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  • in reply to: small feature request/suggestion #3761

    I’ll try to implement this for the next 1.14 release.

    in reply to: Velocity #3760

    Everything is great except I cannot drag hits from one note up or down to another

    Podium 1.13 has been released, which adds support for dragging notes up or down, along with other improvements to the drum editor.

    in reply to: CPU USAGE? #3759

    Is there an option to improve this?

    To avoid/reduce chances of these sudden CPU bursts, you could try to increase the buffer size/latency setting in your ASIO driver setup. I’m using a 1.7 GHz w. 512MB RAM, and an ASIO buffer size of 512. I also suffer from occasional CPU overloads. I’ve made some unfortunate choices in softsynths for the freebees project. Especially the Lallapallooza which is a good sounding synth but it puts a heavy load on the CPU. I hope to find some time to make a better demo project, using plugins that are less demanding.

    in reply to: Podium Releases #3756
    • Drum editor improvements.

    Topic: 1.13

    in reply to: small feature request/suggestion #3755

    So you are predominantly starting on a new project every time you start up Podium? 😮

    At the moment Podium only reloads the last used project.


    I could put in some code in the Podium startup, that will look for a ‘Default.pod’ file, and if found will load that rather than the last used project. No need for a tick box in the preferences then. After loading the Default.pod at startup, I think it would be best to make Podium ‘forget’ the filename, so that you are always prompted for a file name when saving the modified default project the first time. Does that sound like an acceptable solution?

    in reply to: Pitch UP #3753

    Glad to hear you’re making progress!

    I had trouble with the WAV output and found that I needed to convert it to 16 bit. What’s the default?

    The sound files used in the freebees project are all set to 16 bit. When you create new sounds in Podium (either by drawing a new audio event or using a ‘new sound’ menu), the bit resolution will be set according to the options on the audio page in the preferences dialog. The default behaviour is that the bit resolution used by your audio driver will be used when creating new sounds.

    I did have it working when I tried the demo….I did a full registery tidy up ….would that cause a problem??

    The Podium settings are not stored in the registry, so that should not be a problem. The blank editor could be caused by a corrupt/incomplete setup file. This should only happen if Podium crashed or the PC was powered off while exiting the Podium application. If you have been experimenting with customizing the sequence profiles, you may also unintentionally have cleared the curve profile. You can reset the setup file to default using the ‘load default setup’ in the setup menu. After this you will need to reconfigure your selections in the MIDI/audio interfaces dialog.

    Also should the keyboard, on the left hand side of the editor, sound when you click on the keys?

    If you open the editor by double clicking on a note sequence on a track with e.g. a softsynth, and monitoring has been activated, then clicking on the keyboard should play notes with the duration of the current quantize snap setting. Moving notes around in the editor should also audition notes.

    in reply to: Pitch UP #3751


    when I click on the Pitch Up section in the Freebees project I get a blank grey edit screen…is that correct??

    No that does not sound correct. Take a look at this screenshot: http://www.zynewave.com/images/Screen1.png
    I assume this is the arrangement you refer to. Double clicking the ‘Pitch Up’ sequence event should open an editor window with a curve resembling what is shown in the miniature sequence event. Is your editor window completely blank?

    Also how do you mix the track down and save it as an wav file?

    If you enter one of the freebees arrangements, just select the main record switch (next to the play button). Disable looping (to be able to render the entire song without loop recording). Press play, and then the audio events on the bounce tracks should record the song output.

    Also how do you import wav files and midi files?

    Easiest way is to open a list window (Ctrl+L), browse to the folder with your wav or midi files, and drag them onto tracks.

    Why isn’t there a manual for 90 euros?

    The online Podium guide is the manual. On the download page you can download a zipped copy of the Zynewave website, including the Podium guide and presentation videos, for offline viewing. If there are specific areas in the guide that you find lacking, let me know and I will try to expand the guide or at least write explanations here in the forum.


    in reply to: 1.12 #3749

    Glad you like it Duncan.

    Could something be put in for automatically creating send and return devices? Maybe an option in the New.. menu? Just ask for a name and the number of through channels.

    I was hoping that the new ‘Create new mixer bus mappings’ command in the project wizard would be enough. If you want the bus mappings to be named differently than Bus 1, Bus 2 etc. you can just rename the mappings afterwards.

    I was sort of expecting a send for every bus created

    The solution with encapsulating the busses in device mapping objects, was a perfect fit with the existing audio engine. I considered the solution with presenting a send dial for each bus on every audio track, but found there were some disadvantages. As you said it would require more CPU usage. Furthermore all audio tracks would need to be delayed with the maximum latency introduced in any of the busses. By using the device mapping method, you can have a bus with a large latency (e.g. SIR reverb), but still audition realtime on tracks with VSTi synths that are not routed into this bus.

    in reply to: Podium Releases #3746
    • Mixer busses.

    Topic: 1.12

    in reply to: Basic question: Missing Edit button #3745

    The monitor switch activates the audio engine and engages any live MIDI and audio inputs you have placed on tracks in the arrangement. Deactivating monitoring will to stop audio processing and thus free any cpu resources used by the plugins. Your project file can contain several arrangements so the monitor switch is also used to select which arrangement you want to activate. Any insert plugins are only loaded in memory when monitoring is active, so the monitor switch is a kind of ‘load’ command for the arrangement.

    in reply to: Basic question: Missing Edit button #3743

    Your VAZ Modular is probably imported as a ‘global’ plugin instance, meaning that there are several mappings for the same instance that are used to assign multiple outputs or MIDI channels to multiple tracks. Global plugins are always loaded nomatter if monitoring is active.

    in reply to: Basic question: Missing Edit button #3741

    The edit button will only appear if the plugin is loaded sucessfully. If your plugins are configured as insert plugins, then they will only be loaded when arrangement monitoring is activated. If monitoring is on and the edit button still does not appear, then there should be a red warning button on the track with a popup message saying the plugins could not be loaded. This may be the case if you e.g. have changed the VST root folder. Open the project wizard window and check if there are any red buttons indicating errors.

    in reply to: Reverse? #3740

    Don’t worry about it. It makes me feel good when it is this easy to accommodate feature requests :mrgreen:

    On the other hand it reminds me I have a lot to do on the Podium guide still :(. Hopefully after implementing bussing and floating point wave files and, and… I will find a quiet moment to fill in some of the missing guide pages.

    in reply to: msg x Frits: Podium, MIDI tracks and sampletank delay?? #3738

    Hi nixis00,

    I just now saw you had updated your post. I hope you haven’t waited long for a reply. The forum software does not alert you if posts are updated. Only new posts show up with flags on when you log in. You can always PM me or add a new post if you want to be sure to get my attention.

    Did you try my original reply to your post? quoted here:

    That does sound very weird. Are you talking about recording your MIDI input or the audio bouncing to the master track? If you’re talking about MIDI recording, then you could try to enable the ‘ignore time stamps from driver’ option for the MIDI input in the interfaces dialog.

    in reply to: I barely dare to bring this up but … #3737

    It certainly is something I have considered, and plan on implementing at some point. I have not gone so far as to examine what resources it would take to implement this. I know there are services in Windows that offers streaming of video, but I don’t know if it will take a week or a month to get it working properly. Depends if I just go for a solution where Podium playback syncs a separate window with the video running, or if I should make it possible to drag videos on to tracks with miniature screen grabs being shown along the time axis. I don’t intend to offer video editing within Podium though. As you imply, there are other things that are more important currently. So unless there is a sudden boom of interest in Podium from movie-scorers, it’s not on my plan for the next couple of months.

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