some diffuclty accessing certain commands or options like Technophobia but like him I too can appreciate it’s not easy to please everyone however…

    Microsofts products were a classic example of menu laden products. Deep layers of commands and such but…their ribbon or tabbed approach for Word 2007 e.t.c worked wonders for me and proved to be a popular solution with many. It’s simple and based on features most users make use of daily, so it provides a set of commands in a far more accessible way than a drop down menu can.

    As a result I see no reason why as time goes on with more commands added that Podium would not benefit from a UI revision (access could be optional) that is tabbed or ribbon like in appearance.

    This was discussed in far more detail here. with superb UI article here

    Just a thought.

    May I ask why you would want two independent faders in your Trilogy chain example? Surely it makes mixing more difficult when you have to manage two faders instead of one?

    This has been mentioned before on this very thread…not every plugin has an output control or one with a meter so having two independent faders in the Trilogy chain example for me makes it easier to manage the levels of the FX tracks in the chain. Much easier. I would use three or four even in a chain.

    Swindus mentioned this as well…(Page 3)

    @Swindus wrote:

    Sometimes it’s important to change the gain of a plugin output and not every plugin has a volume/output gain setting.

    @Zynewave wrote:

    @Conquistador wrote:

    d. Now we are back to all tracks hidden except Trilogy. If I now click on the row of blocks for the top most EQ2 track in the chain the Output gain is automatically de-selected in the Track Properties for that EQ2 track. Correct?

    No, that’s not how it behaves currently. I’ll have to do some testing to figure out what the best behaviour is. Currently it will move the bottom fader to the track you click, so in your example the bottom fader will overwrite the top fader. You can then click again on the bottom track, and the fader will move along leaving only that one fader active in the chain.

    Frits you may be able to save some dev time here. Also I think I maybe I have scored 5 out of 5 in this test LOL! What I meant to say was if I click on the bottom two blocks for the EQ1 track that the EQ2 tracks Output gain control is then disabled or effectively moved to the EQ1 track. I got confused sorry, but that is basically what I meant or was trying to find out.

    I see no reason to change the current behaviour in this particular example. I really think that it’s fine as is. Once it is explained in more detail I think it is much easier to understand. I think it’s something I could acutally make good use of now.

    @Zynewave wrote:

    I’ve been browsing through documentation for Cubase, Logic and others, and I have not found info on whether insert plugins on a channel strip are processed pre or post fader. Does anyone know more about this?

    Pre fader for inserts defintely.

    Some essential additions for the Chain Miniature…

    Having really spent a good deal of time with this I can share why I got confused or perhaps simply state what sort of banana skins can be avoided for new and existing users.

    a. The GP really sells the “sizzle” (heh) of the Chain Miniature. When I have the GP open it’s very easy to see what the chain Miniature is doing. It might be a good idea to have the GP open automatically if one is using the Chain Miniature or CM. It may not please everyone though so a set and forget “show Inspector if Chain is activated” option might be a good idea. This brings me to my next point…

    b. The running update in the mixer side steps the need for the GP when the Chain Miniature is active. It is *very* likely the GP will be hidden by a user but the CM will still be active and visible. I personally struggle with the CM this way and would need something to let me see what is going on but not lose screen real estate by using the GP in this case. A simple update that shows me…”where” the Fader and Meter are at any point in the chain will really help to sell the idea and make it far more accessible.

    Fader – Guitar
    Meter – Guitar

    = full row of blocks representing full control of that track.


    Fader – Drums
    Meter – Guitar

    = blocks in different postions on the Chain miniature.

    Actually this information could be visible in the Mixer header.

    So it would look like this…

    Mixer: Current Fader – Drums . Current Meter – Guitar.

    This will update as one moves the Fader or Meter within the chain and is completely out of the way providing a very subtle but highly accurate and useful amount of information. Even when the mixer is hidden you could still see that info in the mixer header. It could also update when a user selects any tracks in the GP or Arrangement at track level.

    c. The Pop up grid will help here Frits, as really there is not much space to hit at the moment. It would be a pity if accessibilty spoils the show for the Chain miniature.

    d. UI update for GP with the inclusion of the Green outlines for selected devices and yellow for bypassed devices. I really like this idea for the mixer you implemented, but for consistency it should be extended to the GP IMO.

    e. Pan slider is not accurate enough. One cannot center it by dragging for instance. It should “lock” gently when in the center position.

    f. Please consider changing the double click behaviour for Pan sliders and faders. Currently this brings up the Tracks properties. I know ctrl clicking will return faders and sliders to default values but it can be a real irritation to be met with the Track properties menu again and again just because you click once to many times by accident…it’s just far too easy to click twice and then the track properties pop up. Can be very irritating. Sorry.

    g. The track panel in the mixer could probably benefit from a large meter now. While it does show events on a track you could certainly IMO reduce the horizontal space for the text to allow enough vertical room for a large mixer strip…or maybe create another panel for a large mixer strip with a larger chain Miniature to the left of it that could be visible in this panel as well, that could be pretty incredible LOL! A chain Panel added to the GP.

    Mini chain guide…

    An FAQ or mini guide about the Chain Miniature would certainly help…feel free to correct anything here it may help people understand it and as a result test it more effectively and make use of it which would result perhaps more ideas as to how it can be improved, if need be.

    1. Moving the single Fader and Meter when the chain is active to any part of a chain of tracks will adjust the fader and meter for that track. Or adjust the fader for one track but show the meter for another track.

    2. It is advised to use the chain miniature with the GP open. Both are linked and work together extremely well. The GP allows a user to see where the fader position is at any point in a track chain.

    3. Switching the chain off and on during mixing may cause confusion although if the GP is open it should mitigate that.

    4. To make the best use of the single Fader + Meter that the chain miniature offers it is advised to perhaps use it to adjust Post FX chain fader levels and to see Post FX chain Meter readings. This will be visible in the Chain miniature as a full row of blocks at the top of a chain. Any top most FX track in a chain will however still appear under any sends being fed by that track (sends appear as an outline of blocks) in a Chain miniature.

    5. While the Chain Miniature is visible, if you want to have control of more than one fader that is independent (not linked) to others in a chain make sure the bottom row of blocks in the track you want to control (unhide the track if it’s not fully visible in the mixer) has a full row. two full blocks left to right. This will remove any links to any other faders that are active in a chain, allowing for the individual fader adjustment of a track at any point in a chain.

    Does this mini chain guide makes sense Frits?

    in reply to: Preview 2.04: Pre/post fader and meter improvements #12952

    Thanks for your other responses. It is appreciated. I’ll respond to these…

    @Zynewave wrote:

    Selecting the “automatic solo” mode for a track means that the track will be soloed once ANY other track is soloed, so I don’t think that will be useful in your example with a multi-out plugin. To be able to solo a set of tracks with related mappings, place them all under a group track and solo/mute the group track.

    Ok I can try that out. It may just solve that problem. Cheers!

    @Zynewave wrote:

    I’ve changed the default back to the normal font size, to keep the consistency with the overall UI. The smaller font option was a FR. Even though it may be harder to read for some people, it allows for longer track and mapping names on the strips.

    Yes but you can easily achieve longer track and mapping names on strips by simply using an option already there…

    Minimum strip width.

    I think smaller fonts solve one problem but create another. But thankfully it is an option.

    @Zynewave wrote:

    You can hide what you call “mixer grid” with the “Chain” button on the mixer.

    Yes Mixer Grid “TM” (all rights reserved) πŸ˜› I think you call it a Chain Miniature?

    Anyway… I may *not* actually need to hide it…

    If you can confirm that the following points are correct then I may use the Grid in certain circumstances but I need to be sure I have got this right…

    a. If you have 4 hidden FX tracks being fed by a Trilogy instrument track for instance and you the unhide the top most track


    …the EQ2 in this case…

    …you would easily be able to control the output for the EQ2 track independently of any of the track faders in the chain, if the Output Gain option was activated for the EQ2 track…correct? This is an easy one (I hope):P

    b. At this point we still have not touched the Grid but decide to make sure the lowest two blocks in the Grid chain on the EQ2 track form a full row. This will ensure the EQ2 track maintains it’s own independent Fader control that is correct, yes?

    c. When we now hide the EQ2 track again, instead of two full rows appearing on the First EQ1 track (above Trilogy) we can now see 4 full blocks or two full rows. The reason is because the first (topmost) EQ2 track still has it’s own independent fader. Correct?

    d. Now we are back to all tracks hidden except Trilogy. If I now click on the row of blocks for the top most EQ2 track in the chain the Output gain is automatically de-selected in the Track Properties for that EQ2 track. Correct?

    e. I should now have one single row of full blocks in the Grid the EQ1 track. This represents the single fader and meter controls that can be freely passed up and down the chain of FX (Pre, anyhere in between and Post FX)…correct?

    I have some suggestons but I need to know I have got this right first. Apologies for the Q&A format LOL! But we really need to boil this down a bit I think.

    So out of 5 how many did I get right πŸ™‚

    a. ?
    b. ?
    c. ?
    d. ?
    e. ?

    in reply to: Preview 2.04: Pre/post fader and meter improvements #12947

    @Zynewave wrote:

    Beta3 is now available.

    Besides the features already discussed, there are some new nice things in this beta:

    β€’ Added “automatic solo” track option. Tracks that have this option enabled will be soloed automatically when solo is activated on other tracks. The mode can be toggled by Shift+Alt+Clicking solo buttons or by pressing Shift+Alt+S. When creating a new arrangement the bus return group track will be set to automatic solo mode.

    β€’ Added “Solo”, “Automatic Solo”, “Mute”, “Record” and “Bounce” options to the properties submenu of the track context menu.

    The “automatic solo” mode is what is otherwise known as “Solo Defeat” in Cubase and “Solo Safe” in Logic. When soloing a track, it is now no longer necessary to also solo the bus return section if you want to listen to the soloed track with bus send processing.

    Please note that this beta still does not save the new options to the project file.

    Cheers Frits.

    I have to say though if was a Cubase or Logic user I would have a better idea as to how to use these features but please explain in more detail…

    …would these solo options allow me to automatically solo a corresponding midi mapping for a Stylus audio output track? If so how would I use these features to do it?

    Or putting it another way would it solve the first problem listed in the A case for a reduction thread?


    in reply to: Preview 2.04: Pre/post fader and meter improvements #12939

    Sorry more thoughts…:P

    I think the space under the Latency button could be used to give some sort of running update of the Mixer Grid.

    Right now the GP must be open as it really lets you see what the mixer grid is doing but…close the Inspector and it can get confusing too easily IMO. Maybe something like the name of the currently controlled track meter and the name of the currently controlled track fader…

    Drums Meter
    Guitar fader

    When both blocks (full row) are selected…you see…

    Drums Fader
    Drums Meter

    This info would be visible under the Latency button. Probably right at the bottom of that area instead of just under it.

    This would allow a user to not need to have the GP open to use the Mixer Grid more effectively and avoid getting confused. The grid is definitely an advanced feature but this additional info would certainly help a great deal IMO.


    in reply to: Preview 2.04: Pre/post fader and meter improvements #12938

    Just had a thought…

    If you just cannot do away with the mixer grid idea (maybe it can still work) …please do consider allowing the following at least, as this may be the best way forward…

    a. Mixer Grid as an Advanced Mixer option. It is most certainly much more advanced than the Simple Pre Post idea.

    b. Mixer Grid is not visible by default. But an “Advanced” button could be added just below the Latency button on the left side of the mixer in your screenshot. That would activate it.

    c. The Post button idea I suggested added as a “Simple” option. Again as a button on the mixer that is visible on the left side. If you think that will be too many buttons then you could add Advanced and Simple options…(your Grid and my Post idea) to the Mixer Regions menu so that it is out of the way or in the Preferences options e.t.c

    d. Instead of the Mixer Grids current size (too small IMO) you could allow a user to click on the Grid and a bigger Grid pops out that allows a user a far more realisitic hit point. Not much bigger but a third or more in size. This would probably be ideal for a mixer region option. A small bar at the top can be clicked when this is visible to allow a user to remove it from view until the Grid is clicked again. “Hide” could be visible on this small strip on the pop up Grid.

    I am really trying to help here Frits (you cannot possbly think of everything) I think both ideas ( your Grid and my Post suggestion) can co exist and actually really raise the levels of accessibility, ease of use, advanced flexibility and functionality for the mixer in one single update. But the decision is yours. Hopefully these suggestions can make things easier for you one way or another.


    in reply to: Preview 2.04: Pre/post fader and meter improvements #12937

    Hi Frits,

    Nice new look. One of the best mixers anywhere…looks like an advanced version of a Pro tools mixer. πŸ™‚

    Some things to consider please…

    I would prefer not to have to bring this up as it will likely delay the release of 2.04 but it has to be 100% ready not just available.

    Shrinking sizes….

    a.The small font option is quite odd IMO. It is barely legible. Thankfully there is an option to change it back to the default size. Have you now changed the default size to the smaller font?

    Why the sudden change to fonts that are barely legible? Sorry.

    b. Even the send dials are now smaller than those from 2.03. Again why so much effort into reducing the size of text and other aspects? Really Frits the mixer was only just about OK for size before, considering the mixer strip digits are still tiny.

    I think you said you use a 1600 x 1200 resolution…I’m not sure how the smaller text is better this way for you?!?!? did you get a bigger screen? Seriously?

    Added “Bypass” and “Editor” options to the column of mixer control buttons. Deselecting either of these will hide the buttons from the track headers and instead indicate bypass and editor state with a colored frame drawn around the device controls.

    Bypass, Editor, Green, Yellow outline idea… Slick.

    I like this. But now the GP IMO needs the same treatment for consistency. It’s getting confusing little by little without enough documentation to reference, it is a problem. If the GP has the same options then you could get away with the lack of documentation for a short time maybe…just about.

    If you add those options to the Group Menu drop down list (Bypass, Editor – green, yellow outlines) you could effectively do away with the at times confusing E button.

    Track options in the arranger also (right click or track properties) would mean no need for the E button in Podium at all.

    The Mixer Grid…
    The GPO IMO must be open or one can get lost easily with the mixer grid. I really do not like it. Sorry. Testing it is confusing let alone trying to use it. I don’t think I could trust it frankly.

    Here’s why…

    a. If you remove the RMS option from the track properties options the blocks on the mixer strip spill on to the meter. They overlap graphically.

    b. On many occassions when hiding a track in the mixer the current visible track will have three or four blocks that are visible (full blocks). Very confusing to say the least. I had to click on each block to try and find out where I was and remove the blocks that should have been outlines, not full blocks. It’s confusing just talking about it sorry.

    H-Man mentioned something similar earlier in this thread…

    Frits, I did notice that for an existing project, if the Gain and Pan controlls were already enabled for an insert effect, then you would see two ‘full’ squares in the Fader column.

    Don’t think that this means much though as clicking another square seems to correct this. Also this would only be relevant for old projects.

    c. This one made me very wary of using the mixer grid at all…
    …every so often If I deleted an effect track if there was an effect track below it in the chain, that FX tracks meters and fader would vanish. It’s difficult to reproduce so that makes potentially difficult to fix..e.t.c

    d. I can still somehow link the faders…sorry Frits I just think the mixer Grid idea add complexity when there is no need for it. I have suggested the Post button idea which is so simple. I initially thought the grid idea would be fantasitic but I would not make use of it at all.

    The Post button idea is a simplified way to get to the Pre or post FX fader+ Meter of a Mixer strip. Simple.

    e. Because of the size of the blocks (I appreciate there is little space left) it is still too easy to click the wrong one. It just adds complexity where we need simplicity. A simple Post or Pre button and that’s it. Simplified versions of your more advanced right click menus for Fader and Meter as I suggested before.

    New since the latest beta2 is an option to show pan faders instead of dials,

    The glass effect adds a very stylish graphical consistency to the other aspects in the mixer. Simply brilliant. It will be a joy to use those. The logical extension of the current glass faders IMO.

    Comments/suggestions will be appreciated.

    I am sorry I do not bring good tidings for you all the way…but thankfully you are open to user feedback and ideas. These are my views. Of course the more viewpoints you get, the better you will be able to gauge what should be revised or not at this point.


    in reply to: Preview 2.04: Pre/post fader and meter improvements #12925

    @Zynewave wrote:

    They are not related. The “RMS window” is the time period over which the RMS values are calculated. Longer periods will result in a slower responding RMS meter with less peaks. By definition a “peak meter” shows the true meter value.

    Sorry, I was not referring to the relationship between the two but a simple option to adjust Peak rise and fall response times which Sonar has for instance.

    I’m puzzled why you all misunderstand this. Perhaps I haven’t described it properly in the above quote. Clicking the fader miniature MOVES the gain/pan controls to a different position in the chain. It does not select between separate settings on each effect track. Moving the controls works for setting up pre/post fader effects and bus sends, which is how other hosts/hardware mixers implement pre/post faders. You can see how this function if you look at the group panel in the track inspector when you click the miniature fader. If you had separate gain/pan controls on each effect track, you would have a huge number of controls that were not visible in the mixer. It would be a total nightmare to try to manage that during mixing.

    I think I do understand but do not want to lose control of individual track faders in a chain as was possible before the current mixer Grid. For me that is all I am trying to maintain control of.

    Currently we appear to have lost control of individual tracks faders. One move of the fader now and all tracks faders move accordingly. Fine if you only want to control one fader for any number of tracks in a chain.

    That optional behaviour can stay but lets also have a way to disable it or keep it but return to also having full control of each tracks fader in a track chain as is the case with 2.03.

    Or…even better lets go back to the Post button idea and if a user clicks on the Post button the mixer strip immediately changes to the last track fader and meter settings in the chain (Post FX) and crucially auto hides any tracks in between. Click on the Post button again and Podium switches the strip to show the Fader and meter settings for the first track in the chain.

    Unless I am missing something it really should be that easy.

    It appears all this time you were thinking of one fader to control all tracks in a chain (as is the case in 2.04) but what I meant and maybe others have been trying to say, is to maintain individual control of any fader in a chain or keep faders independent of each other and have Pre post options.

    It’s as if we have to now trade control of each fader in a chain (separately) just to have pre post features. No need for that with the Post idea I suggested which you seemed quite happy with.

    We were on the same page with the Post button idea…maybe we should keep that for simplicity as it would not result in the loss of independent control of faders. Each track’s faders would remain accessible and separate as we have in 2.03.

    In 2.04 we appear to have a single fader for every and any track in a chain. A step backwards as far as flexibility is concerned IMO. It’s much less flexible than the Post button idea I suggested.

    This is my exact quote from page one which you were happy with at the time.

    @Conquistador wrote:

    So a separate Pre Post button for Metering (simple one really as it gives you Pre / Post Effect Chain readings) and a separate Fader Pre Post button that would switch the fader controls in a Mixer strip to Pre FX chain or Post FX chain. So these buttons for Meter (Pre Post) and another for Fader (Pre Post) would essentially be simplified versions of your Fader and Meter right click commands.

    But if you (Frits) or anyone else can suggest something different we can use to move forward then please do so. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Preview 2.04: Pre/post fader and meter improvements #12917

    @Zynewave wrote:

    I still need to fix some bugs, and do thorough testing before the 2.04 release is ready. It may be a few more days. For those that are eager to try the new features, the 2.04 beta1 is now available in the VIP lounge.

    Thanks for letting us see the highly anticipated changes for ourselves a bit early. 8)

    Here are the changes so far:

    β€’ The mixer can now show K-System style RMS meters. The arrangement properties dialog has two new settings that control the RMS meter behaviour: “RMS meter scale” has options for K-12, K-14 or K-20. “RMS meter window” defines the response of the RMS meters.

    Lovely. It does seem a bit odd though to have a response setting for RMS meters and no such setting for Peak meters. Why not have both please? They are both equally useful.

    β€’ Each track can be configured to show peak and/or RMS meter. Clicking the meter on any mixer strip will toggle RMS on/off. The meter options can also be set with the new “Meter” submenu, or with the “Peak meter” and “RMS meter” options in the track properties dialog.

    I like the idea of clicking on the meter to bring up the RMS meters. But…the documentation will have to be updated and / or some sort of pop up could appear the first time a user hovers over the meters to let them know about it. The pop up could automatically be disabled after that. Otherwise a very slick feature could be somewhat hidden.

    β€’ Setting up pre/post faders and meters is now easily done with new shortcuts. The track menu has two new submenus: “Meter” and “Fader”. These menus shows all effect tracks in the chain, allowing to set the fader or meter at any effect in the chain. The submenus also has commands for enabling gain, pan, peak meter and RMS meter for each track.

    I think the other guys noticed this as well…the faders are all linked. I am really not sure why. Very strange. Linking the faders or grouping them is actually a potentially very useful feature but…I don’t think that was what you had in mind…not just yet anyway.

    I cannot see any reason why the faders must be linked the way they are now. Strange.

    β€’ The effect chain of each track is displayed as a miniature at the bottom of the mixer strip. The miniature consists of a grid of blocks, where each row represents an effect track, the first column represents fader position and the second column represents meter position. A fully drawn block indicates where the fader and meter is currently positioned (pre, post or inbetween). Bus sends are illustrated by framed blocks instead of filled blocks. Clicking the blocks in the miniature will set fader and meter positions.

    I noticed something really cool…when clicking the fader blocks on the left of the grid the GP updates and shows the gain / pan dials for the selected track in the grid. It’s brilliant because you can quickly click in the grid and not worrry about losing your bearings as to which meter your looking at. The GP just updates and switches the tracks for you as you click on the blocks. I guess you have to try it to see what I mean heh!

    Possible optional mixer strip behaviour…

    I would like if possible to simply click on a compacted track header and have it replace the current track strip that is visible.

    So instead of this…

    ^Instrument (this track is visible in the mixer)

    You would click on the Filter compacted track header and see this…

    ^Filter (this track is now visible in the mixer identified by the name of the track as well)

    One could avoid having to unhide tracks just to to see their meters with this idea. Simlar to the grid idea but I think it extends it. Just a thought.

    I inserted a mono zPEQ plug (in the middle of a chain to test) and while clicking the squares the fader for the mono track did change to a single meter. But the odd linking of the faders remains.

    β€’ The mixer meters now show peak hold values. This feature can be configured with the “show peak hold values” option in the mixer region properties dialog. Clicking the peak hold value box will reset the value. Double-clicking any peak hold value box will reset the value for all mixer strips.

    Great. I like the way the box can turn red like the meter as well…nice touch.

    Not sure if you were thinking of 2.05 for RMS readings in the mixer boxes as an option but if you are happy to discuss it now then this is just a reminder.

    I’m going to try out some modifications so that you can disable the “Hide mixer strip” option on an effect track and thereby split up the miniature effect chain into two halves. You can then use the miniature on each strip to set a fader/meter in each part of the chain. Does that sound like a good idea?

    It is at least worth looking into please yes. It might be the glue that makes it all come together.

    in reply to: Bought my first guitar #12916

    Nice move Frits.

    Heh… I’m not a guitar player but my son is. He has been having guitar lessons for the last year or more about twice a week.

    It is a very good way to kick back and relax. I really like hearing my son play. At some point I would like to learn how to play the guitar as well…but not just yet πŸ˜‰

    in reply to: Preview 2.04: Pre/post fader and meter improvements #12898

    @Zynewave wrote:

    @Conquistador wrote:

    @Zynewave wrote:

    Peak hold values under the meters.

    Sorry I forgot to ask Frits…could you also possibly allow the values under the meters to also show RMS values?

    The coming release most likely will not have this option. But we can discuss further meter options, once you’ve tried 2.04.

    Cheers Frits. Looking forward to 2.04. It looks like a really forward thinking update. Great. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Preview 2.04: Pre/post fader and meter improvements #12894

    @Zynewave wrote:

    Peak hold values under the meters.

    Sorry I forgot to ask Frits…could you also possibly allow the values under the meters to also show RMS values?

    Maybe a right click on the value box could bring up a small Peak & RMS menu. A simple click on either Peak or RMS commands could switch the value reading under the meters.

    Even if a user ‘forgot’ which metering value type (Peak or RMS) was active at the bottom of the mixer strip, the existing vertical meters in 2.04 (Peak or RMS) would provide an easy quick visual reminder as one of those vertical meters would of course mirror the visible value in the box, below the vertical meters.

    in reply to: Preview 2.04: Pre/post fader and meter improvements #12891

    @Zynewave wrote:

    I have already changed this behaviour. The blocks in the miniature are now a bit larger and can be clicked directly to set the fader/meter position.

    Oh great thanks!

    Right-clicking the left column opens the fader menu, and right-clicking the right column opens the meter menu.

    Could be a tight squeeze in a small space, in any case it’s a slick idea but I would only suggest a pop up appearing over the MG to guide a user to those menus. I really like the idea but it’s not something I would think of doing…clicking on either block to bring a menu up. A simple pop up (which can be switched off) could at least explain briefly how to access the menus. I think that would work very well with your idea here.

    The miniature is now aligned to the right side of the strip (like the SMR buttons). There need to be some space between the miniature and the meters because this space is used to write RMS scale indications if RMS meter is enabled.

    Nice idea. Makes sense.

    The Fader and Meter submenus are still available in the track menu. Right-clicking the miniature is just a shortcut for showing only the Fader and Meter menu commands.

    Ok I did not know the Fader and Meter submenus will also remain in the Track menu. Everything seems fine now! Many thanks! πŸ™‚

    The MG IMO is another major selling point for Podium.

    in reply to: Preview 2.04: Pre/post fader and meter improvements #12889

    @Zynewave wrote:

    Tell me if I’m taking this too far

    :frustrated: I am not sure how to say this but this time I think… πŸ™„ πŸ™„ πŸ™„ …

    It’s absolutely great! πŸ˜› :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    The idea is so good I can see it being extended to other areas of Podium. But I don’t want 2.04 released in the year 2040 so I will leave those ideas until after 2.04 is released. LOL!

    There is a miniature chain image at the bottom right of each strip. Each row in the miniature represents an effect track. The first column of blocks represents fader position, and the second column meter position.

    A truly radically clever idea and software interpretation of the hardware mixer Pre / Post Paradigm. Super.

    A fully drawn block indicates that this is the track that the fader/meter is assigned to. The middle selected track in the screenshot shows that the fader is pre-effects, and the meter is post-effects.


    Some suggestions though…

    The miniature could be clicked using shift/alt/control key combinations to quickly set pre/post of fader and meter.

    1.I really see no need for key commands here. I would simply click on the Pre Post Mixer Grid. I would not even think about simply clicking on it.

    This is not a feature IMO (and judging by the massively positive response) that will be used very rarely or here and there. I personally would use this heavily. I just want to click and go. That’s it. I would not want to have to negotiate or tangle with “shift/alt/control key combinations” just to click a block in the PPMG (Pre Post Mixer Grid)

    Right-clicking the minature will open only the fader menu, and shift-right-clicking will open only the meter menu.

    2.Why use shift-clicking here? A user should be able to access both menus (Fader or Meter) the same way. As per your original right click idea for these commands. Your first image in this thread illustrates my point perfectly. That idea is absolutely fine IMO, you got it right the first time (Fader and Meter commands accessible by right clicking, with no shift click). Why complicate it by adding another step that is not needed with a shift-right-click combo to access the Meter Menu?

    A right click on the MG should IMO bring up the Meter *and* Fader Menus.

    3. The MG (Mixer Grid) idea is just pure class….but placing my mouse cursor over your MG image (right in the box) made me think this would be a somewhat needlessly small hit point for a cursor to hit considering there is more space to use horizontally on a Mixer strip. Just a slight widening of the MG (there is space) would create a little bit more space to click in.

    Lets not forget how powerful the MG is. Moving faders (Gain / Pan) settings and Meters around so easily needs an equally easy way or easierway to avoid clicking the wrong Fader or Meter in the MG box.

    Just a slight widening of the MG is all I think is needed.

    So instead of this…

    …this (below) would provide a slighty bigger hit point for a mouse cursor reducing the possibility of clicking the wrong block (Meter / Fader) in the MG.

    Podiums MG incredibly builds on the Hierarchy idea and provides a superb way to tap into the power of it. Pure Class.

    With so much power and flexibiltiy on offer, at times over the years it seemed Podiums strength was at times it’s weakness. It was never the power or flexibility there, but how to present that in an easy way for users to tap into it and ‘get’ Podium.

    You have totally cracked it Frits. Brilliant. With more marketing, videos and documentation added over time to really explain all these great features in more detail, I think Podium will have a very bright future. πŸ™‚

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