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  • in reply to: Preview: Mixer redesign #9630

    😀 Looks great! I think it was a good idea to make the faders a little larger,
    they should be easy to pick out. I also like that you decided to put them next to the meter and not over it, I think they would have gotten in the way there.

    Is the option to show faders global or per track?

    The minimized parent tracks look great too, this will help to not fill up so much space, I usually end up with anywhere from 50-80 tracks when I’m done with a song, so that’ll be very helpful. 8)

    in reply to: 1.82 #9627

    forgot to say, the invert and reverse points in the curve editor work just as I thought they should 😉 Thanx alot for adding them, I really appreciate it 😀

    in reply to: New Audio Editing Cutting Tool Feature Idea #9623

    Sure, that would still speed up this process a lot, I think that right click menu command would be fine. 😀

    I find myself chopping midi and audio quite a bit, so this would speed up my work flow quite a bit. 8)

    in reply to: MIDI loop recording workaround ideas #9575

    awesome, thank you 🙂

    in reply to: Curious #9533

    I know this may seem like a very simple solution compared to what has been said above, but what about a simple function like ctrl+g like in the sequencer view. Where everything is hidden below the track you press ctrl+g on.
    There could be a symbol or something on the mixer track that shows that there are tracks hidden beneath the track. So basically using the ctrl+g function in the mixer would do the same thing as in the sequencer. Completely hiding child tracks…

    Just a thought…

    in reply to: Drawing Waveforms on Group tracks above channel? #9411

    It would be cool if this applied to midi tracks as well, it could just read from the closest track below the one “activated” for displaying the “ghost” readout.

    After using Podium for a while I’m beginning to think this would be very handy.

    Though even more handy would be the zGrid 😀 😛

    in reply to: Drawing Waveforms on Group tracks above channel? #9356

    Just to clarify, not an actual Audio track but just a representation of the one below it…. 😉

    in reply to: PODIUM: Demo crash on start up. #9344

    glad to hear all is better 🙂 If you install them one at a time you might be able to narrow it down to which one exactly is causing the problem…

    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
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    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
    in reply to: Drawing Waveforms on Group tracks above channel? #9316

    Yes this is what I’m talking about. Basically having a preview of the audio in child tracks drawn on whatever track(s) you choose above it. Maybe just an option you choose that says “draw waveform from audio input” or something like that.

    As far as live or pre-bounced, I guess that depends on what kind of resources live drawing would take. Or maybe the ability to choose, live or only a bounced “copy” of audio from child track.

    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
    in reply to: Why Podium? #9307

    True, Podium is the most stable host out there that I’ve used. This is probably one of the things I’ve never experienced with other hosts, once you’ve had real stability you don’t understand why you just accepted instability with other hosts in the past.

    I’ll let you know my hosts in order that I used and tried extensively over the years since 1999

    Fruity Loops from 1.3 up to 6.0, Reason from 2 to 3, Sonar from 4 to 6,
    Samplitude 8, Cubase vst 5, sx1, sx2, sx3, & 4, Reaper, EnergyXT 1.36 to XT2 beta, Pro Tools, Buzz, Ableton Live 3 to 6, Acid Pro 5 & 6, Cool Edit (in early stages just manipulating audio)…I’m sure there are some that I’m forgeting. edit: Emagic Logic audio 4-5.5

    The point is that I’ve given most of these hosts a good run for their money, retried them over the years again and again, searching for that perfect host.

    I’ve spent too much money buy at least a few of those apps above only to end up being unsatisfied.

    I’ve come to find I can only work with programs where the developer is in it for the right reasons, I’m oddly drawn to good people and their work.

    Okay so in comes Podium, it was strange how everything clicked for me.
    The keyboard shortcuts make sense. I’ve always been picky about automation curves….Podium has the best hands down!
    I enjoy looking at it while I work, the gui is beautiful, but not just trying to be the “cool” new thing.
    It’s everything I wanted in all those hosts that none of them had on their own.

    The other thing is that it helps me to be organized and I’m not an organized person believe me. I find myself making everything neat in the project. You can rename and reorganize your vst’s from the project browser and it doesn’t move the orginal .dll’s. The way it automatically names bounces with the tracks name and increasing #’s helps you to keep
    your audio files organized. I actually delete stuff I don’t need!!! First for that. Being able to hide all your midi tracks under a bounced track ready for use if you need it is amazing!!

    Basically it’s a practical host that thinks about how Human Beings work and fits to their way of functioning. The program grows as you grow allowing you to work faster and faster with it. I see it as a long term solution not just some quick fix!

    Maybe it’ll work great for you maybe it wont, give it a good long run
    make sure to set up everything how you want it, then start working and work with it for a while.

    Good Luck

    in reply to: REX and ACID file support. #9301

    I’m all for keeping it clean as well. Though loops aren’t just for making music with loops. When I bounce down a section of drums to audio or a “looped” part, I like to use that audio that “I made” chop it up stretch it put fx on it etc for variations on a part, or for a whole new part.

    Loop tools are use full and not just for people making music with other peoples loops. Now with that said, there are plenty of tools out there for doing crazy stuff with loops (e.g. LiveSlice) that you can just plug in as a vst or use as a standalone.

    I really like Podium how it is, maybe more audio editing features, some more midi implementation.

    I think features like this could be added as long as they aren’t obtrusive to the current work flow.

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