I did disable multiprocessing and I could not crash Podium at all. I think you have cracked it Frits!
It was a bit odd at first as the project that I was working on was pushing 50% on a quad so disabling multiprocessing meant the CPU meter went crazy
So I cut the project down to a size that would need about 50% from a single processor. So the test was done on a similar CPU level as the original project.
I repeatedly used the “Move Effect Track” command and simply could not crash Podium. I even moved the tracks around consistently (with the move effect track command) during playback but beyond what would be considered normal usage just to make sure I could not crash Podium this way.
Still no crash. So it looks like your guess was spot on!
Once 1.99 is out I will check again and let you know if the problem is still there. Clearly Mulitiprocessing seems to set it off.
Thankfully though, judging by your comment earlier, you have found a fix. I would certainly not want to imagine having to avoid using multiprocessing on a quad.
@Zynewave wrote:
I think I’ve nailed this bug now. Luckily it turned out to be a simple thing to fix. It happens only when using plugin multiprocessing. If you have the time, you could try disabling the multiprocessing option in the preferences, and check if this eliminates the freezes.
Interesting link to multiprocessing. Yes no problem I will try disabling the MP feature and see if it solves the freezes.
Thanks for having a look at it.
I did actually verify that the plugin was still there and it turned out that not all of the Soniuts plugs were on my hard drive. At some point that installation got corrupted because it is installed as a suite of plugs not individually.
So Podium was not at fault there, (definitely user error)…but Rapture *is* installed on my hard drive and was not picked up by Podiums scanner either. That is still a mystery.
Anyway to cut a long story short I did some restarts of the OS and now Podium is picking up all my plugins correctly and loading them.
So I am not 100% sure what caused the problem with Rapture but a few OS restarts has solved ths issue AFAICT.
Yes I agree as well. This comment here is a definite worry and not a small problem…
@acousmod wrote:
The problem is that all the devices of the first project are imported also in the second one.
If I delete this new Device folder, all the inserted mappings disappear on the imported arrangement.
On another note…
It’s interesting because importing an arrangement into another project is IIRC an effective workaround for the limitation we currently have with track templates, as they cannot be used in another project.
One can get around the track template limitation (I think) by importing an arrangement into another project that has the track templates a user wants already there.
Then any track templates within that project should be accessible to that imported arrangement but even that workaround is let down by the way devices are currently handled when importing an arrangement (based on acousmods quotes above).
@Technophobia wrote:
@ Pigini
I would agree with you on the point of making sure the stability of Podium is rock solid on Win98 before it is left behind. No extra development to be carried out, just “bug fixes” would be my vote.
Yes that seems like a nice idea.
Just a quick shout for any users of Podium as a demo (and of course as before, any other current users of the full unlimited version), feel free to share your views on what you might like to see in Podium 2.0…key feature, must have, possible host switching combo of features for demo users ???
One of my new key FR’s for v.2
I think after a few recent bouts of issues with Podium 1.98 I think I would have to include versioning and auto backups without a doubt as one of the three key features I would like to see in v.2.
If I save my work in Podium and it crashes at some point afterwards, Podium will not actually save that project and all changes are totally lost. Very frustrating indeed. I need to be able to trust Podium to restore the last saved state of my project once it has been restarted.
The only way I know to get around this issue is to close Podium at some point during my workflow and then restart it. Then it appears to save all my changes properly. Of course that is not the way to work in any host creatively and clearly is far from any kind of useful workflow. I would have to close and restart Podium several times to during the day to avoid losing work. That is not a realistic option.
But if a crash occurs while using Podium all changes are lost. That is my experience with 1.98.
Other hosts like ACID Pro and Sonar will attempt to re load the project and recover any work done once the host is restarted, if there is a crash, I think Ableton Live does this as well.
Really useful feature. Logic and Sonar both have a versioning feature that allows for snapshots of a project if you will, to be taken at certain intervals.
You can choose how many you want in Logic for instance 2, 4, e.t.c.
Something like Bioencoders idea here but Podium would need to be able to recall the last saved state before a crash (once it has been restarted) for it to really be effective.
rinxai had a similar idea here.
@ frits.
I think you said something about modifying the cache file format to facilitate Crash recovery at some point. I think it really is a necessity to have some kind of back up / versioning function in Podium especially as of v.2
My key 3 Fr’s are…
1.Plugin handling
2.Crash recovery
3.Auto saving imported audio files to the project folder.
Or at least a prompt asking a user to choose if they should copy an imported file to the project folder or not.
I like Tracktions approach here…something along these lines in Podium would be extremely helpful. One could simply use the list view to browse for files and not have to worry about forgetting to save every imported file into the project directory (to avoid missing files if the project location is moved).
4. I would add a simple collection of global SMR buttons as well.
@jpleong wrote:
ps- and for what it’s worth, Vista is not ready for critical production work.
He Heee yes…it….is. YMMV of course but I am having no problem with very critical production work here. You can’t speak for all mankind jpleong
@Zynewave wrote:
I know there are a few Podium users that are still on W98. So what do you think. Is it acceptable to sacrifice W98 compatibility with the release of Podium V2, in order to keep up with new OS and processor advancements?
I think you will have to at some point drop support for W98/ Me compatibility Frits. The vast majority of users are on XP and some on Vista. One cannot expect W98 support to be sustainable whatever happens in future.
IMO there are many apps out there that have already moved on from W98. I suspect many other devs of various types of software that are running a business on their own, just simply cannot support two dev platforms, in this case W98/ME and XP/ Vista…IMO W98 support cannot be supported forever.
It has to end at some point. With more devs on Podium it might be feasible to carry on support for the forseeable future but as a single developer …
“it would be a nightmare”
That is pretty much what I thought.
I suggest a crossover period for customers like Pigini. If that is possible.
Podiums development cannot be held up for the minority of users as that does not make business sense for Zynewave at all.
Podium needs every bit of dev time it can get and in a strange way maintaining support for W98/ME especially if it impacts XP/Vista dev time would ultimately slow down Podiums release schedule. Less frequent releases means less publicity, less registrations and less income. That model is of course just not sustainable.
A tough call for Pigini and other W98 users but unless you can fit in sustainable dev time and support for W98/ME + XP / Vista there may be no ther way for Podiums dev but to move on from W98 support. At least I would suggest an extended period for W98 users but it cannot be forever.
Hardly any dev with tight timescales and no marketing budget would do that IMO.
Tricky but sometimes progress is very difficult but critical for the survival of a product.
@UncleAge wrote:
Do keep in mind that Zynewave is small operation and the legacy support may not be an option in the future. Who knows, I may find myself in a similiar boat when devs drop “support” for XP. I wish you the best of luck in your pursuits Pigini.
Yes. This is a harsh reality. Zynewave is a really small operation. Frits started this thread so that shows his good will to all his customers…but no dev can be expected to support any platform forever.
@UncleAge wrote:
Interesting. Considering the massive amount of planning that must have gone into such a huge merger it seems very strange to suddenly call it off.
I wonder if the recent Guitar hero issues and lawsuits against Walmart e.t.c might have partly triggered a re think by TC. Perhaps they want that dust to settle and try again in a few years.
In any case TC’s competitors as well as Gibson’s might be pleased by the news. I guess if TC and Gibson had a successful merger they would have been a formidable combination especially with future hybrid products.