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  • in reply to: Mixing Desk #3796


    I could create a shortcut in the projet wizard Arrangement panel that would automatically create the tracks needed to route e.g. a reverb plugin as a send bus. Is this what you had in mind?

    If you want to start out with the mixer layout as you described, you would need to create this once and save the project as ‘Default.pod’ (as described in the 1.14 release topic). Then every time you start up Podium you would have this mixing desk template to start out with.


    in reply to: Zooming… oh, and playback! #3794

    …light slowly dawns, sun filters through the curtains, throwing longs rays across the shadows… things that were hidden take on sharp images, contrast and depth are filled out as the brightness increases..

    Is that lyrics from one of your own songs? 😉

    in reply to: Midi Out from midi VST effects #3793

    when MIDI output from VST/i is implemented, could an option be included for sending it down a buss to control a plug in the bus…

    Won’t be an easy thing to do, so I think I’ll pass in the first round.

    Also, will the MIDI carry on upstream in the mixer until the events are sunk by a VST, or will they just be lost at the next level? I hope that the former would be implemented, since it would be the most useful.

    I haven’t looked into how I would implement support for MIDI output of VSTs, but I guess I will treat it just like if it was an external synth you were using to play/record MIDI. So the MIDI would flow upstream until it arrives at a device mapping that can use it.

    in reply to: Midi Out from midi VST effects #3789


    This has not been implemented yet. You’re not the first to ask about this, so I will put a higher priority on it, but I cannot make any promises on when it will be available.


    in reply to: Zooming… oh, and playback! #3787

    when a track is zoomed using the slider at the bottom right, is there a chance that it could centre on the current play position?

    I’ll think about this.

    Also, could there be an option for returning the playback position to it’s last stop position after a play? I would find this really useful when listening back to a part, overdubbing/mixing etc; instant recueing. It would be hepful to be able to turn it off.

    I’ll think about this too 🙂 A solution using existing functionality would be to place a marker at your desired stop point. Pressing the Q key would then move the play cursor back to the marker. You can do this while playing also.

    Btw, thinking about VST parameters – when they are automatically generated when a plug is imported, they have their max and min both set to zero. Since a VST parameter will always be between 0 and 1, would it make sense to default to those?

    The min and max settings are integers. When the range is set to 0..0 for a VST parameter, Podium will use the floating point precission of the parameter (All VST parameters are floats by default). If you know that a VST parameter is used to set a value in a fixed integer range, you can enter this range for the parameter, and e.g. the mixer sliders will show the integer value rather than the floating point value. If you set the range to 0 and 1, Podium will treat it as a on/off type parameter. Some of the VST parameters in the device definition files are defined this way.

    in reply to: Reason to Buy this software #3786

    @anfmusic wrote:

    Haven’t had time to write much lately Frits; but love the updates! Hope the review helps to interest a few more people!

    Hi Alphonse, good to hear from you.

    That is a glowing review, thanks!

    in reply to: 1.14 #3783

    Where will I find this then?

    In the curve editor view menu, select ‘Profile Properties’ to open the setup dialog. Select the Meter region and press the Properties button.

    in reply to: Podium Releases #3778
    • ‘Recently opened projects’ shortcut list.
    • Minor editor improvements.

    Topic: 1.14

    in reply to: Semi-transparent automation curves #3773

    Why is it necessary to fill the automation curve with colour at all?

    It is not necessary at all. The curves drawn in the sequence events in the arrangement editor is drawn without filling the body of the curve. I originally had the body filled here as well, but it put too much strain on the CPU when scrolling an arrangement with a large number of curves.

    The advantages with filling the body of the curve, is that it is more clear where the zero or default value is. A curve sequence placed on a level parameter track would paint the body all the way to the bottom, but the same curve sequence placed on a panning or pitch bend parameter track would paint the body wrapping around at the middle. Furthermore the body is painted with a color grading scaled to the curve value. Just by skimming the curve horizontally and watching the color variance, you can get a feel for how the curve changes.

    But maybe it’s just me that finds this useful 😛
    I’m going to improve the curve editing in one of the coming releases. Maybe I’ll put in an option in the profile properties to get rid of the color fill.

    in reply to: Semi-transparent automation curves #3771

    the other way would be to draw the automation, then overlay the gridlines with a more light colour.. might introduce flicker tho’..

    I do all graphics rendering in offscreen buffers before blitting the result to the screen, so there will never be any flicker no matter what I draw. I’ll try your suggestion and see what it looks like. It won’t look the same as true transparency, but it may work.

    in reply to: cant run demo #3769


    I’m sorry to hear you’re running into so many problems 🙁

    It should be possible to install Podium when logged in as administrator, and still be able to use it when logged in as other users. You just have to do a little trick:

    One of the things the installer does is to create a Zynewave/Podium sub folder tree in the ‘Application Data’ folder for the current user. All you need to do is copy this folder tree from your administrator account into your normal login account. If using W2K, then this path would typically be at:
    C:Documents and Settings[user]Application DataZynewavePodium

    When Podium is starting up, it expects to find this folder, which it uses to store setup files and audio cache files. That’s probably causing your problem with the empty editor windows, since Podium will not find the setup file. For the future I’ll put in some code in the Podium startup routines that automatically creates the Zynewave/Podium folders if not found.

    in reply to: Nord Rack 3 Device Definition #3768

    Even though I don’t have the Nord Lead, you can always email me the definition file, and I can check whether it appears to be correctly defined.

    This is not the final device definition I’ll make, expect to see definitions for the Waldorf Q, Novation SuperNova 2, Access Indigo 2/Virus C, Alesis Andromeda A6, Alesis Ion (Nord Modular 2GX as well?) as time allows 😉

    Wow, an impressive gear list 8)

    in reply to: Semi-transparent automation curves #3767

    Yes it is a good idea. It would even be quite easy for me to implement this, but the problem is that drawing with transparency uses a lot more processing power on the graphics card, than drawing with a solid color. The update and scrolling in the curve editor would become noticeable slower. The transparency used e.g. when drawing the segment selection in the editors, is not that demanding because it’s mostly just a single large rectangular fill command. The curve area changes color depending on the value of the curve, so it is drawn with a series of thin rectangular fills, making it more time-consuming to render. I’ll try to do some experiments with transparent curves, and maybe put it as an option in the curve profile properties for those with superfast graphics cards.

    in reply to: Nord Rack 3 Device Definition #3764

    Hi Joachim,

    I voted ‘I don’t have a Nord Rack 3 :-/’ 😥

    Just curious; Did you start from scratch or did you find a Cubase patch script file to import the factory preset names?

    Last time I checked the Nord specs, I believe all the settings in the device could be controlled by control change messages. So I assume you’re not entering any SysEx parameters?

    If you want to ‘donate’ your definition, I can include it in the ‘Device definitions’ forum. I can also host the file on zynewave.com.


    in reply to: CPU USAGE? #3763

    Have you tried the Superwave p8?

    Yes, also a great synth, but it’s equally as CPU demanding as Lallapallooza. They are both made with the Synthedit tool. Although you can get high quality Synthedit creations, it often comes at a cost of high CPU usage. The thing that annoys me the most about synthedit plugins though, is that their loading routines for some reason is very time consuming. Activating monitoring for one of the Freebees arrangement (and thus loading all insert plugins), can take several seconds depending on your system. Most commercial plugins will load almost instantaneously.

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