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  • in reply to: Relative snap? #18098

    About the modifier keys:
    it would be nice if they were user configurable in a central place.

    It’s good to have good defaults and easy way to restore these defaults, but like you said there is only so much functionality you can put into these modifiers, if you want to accommodate all usecases.
    Now I do think that these modifiers are mostly enough to suit the usecase of one user.

    Lets take ctrl+drag and alt+drag as an example. I think most people will have a preference to either phantom copies or hard copies depending on the sort of work they do most of the time. (I find myself using phantom copies most of the time and am happy to use the right click menu to make a phantom copy unique) This would free up the ctrl modifier for my usecase.

    Then central place for ui tweaks is also important: because now you can reconfigure the shift modifier in the snap settings menu, and in two versions time you can maybe redefine the alt key in some other menu and if you don’t take care, you get a big mess of options.
    It also allows you to focus the modifier key shortcuts on what’s best for the current set of features podium has. If people really need the old behaviour they can always fall back to it.

    in reply to: I have some suggestions/tips :idea: #18072

    I understand, but it still works like expected. You’re not cutting out functionality.

    I agree that you need to be careful with implementing non standard behaviour (even if the standard behaviour is hardly any good). You shouldn’t make right clicking on a folder delete it, or change the close buttons of windows from upper right to upper left for no other reason than “it’s prettier this way”.

    It’s a difficult trade off between getting a good workflow and having people relearn their muscle memory, but the only negative point is “it’ll make a sound that the user won’t expect the first time” as far as I can see.
    I even think a large portion of user will expect it to make a sound.

    I’m sorry for the long rant, but I’m just very interested in design and interfaces. Sometimes you have to implement non standard stuff because it makes sense. First time users don’t expect the hierarchical engine, you need to relearn some skills, but then it makes sense and is very powerful. I like that sort of reasoning. If the concept is right and well executed people won’t mind if it differs greatly from the standard behaviour.

    in reply to: I have some suggestions/tips :idea: #18069

    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    If you don’t mind me saying, I think an ‘auto-audition’ option – like the auto-assign input or preset option – would be nice to start auditioning with a single click.

    From a usability point of view the most common action should require the least amount of clicks.
    Currently single clicking an item in the browser just selects it, but the selected state offers no benefits, so in reality nothing changes if you single click something.
    Windows suffers from this a lot, single clicking is mostly pointless in most applications, while it is the easiest action to perform.

    In my opinion single clicking should preview a sound in the browser, why else would you be clicking it?

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    in reply to: Timestrech #18021

    @Lion wrote:

    I don’t know much about Fourier transforms and all that, but isn’t time stretching and pitch shifting basically using the same methods?

    Time stretching is actually done using some sort of granular processing: you slice the audio very very very thin and then move them away from or closer to each other. (this is a very simple visualization of the process)
    It’s notoriously difficult to get it to sound good though.
    All time stretching options you find in other programs are basically the same algorithm licensed from zplane.

    btw: you’ll not often find real time audio things working directly with frequency data. The most efficient way to perform a Fourier transform is the FFT algorithm, which processes data in blocks. You can’t just use the FFT on one sample. Processing data is blocks means lots of latency. It’s the main reason almost all convolutional reverbs add latency.

    in reply to: Relative snap? #18020

    @Zynewave wrote:

    Snap point should of course be available for sound events, but do you think it should also be available for sequence events? It could be useful if you for example create a curve sequence with a fade-in, and set the snap point at the end of the fade-in.

    Sound and sequence event should stick to the same snap rules/settings, IMO, if only for the sake of consistency. I’m sure relative snap will also prove useful on sequence events in a beat slice/glitch session ๐Ÿ™‚

    in reply to: Relative snap? #18012

    I like solution 2

    in reply to: alchemy #17974

    I haven’t had any problems with alchemy in podium yet.

    I’ll try it in 2.29 tonight or tomorrow (depending on how much time I get to spend in the studio)

    in reply to: Another newbie here… #17945

    @Trancit wrote:

    Am I right, that Podium doesnยดt support Midi VSTยดs (as effects)???

    True, it doesn’t support them. It’s on the todo list for quite some time. I use a subhost for that (if I need it, which I rarely do).

    Is there any way to show different tracks in the track panel and the mixer??
    For example, I would like to see the Busreturns in the mixer, but not in the tracklist/trackpanel…

    I’m not sure actually. I think it is, the editor profile feature is very powerful when you dig into it, but someone will enlighten us very soon ๐Ÿ™‚

    in reply to: First impressions and questions #17928

    Using two soundcards through asio4all is perfectly possible. I do it all the time.

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    in reply to: Help recording guitars and real drums #17775

    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    I had nightmares even, I was dreaming about kyran running after me with a big guitar screaming “I TOLD YOU YOU MUST RECORD FIRST ALL THE BAND WITH METRONOME IDI*T!!” ๐Ÿ˜€

    Best regards

    Lol ๐Ÿ˜€

    I’ll buy you a beer to make up ๐Ÿ˜‰

    (I didn’t get the chance to listen to the track yet)

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    in reply to: Ableton Live 8 not rewiring? #17760

    Working just fine here with live 8.1.1
    You have to assign a rewire device to a track in Podium before starting live, otherwise it will just start normally instead of in rewire slave mode (but I think you already know this)

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 152 total)
ยฉ 2021 Zynewave