@The Telenator wrote:
Frits, thanks for your response. This is your area of specialty, but I should mention that certain other makers boast the feature of no processing on silence, and I have witnessed it on one of them. I know the coding is in your plugs in our case, but how would others handle this? I’d love to see it globally in Podium, but if it’s a massive fix or a No Go for other reasons I’m sure we’ll all understand.
I can understand it if other hosts support this as a checkbox option for each plugin. It is up to the user then to figure out whether a given plugin can support this. In my experience there are a lot of plugins that misbehave if they are deprived of the regular buffer processing calls. It can result in frozen plugin UI or clicks in the audio once the processing starts again.
Of course, the Podium bounce system and the “unload plugins when bounced” track>bounce menu option can help force the plugins to reduce the CPU/memory load, but it sure would be nice if the plugins in general would be smarter in reducing resource usage when they are processing silence.
Yes, the guide is unfortunately not up to date, and downright misleading in some places, due to recent software updates. Most people don’t start out with the guide, and so I feel it’s better to devote my time to make the software as intuitive as possible. Writing documentation is not my strong side, and I find it a slow and boring process, partly because English is not my first language. Being a one-man business, it is hard to excel at all sides of running a business 🙁
The most ideal situation would be that the guide was not needed at all. I hope to extend the Podium popup-help system over time, so that we can toss the guide and replace it with a series of how-to videos. I do think that the current popup-help is up to date, as I integrate the popup-help while coding new features.
@The Telenator wrote:
Here’s one I know for certain: no matter whether my numberpad is locked or not, hitting the Zero key DOES NOT stop play as in the Guide. Numpad Enter does start play but Zero takes whatever track is highlighted and adds a repeat of whatever object (event) is on the track. Neat, aye? I’m using a nice, fairly new ASUS laptop with a very standard keyboard, so I doubt it’s anything funky to do with that.
Most numpads have a mode key that toggles between numbers and alternate keys for arrows, insert, delete etc. It sounds like your numpad is in navigation mode, where 0 is mapped to the Insert key. Podium uses the Insert key as a shortcut to duplicate selections.
@adimatis wrote:
Not to hijack the thread, but since you use the Variety of Sounds plugins, could you tell me if Density works with Podium in your case.
Here, adding Density is fine, it process it just fine aslo, but when bouncing… Podium crash. No mater if on master track or normal, Density will process the sound, but bouncing kills the entire application…
I have also always experienced sporadic crashes with the VoS plugins. I’ve debugged this, but cannot determine why the plugins crash.
@The Telenator wrote:
Also, I noticed that the Zynewave effects do not consume CPU when processing silence yet not muted. This was one of my few Feature Requests for Podium in 2012. I’m hoping Podium globally can be upgraded to do the same with all loaded plugs. A couple of the leading workstations already have this feature, and everyone else is heading in that direction. It’s a real help for those of us who don’t have one of the beefier editions of an i7 chip or similar.
The Zynewave plugins have been coded to skip internal processing when they detect that the input is silent, and they have completed the internal processing (reverb tail etc.). It’s up to the plugins to be intelligent about that. The host cannot know for certain whether a plugin can be bypassed if the input is silent.
@danrbranch wrote:
The one MIDI-related thing which I think Podium could do with is the ability to assign MIDI inputs to effects VST (along the lines of the existing automation tracks, but with MIDI instead of ‘level’ based control). I don’t know whether this would be easy to implement, or even if it’s been brought up before (sorry if it has!)
That should already be possible.
If you’re talking about assigning/routing a MIDI input mapping directly to an effect, then you can do this through the track inspector. Select the checkmark button next to the effect, and then select an input from the Input panel.
MIDI parameters can also be automated for effects, just like for instruments, provided that MIDI parameters have been created for the VST effect. You can create these with the menu button in the inspector parameter panel.
The menu items are grouped and ordered in a logical manner. I’d prefer not to disrupt this order. What I can do is add underscore key shortcuts to the menus. You can already do this with the Quantize command by pressing Alt+E, followed by Q. This method won’t work with “Adjust Timing”, since the A key is assigned as shortcut to “Select All Events”. I’ll try to find another key shortcut for this command. ‘T’ is taken by “Delete Event”, so maybe ‘I’.
Have you tried the free Vocov plugin?
I have not tried it myself, but I know another Podium user has had success with the “Vocovee” effect plugin.
@michi_mak wrote:
Frits, i’m curious on your next goals!?!
For 3.1.1, I’m currently converting Podium to be a Unicode app. This will not affect English users, but other language users should then be able to enter e.g. object names and filenames using any character set. This is a step towards future support of full UI internationalization of the Podium UI.
Sorry to hear about your troubles. The only .dll files that the Podium installer installs are the Zynewave VST plugins, and (since 3.1.0) the optional ReWire.dll file. The Podium installer does not install or update any Windows system files. I have no idea whether the ReWire.dll file affects the Windows system the first time it is run. You could try installing Podium without the ReWire.dll feature.
I googled “ntalpcsendwaitreceiveport” and the first post that came up was this:
I haven’t checked other links to the problem, but it seems the problem is quite common.
Are you using XP Home or Pro / 32 or 64-bit?
Hmm, this may be something that have gone bad in the latest 3.1.0 update, where I did some track-related fixes. I’ll investigate this.
Thanks for your suggestions Telenator. Yes, too much time was spent on the Mackie implementation, but this was a feature that had been requested numerous times in the past. I’m glad to finally have it crossed out on my todo list. As for the nearest future, I’m currently doing some experiments with the Podium file management, which would apply to your no.5 feature.
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