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  • in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
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    in reply to: Preview 3.4: Codebase rewrite #42278

    i guess but if we look at it comparatively to other daws of the same pricing type, there’s reaper that gives all updates for two major versions for a single purchase of 60$ and there’s tracktion waveform pro giving all updates of a major version, both release frequent updates

    i feel like the fixed time system isn’t really good because it doesn’t guarantee any actual benefit compared to the major update type

    in reply to: Preview 3.4: Codebase rewrite #42245

    ngl i had to pay a second time to get a single update tho and my second is now expired so i’ll never get 3.5
    with this release schedule of updates i feel like the system of upgrade period makes no sense, instead it should be like “getting all 3.x upgrades until 4.x” or just lifetime updates like fl

    i don’t feel like paying a third time for the “chance” to get access to a single update

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by SeleDreams.
    in reply to: Preview 3.4: Codebase rewrite #41848

    By the way, I would have a suggestion, it could be a good idea to have an alternative purchase method that would be similar to fl studio but more as an alternative
    basically either paying the current 50$ price for a year long update licence or maybe having a higher pricing tier for lifetime updates, something around 200$

    in reply to: Preview 3.4: Codebase rewrite #41643

    Yeah I can understand the priority.
    Is the VST3 support considered a high priority ? as lots of VSTs start to only have vst3 versions due to steinberg not licensing vst2 at all anymore
    (synthesizer v being an example of a vst3 only vst)

    in reply to: Preview 3.4: Codebase rewrite #41636

    Do you think that with such a rewrite, Linux support could be thought about ? this would make transitioning between the two OSes less of a pain.

    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
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    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.

    If possible, I’d also like to know if we can make it so shift+scroll could scroll horizontally as it is VERY annoying to always have to use the top bar

    in reply to: VST3 support? #40908

    Synthesizer V as well is one that is only available as standalone app and VST3 with no VST2 version.

    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
    in reply to: Is the software dead ? #39759

    I’d hope that if the project ever ends up stopping development that it at least becomes open source, as I am sure it has a lot of potential

    in reply to: Is the software dead ? #39757

    I see, thanks
    I feel like zynewave should post more often about the progress of the software on Twitter and on the news page because for customers, not having any indication about the progress of the software doesn’t really help to want to continue to support financially a project that doesn’t bring any update if you see what I mean, while if we have more infos on the progress, that we know it is active, it is easier to want to support it

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