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  • in reply to: Energy XT as a vst licence problem #13465

    Ahhh never let it be said I dont mind admiting when I,ve been dumb.

    All I had to to was import the Ext2 plugin again (there had been a few betas since I,d last tested it in Podium).

    Sorry for the trouble and thanks for the reply Fritz

    in reply to: Energy XT as a vst licence problem #13464

    The licence file is just a reg file in the same folder as the vst or vsti.

    I,ll check over at the Energy xt forum see if they have any answers.


    in reply to: General suggestions #13332

    @rinxai wrote:

    Virtual control knobs (RACK type thingy) – for mapping physical controllers to any VST/i MIDI parameters – perhaps as a feature of zGrid..

    Would be a great help for me this one. Imagine a window with all the knobs and switches of your outboard midi hardware.

    I did try this in Synthedit before but found the CPU hit was far to high to work with. But was very usefull as a visual reference.

    in reply to: Midi Plugins #13331

    Maybe a midi convertor would be handy as well.

    For example I have a Novation BassStation and its filter CC,s are not the standard 71/74cc. At the moment I use Midi-ox to convert them.

    And I,d imagine a Midi CC to Sysex would be handy for many with midi hardware.

    in reply to: Backwards compatible #13241

    Thanks for the reply and the reasurance.

    Now I can continue with those damn sysex secure in the knowledge I,ll be using them for many years to come.


    in reply to: Routing of Midi is confusing me #13229

    @Technophobia wrote:

    I would like to send the note info on the Midi track out to my Cheetah MS6 on channel one.

    I used to have one of them back when they where first released. Nice sound just a right witch to programme. Must be a lot easier to use these days with sw like Podium to help with those fiddly midi cc.

    Still on the look out for another if anyone sees one going anywhere.

    in reply to: Tutorials #13208

    I had a lot of trouble working out how to get the right sysex messages into my hardware. Came up with a simple way using Midiox and a mid editor.

    Should work with other midi editors as well.

    in reply to: MIDI and audio routing of an external #13175

    Thanks for the reply.

    My hardware seq (yamaha rm1x), runs fine with podium.It starts and stops using the rm1x transport.

    Its just that i,mtrying to triggering vst, outboard Modules and audio tracks in podium.
    The whole lot just goes out of sync unless I use podium to sequence instead of the rm1x.

    in reply to: MIDI and audio routing of an external #13155

    Works fine with all my outboard synths all in sync.

    One problem I ran into, that was a big doh moment when I realised the solution was-

    I,m sequencing from an external sequencer (RM1X), so when i try to play an audio track in Podium, it isn’t in sync with the midi outboard.

    This of course is nothing to do with Podium, as it cant predict what’s coming in thought the midi input (that was the doh moment).

    Not really a problem as I usually cut up my breaks in Liveslice and trigger them from the RM1X.

    Great bit of software the first time I,m able to have all my outboard working inside one piece of software. Thanks

    in reply to: MIDI and audio routing of an external #13154

    Thanks for the replys folks.

    Got it working, it was the audio mixer input channel that was set wrong.

    I set it to the soundcards ch 7 when its actually on a virtual ch 11 (I think thats the reason the softare channel is different?)

    Technophobia i,m actually an Englishman in danmark, so my dansk is not to good as well. Still not been to Roskilde, should really go one year.

    Now to try adding all my other outboard and hear if it all syncs up.

    in reply to: MIDI and audio routing of an external #13151

    Maybe someone can upload a template Project so I can see where I,m going wrong.

    Have tried the wiki etc. but just cant get my head round what I,m doing wrong,


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