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  • in reply to: Importing arrangements #12271


    in reply to: Blue Cat Peak Meter #11448

    To invert an automation curve, from the edit menu in the Automation Editor, select “Select All Events”. Then, from the edit menu, select “Invert Points”.

    in reply to: Compact tracks and crash #11435

    Thanks for the quick response Mr. Nielsen.

    in reply to: Preview: Compact track layout #10950

    I like the new compact track concept. It is very easy to un-clutter effect chains. Also, thank you for the option to hide ghost notes from muted tracks. It is a boon for my work. I will let you know if I find any issues. I must say, very impressive work Mr. Nielsen.


    in reply to: Option to display Ghost Notes per Clip #10926

    Your approach is excellent, I have the parts isolated (soloed) when I would need this feature. Your idea is much more efficient than a selection on a per clip basis.

    Thank you for your responsiveness. I would (hopefully will) look forward to this feature!

    in reply to: Something about automation. #10883

    I hope nothing is changed to affect the timing and usability of automation in Podium. The reason I use Podium for my work is I used JamStix, and now use JamStix 2, for drums. JamStix allows automation of most every control, allowing for very “life-like” performances without the need to “hard” program the parmeters into multiple parts. Changing the parameters with automation provides great visibility in the sequencer to changes in drum parts and style, and easy manipulation as changes are required.

    With the advent of JamStix 2, I no longer use FL Studio, Reaper, nor Traction as either the automation is recognized as a constant change triggering recomp in JamStix even though values remain steady, or the timing of the automation is variable leading parameters to change to early or late in JamStix to allow accurate control of changes.

    Bottom line, I have come to greatly appreciate how Podium handles automation, and would be wary of change. For instances, if the program holds the last value after the clip finishes, when I stop and move the play cursor to a position prior to the automation clip, it would be problematic for me to have the parameter still set to what it was at the end of the clip. Or, for that matter, if I stop playback in the middle of the clip, and rewind prior to the clip, I don’t want the parameter set to what it was when I left the clip.

    I appreciate options, allowing users to set the app to behave one way or another. But if this leads to timing issues or change recognition issues, I would be greatly disapointed.

    in reply to: JamStix 2 Problem #10642

    There is a option in JamStix 2 to Cache the GUI. If this is “unselected”, the plugin works fine in Podium.

    in reply to: JamStix 2 Problem #10640

    The only reason I post it here is because it works in REAPER, Energy XT and FL Studio (the UI, the sequencer is a different story). I will post on the Rayzoon forum as well.

    in reply to: Okay, point-blank… #9875

    My understanding of parallel compression, with Podium

    Drum Group
    …….Bus Send
    …….Bus Send
    ……..Bus Send
    ……..Bus Return

    All three channels (Kick, Snare and HiHat) go to the Drum Group. The Bus Send allows variable leves of each to be mixed to the Bus Return, which is routed to the compressor. The level sent to the compressor is regulated by the Gain on the Bus Return. Sorry, I can’t do images.

    I do this all the time with reverb and JamStix. I buss the everything but the Kick and put a reverb on the bus. This gives me a dry group and a wet group. Then send both dry and wet to a overall drum group, that allows me to adjust the total drum mix relative to the rest of the mix.

    in reply to: Preview: Mixer redesign #9872

    Fantastic! I haven’t been using the Mixer. I use the gain in the track and gains in the chain display. With this layout, it will be beneficial for me to use the Mixer. Great work all!

    in reply to: Bounce Track Functionality #9836

    Sorry about the confusion of Muting and CPU usage. I was mistaken. The muting of child tracks DOES reduce CPU usage, causing the Pluggin’s of the child tracks to effectively not utilize CPU cycles.

    Your explanation of the reason Bounce Track’s level and pan cannot be adjusted makes sense. You want to preserve the sound when you froze the track group. wrapping a parent around the bounce track is a sufficient solution.

    Thanks once again for your time.

    in reply to: Why Podium? #9816

    I started recording on computer about 9 years ago with N-Track, then went to Logic, and still have licenses for FL Studio and Energy XT. Podium is the best application I have used. The Audio handling is far superior to what I find in FL. Audio files and samples are visible from within the application (with the ability to delete them) in the List page. Pluggins can be defined and arrange in any desired order. This and file management puts it ahead of XT for me. XT was close to my ideal, but numerous takes that were never used and hard to find and delete made it untenable. Podium gives me every opportunity to arrange and work with system files.

    In addition, you can easily bounce and freeze at any point in an effect chain. Collapse, expand and hide any tracks, making complex arrangements easy to work with. Memory management (something FL decided was unnecessary) and CPU utilization are very efficient. With regard to CPU, don’t be fooled by relatively high CPU usage with an arrangement that has a few initial tracks. I don’t understand the reason, but as you added more effects, VSTi’s and audio tracks, CPU usage increases at MUCH slower rate than it does in other DAW’s. While a DAW like REAPER or XT will have a very low CPU usage with only a few tracks, they will have comparable or even higher CPU usage than Podium as the arrangement becomes more complex.

    Finally, to say Mr. Nielsen is a responsive developer is a huge understatement. He will help with issues you encounter and always listen to suggestions for improvements (regardless of how stupid they might be, and he does a good job of weeding those out without making you feel like an idiot).

    The appeal of software for music creation is a very personal thing. It depends on how one approaches song recording. Fortunately, there are number of applications with a variety of approaches to choose from. For me, I haven’t found a better one that Podium.

    in reply to: Re-Ordering an Effects Chain #9815

    Amazing! In my neck of the woods, $90 will get you a 1/2 hour of Software Development time! …have … the …urge …to …send …more …money…

    in reply to: Disappointed #9591

    My two cents, I never use the mixer. One thing I love about your software is how easy it is for me to get the the part I need to adjust in the mix, and use the track inspector/group feature to adjust the level. Looking at a mixer never helped me to mix as well as listening to the song does. Listen to the song, hear parts that are not setting right in the mix, click on the group and adjust away.

    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
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