Topic: Preview 2.23: Redesigned group panel

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  • #16618

    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    To be fair, this is not entirely true, maybe simply due to a bug: If I keep adding effects, at a certain amount the new effect tracks will not be added into the chain correctly. It’s best to try and see for yourself what happens. πŸ˜›

    You were really bored! πŸ˜›


    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    Also, if you were to have a mad chain of 30+ effects, at some point the group panel will start to extend beyond the screen. The scenario is unlikely, I’d say, but maybe a little “show/hide effects” button or a scrollbar would be in order in the GP.

    I wonder what would, if anything, come out in the end of such a chain… πŸ˜€


    I just mean graphics. Yes, that samplitude mixer is little bit incoherent, but something like that in visual way, you know. Less things, but more professional look. Or something 8)


    @Markus wrote:

    No new betas in couple days :-k

    Maybe he is taking a well deserved break from it all here. Perhaps other things in his life (like anyone else) have greater priority. πŸ˜‰

    I guess we only see the results of his code work on the forum. Sometimes that might mean a beta release each day at other times if he hits a snag somewhere (maybe some new change breaks something elsewhere) he has to take time out, days maybe even weeks to think it through. Remember it is just one person doing all this work…him.

    If a beta is delayed but Podium maintains its stability going forward thats 500% fine with me. Personally these days I have little or no time to test the betas here and can only post comments on areas of interest for me when they come up. Very small input, but hopefully it helps in some way, thankfully Frits still encourages users to post their thoughts on new features.


    @kingtubby wrote:

    @Malcolm Jacobson wrote:

    I don’t understand the need for the Tick button. I like the information about the effect to be shown in the Inspector as soon as I click on the effect name. I don’t like having to click the “Tick” button as well. Can we add an option to hide this button and have the information automatically displayed?


    It does look a bit strange somehow. The E buttons functonality was nicely placed inside the effect slot maybe the tick button could have its functionality fused into this same FX slot but on the left perhaps…would be one less button to see in the new GP.

    Just right click on it to see the menu.

    It might not work but one less button to use would be nice.

    Or even better…

    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    Also I’d like to add that right click on effect/instrument slot would be more polished that the menu button. On a empty slot it should show the same instrument/effects menu that left click. And woooooaaaa another button less = better experience for the user.

    Maybe combined with this idea here…

    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    Is there anything assigned to right-clicking it, other than selecting the track? You could use it to bring up the replace/unassign device menu, otherwise people who don’t like keyboard shortcuts may have a hard time with it


    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    To be fair, this is not entirely true, maybe simply due to a bug: If I keep adding effects, at a certain amount the new effect tracks will not be added into the chain correctly. It’s best to try and see for yourself what happens. πŸ˜›

    You were really bored! πŸ˜›

    πŸ˜† Couldn’t hurt to test my claim! I had to wait for Windows to install on my new (old) laptop anyway.
    But regarding what comes out at the end of a 30-effect chain, hmm… Merzbow? :-k

    And whether Frits is furiously coding or taking a week off, considering we always get something great in the end, I don’t mind the wait much.


    I hit the 30 effect limit sometimes! With old plugins that don’t support latency comprensation, sometimes I have to add dummy plugins that are 100% dry so that the phase between different layers stays the same… With complex layering, over half of the plugins end up being dummy plugins that I use just to maintain phase…


    @xis23 wrote:

    I hit the 30 effect limit sometimes! With old plugins that don’t support latency comprensation, sometimes I have to add dummy plugins that are 100% dry so that the phase between different layers stays the same… With complex layering, over half of the plugins end up being dummy plugins that I use just to maintain phase…



    @xis23 wrote:

    I hit the 30 effect limit sometimes! …

    Sounds like a messy way of working, if you don’t mind me saying so. Maybe less is more? No offence, but it probably would not hurt to learn some “oldschool-basics” of how really trained audio engineers used to do things.
    Equalizer, reverb, chorus, flanger, delay/cross delay, limiter/compressor and maybe some amp/cabinet/tube emulation and a filter bank is all one really needs and only used sparingly, not all at once.


    Couldn’t one just delay that track the right number of samples, and therefore avoid unnecessary usage of extra plugin instances? Surely, that would kill the CPU and RAM too, depending on the plugins.

    I used to want to have long chains of FX and the reason I gave up on that was more like, I couldn’t be bothered tweaking them all and just even having the patience to find all the right ones… then I asked myself why I needed so many.

    That was still only like 16, maybe. What can I say, I lack patience. πŸ˜‰


    Hehe well maybe it’s a bit less than 30 but I did used to hit the limit in old versions of podium and having to start sending to a new chain!!! In theory, yeah I could use something like voxengo sound delay, but I don’t know the exact latency of the plugins I am using….. Most of my contemporaries in DnB tend to resample and reapply FX that way, but I prefer the control, and find particularly with making basses that I have to look at it holistically. Also, In particular with drum busses for processing breaks, if you get different layers of a drum hit out of phase with each other you start getting loads of destructive interference which weakens the sounds of the final result as the waves from the different layers start summing towards zero in places (and sounding hollow) when you mix them. But yeah, my method of production probably IS a little crazy lol… My actual mixdown/song template busses are a lot more simple, I mainly just use these crazy chains for processing up individual sounds.


    @xis23 wrote:

    I hit the 30 effect limit sometimes!

    Would you be able to post a list of what a 15 plugin chain might consist of? I’m just curious. Seriously. This is something that I’m having a problem grasping.


    Yup, quite easily… Some top producers resample specific sounds around 5 or 6 times, noisia being one such example… If you can imagine the sample going through 2 or 3 effects every time it’s quite easy to imagine it going through about 15 effects by the times it’s done…. Only difference is I do it all in one cycle instead of resampling (and maybe don’t get quite as nice sounds as noisia out lol)…

    Here is my old drum template for processing breaks (cleaning, compressing etc), mainly old funk breaks into more modern harder hitting drums, it doesn’t hit 15 but comes close – 13 I think ( I have a bass template that does but I don’t wish to give away the secret!)….. I do parallel distortion, parallel compression, and waveshaping around particular resonant harmonics (I do this with ephonic lofi in my newer template). I anaylse at several points to see how the frequencies are effected post processing and it would be a pain to keep adding and removing Span instances. I also reshape the volume envelopes (kinda like manual expansion) around particular frequency layers so that different frequencies hit at different times – for creating snap/splash/crack etc – whatever you want out of a snare or drum hit. I colour code the various parts of the template so that I can become more familiar with what is where in my template, and try and learn the templates structure inside out….

    Sure I could use more sends? But then wouldn’t that just make things more complicated and messy then being able to just look from bottom to top, right to left, to see what my chains look like.

    The type of music I make is kinda highly fetishisist in terms of trying to create hyperreal sounds that aren’t neccessarily natural, but sort of have a concentrated saturated essence of what actually makes that particular sound.

    My new drums can be heard in the following works in progress: , , ,

    Hopefully as I learn my templates inside out I should get better…


    Dude, that’s what they invented resampling for.
    The reason most of these big dnb guys work in audio is because it’s easier on to keep the phase relationships right.
    Besides if you resample your drums you can use them as starting points for new drums.

    The nice thing is: podium makes this incredibly easy.

    Just use the bounce functionality: create a track put some fx on, bounce that down, drag a phantom copy to a new track arrange on there, put some new fx on, bounce down again. Rinse/repeat.

    Want to go back to step one, no problem: unbounce the original track, modify some stuff, hit bounce again. The nice thing is that all your copies will be updated automatically.

    You can also do this in a seperate arrangement for extra cleanness.

    There are numerous bonusses to this: you save cpu speed, you work with audio 50% of the time, so you can get the timing and phase 100% right with little to no effort. You commit to tweaks to make (but don’t lose the ability to go back), and you get free samples to reuse in other tracks.


    Don’t get me wrong, I resample as well! But say for instance I want to effect different frequency layers in a sample, it’s impossible for me to maintain phase relationship by bouncing say 3 versions of the same sample low/mid/high passed then stick these back together again…. The only thing you can do is process and recombine in one go with the splitting happening in real time through the same chain of fx.

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