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  • in reply to: Relative snap? #18039

    I didn’t want to mean it weren’t useful! It should be and now I’m using it too 😀 It’s useful (for me) when I have the piano roll with a small zoom.

    However I think that ignore snap feature is a must, with ALT key (once the movement or resize of the piano roll note has started) should work flaweless, or A or Z <- This could solve the problem

    in reply to: Relative snap? #18036

    Thanks you for try it. Please watch this video, it’s a rar file, it compressed the video from 1.300Kb to 50Kb 😮

    You can see how I use Reaper demo’s piano roll. When I move the note it always snap to the nearest grid or relative snap point. When I ignore snap I’m using shift key.

    I never used Shift key in Podium to restrict the movement, it’s something that doesn’t help to my workflow because you can move again the mouse to fix the possible movement error.

    However if I want do a groove in Podium I need to enable/disable snap constantly, because sometimes I want to move the notes snapping and others without snapping and quicky fix any start or duration with shift key. It’s lightning fast and it appeals me to work.

    All of this is only a personal opinion, but I think lots of people share this point of view… take a look to VIP Zone, I’m going to post something right now.

    edit: oops, here is the video:

    edit2: about shift key to ignore snap, I’ll be happy with caps lock or ‘A’ or ‘Z’ to temporary enable/disable snap

    in reply to: Device definition problems #18026

    Thanks for the reply, I’ll do the work

    That could be a solution. But I’ll at least implement it so that when you move all the mappings to another folder, then the device definition folder will automatically be moved along.

    That’s would be nice, but think that user could create a new copy of the plugin instead move it and the confusion would start again (two device definitions).

    Best regards

    in reply to: Relative snap? #18010

    I think Reaper is more perfect that Protools managing relative snap. The note/clip/event just snap to the gridlines and relative snaps while you’re dragging it. It easy and quick, you don’t need do nothing, it’s perfect for a good workflow.

    And if you allow me an opinion, shift key should be reserved to ignore all snaps point and move the note freely, because ‘T’ is pretty far from the left hand that usually is in Ctrl-Alt-Shift-D-F.

    Relative snap and ignore snap should work with note start and note lengh. I’m pretty interested in this feature, it’s really critical for me.

    in reply to: Relative snap? #18003

    Thanks you Frits, this is one of my biggest problems with Podium (and I have to use other host to do this).

    I like the way Reaper implement this: it’s always turned on. You move the note and it’s snapped to the closest grid or relative snap unit, whatever is closest. Try its demo please.

    in reply to: Fullscreen mode #18000

    just use maximize button and you should enable auto hiding windows taskbar. Once you do it Podium becomes full screen, and there is no windows taskbar or nothing disturbing you

    in reply to: alchemy #17989

    I connected to Carl’s PC this morning. I didn’t have to many time so I’ve to do it quickly: I manually imported Alchemy.dll in Podium and it worked without problem.

    I *think* that there is another alchemy dll copy in another folder which doesn’t have access to the GUI, but carl have hundreds of plugins and I couldn’t search manually which was the bad alchemy.dll. So I saved the plugin data base with Alchemy imported manually and the problem was solved.

    in reply to: alchemy #17983

    @carl wrote:

    i don’t know that much about computers. how can i do this in plain english? or should i hire a computer guy?

    If you continue having problems you can download TeamViewer (small free program) from and I would help you, for free. It’s a program that allow me move your mouse and use your keyboard seeing what you see in your screen. You can break the process just pressing ESC, it’s totally safe.

    in reply to: 2.29 #17973

    @Zynewave wrote:

    [*]The Alt+Click shortcut for resizing sequence events is removed. This means that Alt+Click now works for dragging phantom copies of sequence events.

    I love it. Thanks you!

    in reply to: child tracks? #17968

    A child track is a regular track located inside a group track (double click on a regular track and check “group track” to convert it). You can move regular tracks to group tracks and those regular track will be child track.

    Its use is audio routing, you could have two child track inside a group track, one of them with a BassDrum and another with a Snare, then add a distortion in the group track and both child tracks would be distorded.

    I hope this helps 🙂

    in reply to: 2.28 #17951

    Very cool, really

    in reply to: Preview 2.28: Plugin database #17932

    Open the “PluginDatabase.pod” project file from the Podium setup folder, make your customizations, and save back the project. You may want to save a backup, as a “rebuild database” command will rewrite the database from scratch.

    Thanks. I think that a small command to save it automatically would be helpful too

    in reply to: Preview 2.28: Plugin database #17922

    Few questions:

    – What’s the difference between Update and Rebuild database? i think that update doesn’t scan plugins in database
    – How can I customize the global database? I’d like to remove mono plugins and folders

    in reply to: Preview 2.28: Plugin database #17916

    Genious! I like a lot the global plugin database, I’ll test it tomorrow.

    in reply to: alternate mouse action suggestions #17882

    Friendly bump 😀

    There are few basic thing that I don’t like at all and confuse me in Podium editors as:

    – With select tool you can select as Windows usual with shift and ctrl some events, but with pencil tool Shift is disabled!
    – Right click is unuseful for me when I’m using pencil tool… I’d like it could delete and unselect events

    Those two request are critical for me, as a “mouse musician” I’m, maybe they could be solved with a global mouse and keyboard customization.

    Other basic tools that I highly miss in midi editors are:
    – Cut notes doesn’t work (and it hasn’t any shortkey assigned for cut notes with pencil tool)
    – Relative snap

    And and easy and quick way to use drums editor would be welcome.

    Best regards

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