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  • in reply to: Relative snap? #18193

    @Zynewave wrote:

    Shift+clicking to start a marquee selection will reset existing selection first. Ctrl+clicking an empty area will start a marquee selection adding to the existing selection.

    :D/ :D/ :D/ :D/

    I cannnot express my happiness enough. I really need this. Marquee with shift always ignore snap and it resets the current selection. I’m jumping in my bedroom before go to work! 😉

    Small suggestion, not as critical as the reset suggestion but it could be good, I think it’s a good idea allow that marquee work with Ctrl+LMB with pencil tool. Nowadays if you keep down control and LMB in a empty area you write an event, the same that if you simply press LMB. So the suggestion is that Ctrl+LMB start a marquee that doesn’t reset the existing selection with pencil tool.

    Best regards and thanks again!

    in reply to: Relative snap? #18186

    Collapse tracks doesn’t work when a tag is currently selected, or sometimes it works in mixer but not in arrangement – don’t know how reproduce this last situation but I’ve a pod file that I could email you if needed.

    in reply to: Relative snap? #18185

    @Zynewave wrote:

    I’ve fixed this confusing behaviour by making the relative mode snap to “previous” relative position when the “snap to previous grid line” mode is enabled.

    Much better now, thanks!

    @Zynewave wrote:

    The “Mono In” indicates that it is stereo out instead of mono in/out. I’ve never heard of a reverb plugin that had mono output ❓

    I had seen that was possible when I tried Toraverb in mono mode, so I thought that a reeverb could be useful with a mono output in some (electronic) musical contexts. Didn’t know this was intentional 😉

    in reply to: Relative snap? #18180

    When you import zReeverb the Mono version is confused as a Mono In version with one input and two outputs

    in reply to: Relative snap? #18179

    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    Thanks for the update. I don’t understand the point of “snap to previous grid line”, but “snap to closest grid line” works for me, it seems more consistent bacause when you drag a note horizontally it doesn’t “dance” (behavior that seems buggy).

    Ok I understand it, it’s the snap behaviour. But when you move notes with relative snap “previous” options seems buggy. I did a small video:

    Will be deleted once you see it 😉

    in reply to: Podium shortkeys, alternative setup (done) #18178

    I thought in another solution that could be really good. Ignore snap and Phantom copy rarely works at same time. Phantom copy is only arrangement, and when you do a phantom copy there is pretty rare you want it ignore the snap, and if you want it, you do the phantom copy and later you move it ignoring snap.

    So here is the proposal to drag notes with LMB:

    Shift Modifier: Ignore Snap
    Alt Modifier: Lock XY
    Ctrl Modifier: Create a copy +Shift Modifier: Phantom copy

    Vertical Zoom: Shift+MW
    Horizontal Zoom: ALT+MW

    And here another proposal, based on your 2.30b2. Instead use Ctrl to switch between Copy/Phantom use another key, because sometimes can be confusing, as example Tab key (or another!) while dragging.

    All those shorcuts try to avoid the idea of “if you press a modifier before then … but if you press the modifier after….” that can be overwhelming and not natural, specially for newbies learning Podium demo.

    in reply to: Relative snap? #18177

    Thanks for the update. I don’t understand the point of “snap to previous grid line”, but “snap to closest grid line” works for me, it seems more consistent bacause when you drag a note horizontally it doesn’t “dance” (behavior that seems buggy).

    Maybe you’re aware of this: If snap is on, and you click in the border of a note, then press shitf and you move the note you can do the note as tiny as you want. But if you start to resize the note without keeping down shift key and while resizing you press it you cannot do smaller than snap value.

    And this is a suggestion, I would allow press shift key before click to resize, is more comfortable, despite the fact that pressing shift key is for select notes.

    Thanks again for relative snap 🙂

    in reply to: Podium shortkeys, alternative setup (done) #18173

    @Zynewave wrote:

    Often I do a temporary drag operation with the intent of aborting it (to return to the UI state before the drag started), such as: Zooming out on the timeline to get a overview. Zooming in to check the details of crossfades or rapid short note sequences. Dragging faders to hear how a track affects the mix. Dragging up the editor panel, mixer, velocity region, and practically any other resizable panel, in order to temporarily get a more detailed look at events, meters, EQ curves, and the list goes on and on.

    I didn’t know those usages, yes it’s useful.

    It’s also not good to rely too much on middle mouse button. I think most of the mouse models on the market have middle click on the wheel, and it’s easy to accidentally move the wheel when clicking. And then there are laptop users, where the trackpad does not have a middle button.

    Then the only shorcut we could sacrify is Unique copy (or Lock XY). I don’t use XY at all, but others do. Maybe an option to switch Alt behavior? And what do you think about Alt+Shift+MMB to scroll? (all scrolling in Podium is done with Modifier+MMB and thatt would release Alt+Shift+LMB…)

    Best regards

    in reply to: Podium shortkeys, alternative setup (done) #18171

    @Zynewave wrote:

    Is “SUPR” the Spanish name for the delete key?

    Yes 😳

    RMB modifier: (only after dragging started) Lock X/Y movement

    Not possible. Right-mouse click (while holding down left mouse button) is used to abort (undo) any kind of drag action in the entire Podium UI. It’s probably the one shortcut I use the most.

    I reserved for that task ESC key. Now that you have an hypotetic right system to select events, a simple right click to delete them and the old friend undo, I thought it wouldn’t be a critical shortcut because you wouldn’t do mistakes, except the rare case you select another events. If you think isn’t enough and you do tons of mistakes choosing the event/sample drag (hint: get a new mouse!! 😛 ) I can think in another alternatives.

    The problem here is, while moving any events you need few modifiers:
    1. Ignore snap
    2. Create a copy
    3. Create a phantom copy
    4. Lock X/Y
    5. Cancel

    And you’ve these modifiers:
    1. Ctrl
    2. Alt
    3. Shift
    4. Right Mouse button

    Only four!

    All of them, except Ctrl and Alt should work at same time, so we need a fifth key. Letters, as single stroke modifiers, can do the job of Cancel since is the only single stroke modifier. And other weird modifiers as MMBaD (Middle Mouse Button after drag), Casp Lock aD [this key is weird due to its toggle nature but can be use as a modifier] or AltGr aD (too far to be usable).

    So I can think in these alternatives using another key:
    1. Esc Key, as I suggested in the original map
    2. Z/A/X key doing the job of cancel
    3. Double Right clicking to cancel while dragging.

    RMBaD doing the job of cancel:
    4. Caps Lock turn on/off the lock to XY grid
    5. Using MMBaD to lock XY grid
    6. Using a single stroke key (Z/A) to do the job of a Modifier aD key to lock X/Y

    RMBaD doing the job of cancel and playing with Ctrl/Alt [exclusive modifiers]:
    7. Ctrl do phantom copies only, Alt key used for LockXY. Unique copies can be done:
    7.1. Pressing any single stroke key to toggle from phantom to unique while dragging. The icon would change and phantom would be default always you starting to drag, example A or Z key
    7.2. Doing only phantom copies and turning them into uniques later.
    7.3. Using mouse wheel while dragging to exchange between unique and phantom copy, same that 7.1.

    Exotic modifiers
    8. Using windows key as a modifier to lock XY (don’t know if possible but I think reaper uses it)

    This is all my small brain can think in this moment 🙂 I think there are some very good, but… are you serious that you do a lot of mistakes choosing what to drag? (if you would have a correct selecting behaviour as I show here) Just hard to believe, not trying to offend anyone!!

    I add another shortcut. Lets do a brainstorming 🙂

    in reply to: Relative snap? #18164

    Thanks for the change, anyway I was doing it already 😀

    The most Podium shortcuts are fine, the only problem is when you want to edit music, so I’m going to post in another thread how I would do it. Because pressing notes after others is a little messy

    in reply to: Relative snap? #18152

    Frits, if you allow me the tip I think you’re losing lots of functionality not allowing right mouse button do actions and don’t allowing that modifiers+mouse buttons are context dependent too. That means lots of new and easy shortcuts that honestly, if I was you, I would re-plan again. I want to mean, when the mouse its over an emply space Ctrl/Atl/shift + LMB/RMB do something, when the cursor is over an event border the same keys do another things. Think that in a near future is easy that you implement timestretch, and that mean another shorcut.

    Other host take advantage here (context dependent + right mouse button), and other draw or design programs too, even Windows and Linux… it shouldn’t be bad.

    If you want I could develop a complete shortcut map allowing this functionality, but something say me in the ear that you prefer develop it yourself 😛

    in reply to: Relative snap? #18143

    @Zynewave wrote:

    I never liked the fact that I had to place this option in preferences. Now that we have a menu for snap options, would it not make more sense to move the option to that menu?

    Yes, please, it’s a good idea.

    in reply to: Relative snap? #18140

    Frits, mouse snap mode doesn’t work when you set it in “Start of grid unit under cursor”

    Best regards

    in reply to: Relative snap? #18139

    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    – Dragging clips from inspector to arrangement doesn’t work, it’s buggy

    Aha! It does the same thing that happens when I drag MIDI files from Addictive Drums into the arrangement

    As far as I know Podium never supported memory exchange between plugins and its interface (you cannot drag samples from browser to plugins and you cannot drag samples from plugins to arrangement), is it that right?

    And another bug: when you are resizing a note using SHIFT you cannot reduce it size more than the snap value.

    My main point with relative snap and ignore snap is doing simple and gated melodies as this:

    For that I need that relative snap works with note lenghts (to strecht a short note and do it it’s duration+current snap value) and that ignore snap works when I ‘gate’ notes. With those small details relative snap would be finished for me in Podium.

    thcilnnahoj, I must PM you about fabfilter 🙂

    in reply to: Relative snap? #18130

    Thanks for your work! I found some problems in the first minute:

    – Relative snap doesn’t work tweaking note lenght. And, doing dance music, this is the most common use for relative snap I do.

    – If Snap to grid and Relative snap are on and you move a note left/right you will see a weird movement, the note while you’re dragging sometimes move backwards.


    – Dragging clips from inspector to arrangement doesn’t work, it’s buggy

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