actauly i have frits. im going to keep at this progam. its obvious that podium has serious potential. but i honestly believe that if you could implement one new feature that everybody would apprciate it would be, Highlighting received notes from MIDI input 8)
is this implemented yet frits 😯 this is a vital update for those that use the pianoroll to record 🙁
sorta. like a preset breed function. it may be just an amature idea 😳
frits the question has come up several times about developers not realy using there own software and being lazy about ergonomics and such. do you yourself use podium as your main daw?
thanx 🙂
alright then frits. im glad your hearing me 🙂
k thanx frits. and thanx for the tip xis23 🙂
definitly man. for me its vital ❗
nobody eh?
fris is there a free midi utility that i can download for use in podium (and that works) for highlighting midi keys. tried tobyberas quick keys but it didnt work.
ok frits thanx. thats all i ask 🙂
ssems to be fine for now frits.
as a person thats demoed all popular hosts, i say to you dont base all your ideas on podium to what you think is best. download demos of all the popular hosts and dont think that just because the big boys use it or the litle ones dont that an idea works or doesnt work. im not very familiar with the big boy host but as far as i see the little guys are doing something right or steinberg and logic would rule all. you can learn many ideas from checking out how other developers percieve a good workflow. the best idea might not always be yours 🙂
@Zynewave wrote:
Are you saying that you can’t get your MIDI keyboard to play the synth on the track you are editing?
no, im saying that for those who use a midi keyboard to produce and depend on one to create ideas, podium should just emit the midi keyboard because once cant use one anyway in regards to how podium doesnt tell the user what keys hes pressing. first he has to press a key on the keyboard, then he has to hear how that note sounds previewed, then he has to touch notes with all sustains included in the pianoroll to prevew hjow the note will sound when used. then the last step is to find the correct note in regards to where the pianoroll is responding to. and i cant do any of these things, with podium based on how the midi functions in regard to the pianoroll. im in no way an amature frits. and i get great reviews on my work and can spend weks ro even months crafting a tune. i need a program that can do what other hosts can do and you have alot of competion 🙂 i cant even use podium in the midi state its in riight now im sure many others feel the same way, see something great in podium but are waiting for podium to “get there”
in the pianoroll, when i have the pianoroll set to 1/16, and touch a note in the pianoroll, the note get highlighted and i can see what note im clicking on but
if i click a note when using a pad preset in albino, the note only previews 1/16 of a note. the note im clicking on in the pianoroll should sustain for as long as im pressing a chord. so instead of sustaining a note based on the lenght of the note, it should sustain by how long the user presses it so the user can get an accurite preview of how the note should/is going to sound when used in a pattern/song 🙂