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  • in reply to: Preview 2.27: Adjust timing #17606

    No man 🙂

    I don’t know what is “Quantize within range”, it seems a sensivity, and it seems that 100 is maximum sensivity. I understand the randomize start, and Swing, and preview.

    Now is where I’m confused. Quantize duration and set duration, what is the difference? They seems to work in the same way.

    The notes, when I quantize start, always move to the left, when the right grid line is closer even, same with end and duration. I’m used to FL Studio quantizer which quantize to the nearest quantize point (left or right).

    Anyway when I change the comboboxes it seems that the quantizer doesn’t work anymore (bug?) that was the reason because I was really confused.

    Best regards

    in reply to: Preview 2.27: Adjust timing #17604

    Frits, I don’t understand the most of the controls, but it seems that only quantize notes towards the left, I’m a little confused

    in reply to: Preview 2.27: Adjust timing #17592

    okay 🙂

    in reply to: Preview 2.27: Adjust timing #17590

    I’d say that a MIDI file is more flexible, because you can save it (for a future use), exchange it with other users, edit it easily (timming and velocities!), and you can extract a groove using any third party vst slicer or audio editor

    in reply to: Preview 2.27: Adjust timing #17587

    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    I agree that this type of editing should be non-destructive unless the user wishes it.

    I totally agree, even for future midi tools you could implement (as an arpeggiator, etc). Have the option to do it in realtime or destructively it’s a marvelous feature.

    Two aditional points here:

    1. Relative snap, if I quantize notes destructively maybe I want to move them later without lose the groove. I like the way Reaper implements this, you move horizontally a note in its piano roll and it have two snap point: to grid and +/- snap value. You move the note vertically and it remains in its original time.

    2. Custom grids, as FL Studio. You can load any midi file in quantizer tool and it will work as a grid (and velocities). Take a look to its help file:

    Best regards

    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
    in reply to: Preview 2.26: Track toolbar & track categories #17501

    Now I can see where I’m moving tracks without force my eyes. Thanks you!

    in reply to: Preview 2.26: Track toolbar & track categories #17420

    @Zynewave wrote:

    The toolbar check buttons are shortcuts to the check buttons in the tags dialog. You could say that clicking a toolbar tag check button will toggle both the lane/strip option, but then how should the check button display which of the four states that the tag is currently assigned as? (none, lane, strip, lane+strip).

    Few options, none and lane+strip as they’re now (off and on respectively). 1) Lane and strip ->off, 2) Lane and strip ->on or 3) Lane and strip-> another colour based on on/off colours. I like 1 and 3.

    best regards

    in reply to: Preview 2.26: Track toolbar & track categories #17413

    @Zynewave wrote:

    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    Frits, why don’t you use a simple second column of check boxes (or another listbox) for mixer tracks instead those comboboxes? You can add too a global checkbox that links arrangement tracks with mixer ones, then when it would be turned on, if you check or uncheck a track (mixer or arrangement) they would be checked or unchecked both. It would be more fun and quick that selecting a different option for each combobox each time you need to make a change.

    Because I feel that will complicate the basic tag usage, when you don’t need the separation between lane/strip. If it should be possible to assign tags to tracks in two different ways (lane/strip), then there really should be two check buttons inside each tag button in the toolbar. Every time you want to assign a tag to a track, you are forced to consider whether you want it both on the lane and strip. I think that is going to be a mess. I’d like to keep the basic usage of tags as simple as possible.

    Ohm, you’re thinking on the new toolbar, and I’m thinking in the tag config windows. I don’t know, I don’t see it too difficult if I have a checkbox turned on by default that links lane and strip visible state each time you change them in the tag config window, while the toolbar minibuttons should act always as link checkbox were on. Maybe I’m missing something 😐

    in reply to: Preview 2.26: Track toolbar & track categories #17409

    @Zynewave wrote:

    The default setup is modified to not have the bus returns docked in the mixer. I’ve done this because I think it simplifies the track layout. With the new “busses” tag it is easy to show/hide bus returns, so having them docked is not necessary I think.

    Very cool 🙂

    A combobox with the options: “Filter both track lanes and mixer strips”, “Filter only track lanes”, “Filter only mixer strips”. This would for example allow setting up a tag for audio output only tracks (for multiple output plugins), and have those tracks appear only in the mixer and not as empty track lanes. Likewise, you could have a tag for making MIDI tracks appear as lanes but not as mixer strips.

    Frits, why don’t you use a simple second column of check boxes (or another listbox) for mixer tracks instead those comboboxes? You can add too a global checkbox that links arrangement tracks with mixer ones, then when it would be turned on, if you check or uncheck a track (mixer or arrangement) they would be checked or unchecked both. It would be more fun and quick that selecting a different option for each combobox each time you need to make a change.

    Best regards

    in reply to: Preview 2.26: Track toolbar & track categories #17394

    Thanks you for improve the template system workflow. I notice it very user friendly now without infinite menus and with automatic refresh.

    My only problem with the new track toolbar is that it takes too many useful vertical space in podium. That’s the cause I only work with one profile, because I want to avoid vertical space waste.

    Maybe you could join transport tool bar and track toolbar, or give the option to add track toolbar controls to transport tool bar, or allow two toolbars in the same row, or create an special “toolbar container” which can hold two or more toolbars, or create a “free toolbar” which can have controls of any avaliable toolbar in Podium.

    If you open default profile in 1440×900 screen (as mine) you’ll see tons of unuseful and wasted space.

    Thanks you again 🙂

    Best regards

    ps: looking foward mixer strip improvements 🙂

    in reply to: Preview 2.26: Track toolbar & track categories #17363

    It seems nice. It’s unlikey I work with groups or global SMR, but I’ll do it with show/hide tracks, and I have some interest here.

    I think its a good idea show some child track without show their group track. When I use Poise in percussion mode I add a group with one input child track and 8 outputs child tracks. I’d like to show only the input child track in track list (because it’s the only one useful!).

    What do happens in the mixer when you hide a track? I think that a good approach here would be two check box column in Track Categories windows, one for Mixer and other for Tracks. When I use Korg M1 LE (two inputs, two outputs) I’d show in track list only the inputs, and the outputs in the mixer.

    1. Is there a way to add multiple tracks at once with the “+” button on the toolbar?

    It would be nice that templates can save multiple tracks too. So with only one click you could add a M1 LE with input tracks visible only in Track list, and output track in the Mixer.

    And a question, what will happen with ghost notes of a hidden track?

    Best regards

    in reply to: Attention Poise users – new skin! #17335

    since Shannon of One Small Clue only has a forum on KVR, I won’t be able to post it there

    Why man? are you banned from kvr? 😯 (just curious)

    Your skin in general it’s cool. Maybe you could refine the blue-ish colours making them a little darker (not too much). And you could add a smooth texture to the grey background if you like it.

    Best regards 🙂

    in reply to: Preview 2.25: Zoom snapshots & revised track height zoom #17311

    @Zynewave wrote:

    • Added “Load Color Setup” submenu and “Explore Setup Folder” command to the Setup menu.

    • The installer now creates a “Color Setups” subfolder in the main Podium setup folder. If you have saved your own color setup files you need to move those into the “Color Setups” folder to make them appear in the “Load Color Setup” submenu.

    • The meter dB indicator lines inside the meters are colored with the text color.

    I don’t know if its the best moment for ask for this. Could have a track a default event colour and event colour relative to track color? Example, if you track color is yellow and you select black as note colour, the note colour will be yellow+black = brown.

    I ask this because in nice colours designs I find this:

    Best regards

    in reply to: 2.24 #17310

    If you actually never had this delay after unmuting before 2.23, then I’d be curious if I’ve been doing something wrong.

    Or maybe I didn’t notice it before 😉 I weren’t using Podium between 2.16-2.22 (I was needing a feature for practise a new music genre)

    Best regards

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