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  • in reply to: Small feature request #39351

    Thanks Levendis. I’m aware of those features, but was referring to assigning pre/post gain-pan-metering when right clicking on a channel. After setting any one of these the dialog box closes & then has to be re-opened to set another of these for the same channel. It would be more efficient to have the dialog box stay open so these can be set at once.

    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
    in reply to: Problems with media files #37187

    “Media files” is a broad term. Podium only uses wav/aif audio files.

    in reply to: one small request… #37106

    also a sticky note icon for track headers that have information on the sticky note.
    And, a “render selected tracks” as an alternative to
    the “render all…” command.

    ok, that’s 3.

    in reply to: Preview 3.3: Multiple open projects & new Start page #36441

    Got it. Thanks Fritz. Am liking the new updates.

    in reply to: Preview 3.3: Multiple open projects & new Start page #36424

    Erm…I can’t find the “Save As” button. As in for saving a new version of a project with a slightly different name or number. Am I missing the obvious? Any help welcome.

    in reply to: Preview 3.3: Multiple open projects & new Start page #35370

    I have another (slightly off topic) feature suggestion for 3.3. Would it be possible to add an option for colour coding the track markers? i.e. verses are red, choruses are blue (I know I know there’s a song in there somewhere 😉), bridge yellow etc.
    This would be immensely helpful when recording at a distance from the computer screen. I think that even if I had a young person’s eyes I would still struggle to read the markers from half way across the room, & it’s probably simple enough to code without taking time away from the main features of the update.

    in reply to: Insert rubato #35075

    There are so many different ways of working within a DAW. I personally find samples to be overly static sounding, & avoid them for the most part in preference to “Romplers” which often provide round robin triggering, & allow for MIDI control.
    I am specifically referring to rubato – not a tempo automation curve, but literally a section of time where the musical phrase is played in an interpretive free time. For instance, the song stops for a moment, a little lick is played in free time & followed by the beat/bars becoming “a tempo” at the end of that section, such that a MIDI drum clip could kick back in at that point. An automation curve for tempo would certainly be useful, but your previous solution is closer to the mark for this situation. Cheers ☺

    in reply to: Insert rubato #35073

    Thanks Levendis. This is pretty much what I’m doing, & practically speaking, it works. Being somewhat “old school”, I actually rather like inventing workarounds. This was normal in the days before automation etc. The idea of just inserting a given amount of time in seconds, independent of bars & beats seems like a simple feature to implement, & certainly would find use in many genres. I wonder if it might be useful to survey Podium users to see how many people use strict bar/beat time & how many have a use for more organic time requirements. There are times when I’ve been producing,say, Hip Hop & it’s all tightly synchronized. Other times when I use Podium more like a digital tape machine with no adherence at all to the tempo grid.

    in reply to: Sample Tank/jBridge issue #34826

    Thanks Fritz. I tried Podium x86, and Sample Tank 2 is 32 bit only, but still no go. And I have a policy of not dithering about with complicated problematic software. One of the reasons I love Podium in fact. Most of the sounds in question are orchestral, so I’m using my ears to re-assign patches in Sample Tank 3, based on earlier mixes. But still welcome any solutions.

    in reply to: Too early for a feature request? #34814

    Oh – brilliant!
    Thanks Fritz.
    Podium is still my Number 1 DAW. Great to see its continued development.

    in reply to: Too early for a feature request? #34807

    Erm…may as well do tempo strip as well 😀

    in reply to: Reverb and delay by default in recordings. #34529

    I once experienced a similar problem – not with Podium though. It’ likely something to do with how your audio is routed outside of Podium. Are you using ASIO, and if so, are you using ASIO4ALL as a driver? And, what soundcard are you using? Check all these and make adjustments where necessary.

    in reply to: Recommended Freeware Plugins #33353

    A couple of classic synth emulations:
    OBX-d from discoDSP
    Mono/Fury V2 from Full Bucket Music

    in reply to: Podium "stopped working" when usb is unplugged #33220

    It might be the driver for the Behringer unit. Do you have ASIO4All? It’s a universal audio driver that solves a surprising number of problems. With that installed Podium may be able to use it as an alternative to the Behringer, which may be causing the glitch.

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