Most of the Wusik presets with the tag Ugo on my machine are from the Fuel3 WusikEngine Library (from so I don’t know if there are any Ugo presets included with Wusikstation.
Hi Reject,
You can export presets created in Podium to .fxp and .fxb files. You create new program or bank library presets using the preset panel menu or by pressing ctrl+P. Export presets by right-clicking the preset object and choosing Properties on the context menu. In the Library Preset Properties dialog, click Export… to bring up the Export VST plugin Preset dialog where you can specify the name and the location of the file.
Hope that instruction is helpful, otherwise I’ll have to rewrite that section in the guide (it’s mentioned together with the zPlugins).
By the way, would that be the same UGO who has made all those wonderful Wusikstation presets?
@Zynewave wrote:
1) The upcoming changes to the group panel will do something about this.
2) I’ve added “E” as shortcut for closing a plugin window when it has focus. This shortcut won’t work if the plugin uses the E key for something.
Great thanks! 😀
This would be especially useful for those editors that seem to block Ctrl+Tab from cycling through open windows.
Which plugins block Ctrl+Tab?
Did a quick investigation:
Wusikstation 3 uses Ctrl+Tab for internal navigation.
Jamstix 1 has a GUI with different tabs and if I click on one of the other tabs, Ctrl+Tab stops working.
Krakli’s Gargoyle behaves a bit funny:
I change one setting and Ctrl+Tab stops working.
I then click on another window and then Ctrl+Tab until I get back to Gargoyle.
If I now only change the same setting again Ctrl+Tab will work. Any other change seems to block Ctrl+Tab.
Thanks for sharing this with us Max!
What I like the most about these songs are those fast, explosive solos 😀
And as I’m trying to churn out some heavy sounds from Podium myself, I would be very interested in any production details you’d like to post!
Did the crash occur while you were still dragging the event, or upon release of the mouse button? Please see if you can reproduce the crash.
I’m not sure. Will see if I can reproduce it.
I doubt it has anything to do with the Luxonix plugin.
I doubt it as well. Just thought I should mention it.
Is that the latest version of WusikStation?
Should be, I just got it. Have auditioned it quite heavily over the last two weeks and this was the first time anything unpleasant happened in connection to it. Seems to be a mighty fine piece of software 🙂
Much like Podium, which (apart from these crashes) seems to get better every time I launch it 😀