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  • in reply to: Preview 2.23: Redesigned group panel #16790

    @kyran wrote:

    Maybe dragging up and down moves the plugin in the hierarchy, left and right adjusts send levels?

    +1. That would be it for me.

    in reply to: Idea: The DAW is a Sampler #16724

    Another good idea from you, I like it.
    It would be great for quick midi triggering of building blocks (like a pattern arranger). But I would not call it a sampler, most ppl would think it was just a workaround excuse for not having a real sampler (like liquid just did).
    We could call it audio arranger track or something.

    …oh, and I just can’t resist pointing to your other brainstorm idea again:

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    in reply to: Preview 2.23: Redesigned group panel #16690

    Yes, delay it. Else it would look like a beta halfway through. Keeping up short update periods is not so important. It needs the time it takes.

    in reply to: Preview 2.23: Redesigned group panel #16670

    @Zynewave wrote:

    So to be able to comfortably work with finger touching, I’m going to implement an overall “finger size” setting in Podium, which will adjust the size of all buttons. That way the user can easily adjust to whatever screen DPI is used with the touch interface. That is one of the reasons why I’m substituting the old flat group panel with the new resizable button style.

    Brilliant!! I’m using podium on an older tablet (single touch, but pressure sensitive), sometimes the usual gui just shows that it is designed toward desktop use. I would very much welcome some more touch screen friendly changes and a wider range of workable resolutions (in my case lower resolution). When designing for touch screen usability, it would also be great to have simple touch buttons for functions, that otherwise would need keyboard shortcuts. (Apps with lots of keyboard shortcuts and no clickable substitutes are really awkward to work with in pure tablet mode).

    in reply to: Extend Podium’s track hierarchy concept #16651

    Up, Up, Up with that great idea!!!
    At the time Mike suggested it the changes in the midi editor were on.
    Maybe now is a better time to look at it again?

    in reply to: Preview 2.23: Redesigned group panel #16634

    @xis23 wrote:

    I hit the 30 effect limit sometimes! …

    Sounds like a messy way of working, if you don’t mind me saying so. Maybe less is more? No offence, but it probably would not hurt to learn some “oldschool-basics” of how really trained audio engineers used to do things.
    Equalizer, reverb, chorus, flanger, delay/cross delay, limiter/compressor and maybe some amp/cabinet/tube emulation and a filter bank is all one really needs and only used sparingly, not all at once.

    in reply to: Just my two cents #16593

    @Markus wrote:

    ps. sry for my bad english 😳

    Well, it’s actually not just bad, it’s rude. Even you must be aware of it.

    in reply to: Couple questions #16450

    @Malcolm Jacobson wrote:

    All of the mice I own are 2-button mice, with the “middle” being a scroll wheel.



    Ever tried clicking the wheel? 😉

    in reply to: Couple questions #16439

    @Zynewave wrote:

    I am considering an alternative tool system, so that’s why I am not making minor changes to the existing behaviour, as this could turn out to be wasted work. What I am considering is to have separate tool selectors for left, middle, right and X mouse button, instead of the current bar of left-click tools. Thus you can select “select” tool for left-click, and pencil tool for right-click, etc. This method is used in some other hosts. I believe Logic Audio uses this type of tool selection.

    Hope the possibility of having the tools on left click will persist somehow. I’m using podium on a tablet pc and left clicking means only putting the tip on the screeen while right clicking or emulating the middle mouse button is a bit awkward, would kind of take the edge of using the pen at all.
    The quick button row in the midi editor works extremely well with a pen, faster than in any other app. Maybe something similar, like a definable floating tools palette could stay in podium as an option?
    (a floating tool palette would be better than under the menu, because it now gets cut off in portrait mode)

    in reply to: Some feature suggestions #15861

    @kyran wrote:

    You should look how live does this. They are just another snap setting you can choose “narrow, normal, wide”, but you can still select the standard (or no) snap values too.

    Ok, only an option then, though one I would have no use for.
    Don’t have live, only looked at it once, but did not like it.
    I always loved the simple separate selectable values, one for the grid, one for the drawn note. I’ts much quicker to take care of the rests when drawing. That old pure midi sequencer digital orchestrator pro (aka record producer) had such an easily workable and intuitive piano roll. Never actually understood why the grid and the currently drawn note should be linked in any way like it is now in most DAWs, there is no advantage to it, imho.

    in reply to: Some feature suggestions #15852

    @kyran wrote:

    1. Adaptive snap grid: the more you zoom in the finer the grid becomes. Ableton live has this nicely implemented. Say when I’m fully zoomed out I have a snap of a bar, when I zoom in more this goes to 1/4, 1/16 etc.

    That’s not always desirable. And besides, there is alot more in music than those simple denominators. The automatically adjusting grid, just cannot guess what I’m up to, maybe it’s triplets or five or seven in a quarter note and maybe I want to zoom in while seeing exactly the grid I need and not something else with no relevance to what I’m doing.

    A swing/groove tool on the other hand could be useful. Loadable custom grids made from own midi sequences would do.

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