First check:
Make sure that there are only ONE library preset assigned to any of the tracks with mappings to the Halion global instance. If there are several library presets assigned, they will ‘fight’ to get dumped into Halion whenever something is playing on the tracks with the presets.
can you do the same for the select tool;
Yes, I’ll do that. I had avoided this, as I wanted to keep the select tool a ‘non-destructive’ tool, but as you said, there are no point in using select tools in the velocity region.
Hmm, I just checked my code. Floating point wave files are definitely not supported, and should produce an error when you try to load them. Are you sure the files you tested are in floating point format? What does the properties dialog in Windows file explorer claim?
Edit: Just saw your edit to your previous post. Could you mail me a short example wave file that loads as floating point in Audition and fixed point in Podium?
In the note editor (pianoroll) it would be better that if you go to the velocities with the mouse the tool is automatic switched to a pencil. (there is nothing else you can do there). If you have to highlight some notes to change their velocities it is a lot of tool switching
If you use the Rearrange tool, then it is automatically transformed into a pencil tool when mousemoving in the velocity region. Or do you mean something else?
Interesting idea with the menu bar. I’ll think about it.
I noticed that 32float is supported now (by accident). Since when because I didn’t noticed it before.
😯 I don’t remember having implemented 32float wave file support. The file explorer may show the wavefiles, but you will not be able to play or import them, yet.
(resize the object list for those trying to get it!)
Yes, forgot to mention that. When creating new list windows the default width is set to show the file panel by default. Those of you who have opened the list window in previous Podium versions will still have a narrow list window as the window size is stored in the setup file.
Could double clicking on the folder path bring up the folder dialog as well? Just an idea.
Good idea.
MIDI file export is on the plan.
when you freeze or bounce a track, where is the audio data stored when you save the song file?
The audio files are by default stored in the same folder as the project file. An option to store audio files into separate subfolders for each arrangement is on the plan.
The song file only contains pointers to the audio data, correct?
Seems like ages to me since the last release, so I decided to release this version even though some work is still required on the file explorer panel. Most importantly the capability to drag files directly onto tracks, without having to import the files first. This is what I will be working on next.
I’ve been thinking about implementing selection of multiple tracks, but it will take a bit of work to do this, so it will have to wait a while.
To organize tracks into groups, you use the ‘Increase/decrease group level’ menus in the track context popup menu, or use the Ctrl+’Plus’ or Ctrl+’Minus’ keyboard shortcuts. If you want to shift the group level of an entire track sub tree, you just collapse the group before using the increase/decrease commands on the top track in the group.
Not exactly sure what you mean with looping MIDI sequences. If you mean a way to repeat a MIDI pattern within a single sequence event just by dragging the sequence event larger, then the answer is no.
If you have a short phrase or beat that you want to repeat, you can create phantom sequence events. Phantom events refer to the same sequence, so edits performed on the sequence will be active on all the events referring to the sequence. You can create phantom events by starting a normal drag operation of a sequence event, and then holding the control key when dropping the event. The mouse cursor should show a ‘+’ symbol when control key is held.
Have you placed an audio event on the master track? Use the pencil tool, click and drag to create and size an audio event.
Thanks for the encouraging words Alphonse 🙂
I have sent you an email reply on the video.
1. The ability to cut at bit rates of 24 and 32
What you want is probably the option to set the default bit depth that Podium should use when creating new sounds. Just to clarify; Podium already supports any bit depth from 8 to 32 bit fixed point. Support for floating point wave files is on the plan.
Would be nice to see you implement an “FX bussing system”
Yeah, I sense this is an important feature for a lot of people. I will get to it within a month or so.
You can email me at the address written on the contact page.
I’m guessing it’s probably Sampkletank specific.
I’m guessing/hoping that too 😉
I’ve never experienced that myself, and would like to know if anyone can duplicate this behaviour with other plugins. I have tried the SampleTank Free plugin a long time ago and found it to be somewhat unreliable.
Are you automating levels or other parameters for the instruments in question?