Hi Suges,
Request noted. Multiple selection in lists using the standard windows approach with shift and control key modifiers are already implemented. What I believe you refer to is that it is not possible to drag a selection in the object list window. It’s on the plan. Until then you can get around by using a couple of other techniques:
You can use the cut command to cut a selection of objects and then paste them in the destination folder. Note that when you do this you remove the cut objects from the project, and thus if there are any references to the objects on e.g. tracks in arrangements, these references will be cleared.
Secondly you can use the browser. This is what I always use for organizing stuff. Here you can drag objects around to reorder them. Multiple selections can be dropped into folders using the control key. If you want to move an object to a parent folder, you drop it on one of the top tabs (only single object currently).
Alright, alright 😆 … hint taken.
I have already started on the mouse wheel support. Shouldn’t be more than a couple of hours work, and one more item on the future list bites the dust.
Using google I found cubase script files for Evolver and FS1R at:
I’ll see if I can implement script import quickly. If it turns out to be tricky, I may decide to postpone it.
It is not there yet. I added it to the future list. Donald wrote to me saying that he would wait a while before trying Podium again, so I decided to wait and see if there were others requesting this.
Would Cubase script import be useful to you? What synths are you using?
@suges wrote:
You mention that Podium offers you to choice of using library presets or plugin-suppled factory presets (I really have to learn how to use quoting on phpbb). 99% of the time I only use factory presets. Are you saying there’s a quick way for Podium to recall those settings when you come back to the arrangement later? Because that’s what I mean, Podium is not retaining the basic settings like which patch I selected for my Minimoog plugin. I don’t care about the positions of the every little parameter and knob, I just want it to remember the patch I was on.
If you select/assign the factory program preset on the track with your plugin (using the preset panel), Podium will remember it. If you change the preset from within the plugin editor, Podium will not detect the change.
Some plugins implement their own internal factory preset system, which is not made available to hosts as VST programs. That may be the case with the Minimoog. For those plugins you need to use library presets to grab a copy of the internal preset.
Hi Jeff,
There are already some key shortcuts to zoom tools. Press and hold the following keys, and click and drag at the point you want your zoom to be anchored:
Control+shift to zoom vertically
Control+alt to zoom horizontally
Control+shift+alt to zoom both x/y
Shift+alt to slide zoomed area.
@papawillow wrote:
Just a minor request… when moving notes around is it possible to switch off (or option) the preview sound (of midi notes) when Play button is active?… Its just that it interferes with the pattern sound as it is playing. Nice to have when you need it.
Added to the list.
I could implement a command in the arrangement editor that would check that all tracks with plugins were assigned library presets. It would then create and assign library presets to the tracks that either has no presets assigned, or are just assigned program change presets.
I mean, the plugin already HAS its own presets, why do I have to make a second set?
Compared to how other sequencers handle plugin state storage, Podium does not store extra copies in the project file, quite the contrary. Podium offers you the choice if you want to store the plugin settings (using library presets), or if you just want to select plugin supplied factory presets.
In other hosts, when you add a plugin either to a synth-rack or insert it on a track, a copy of the state of the plugin is implicitly stored in the hosts project file. In Podium I decided to separate the storage of this state data into preset objects. Some advantages to this approach are:
It allows you to create easily accessible libraries of presets within Podium without the need to store them in fxp/fxb files.
When using global plugins in several arrangements, you can assign different library banks to the plugin in each arrangement.
If you have created a preset in a plugin that you want to use on several tracks with other instances of the plugin, you just assign that library preset to the other tracks. In other hosts you would need to copy the settings from one plugin instance to the others, every time you make changes to the preset.
For the time being, the way to do it is to assign library presets to the tracks. An option to save the states of all plugins does not mix well with the preset objects used by Podium. Insert plugins only exists when monitoring is enabled for an arrangement. Even a global plugin instance may have different states/presets in different arrangements if library presets are used.
Frits… I have noticed a bug with this actually… whilst the data is saved, the name of the original preset that the ‘sync’ed one is based on gets forgotton. If you use say 3 instances of a plug, each with a library preset based on a different preset; then save all changes, quit and reload – all the library presets for that plug in the project now have the same name.. (I think they all go to either the first library preset name, or the name of the first preset in the plug, not worked out which it is yet..)
I tried this with the Vanguard demo and could not get it to fail. Need more info. What plugins are you using? Maybe you could email me a project file with the setup that fails.
Yes it can be done. MIDI file import is not fully implemented yet. Importing .mid files will create an arrangement, but the device mappings created by the import are currently not working. You need to assign the device mapping for your synth to the track containing the sysex messages. If you encounter problems, you could email me the .mid file or your project file, and I can verify the MIDI file is imported ok.
I don’t think disabling load or save of projects is a good idea. It would mean that the demo users would need to go through the studio setup process every time they start Podium.
I don’t find kagemusha’s posts confusing, but they occasionally deal with pretty complex stuff :). Kagemusha is a long-time beta tester so he has tried some of the more hardcore stuff in Podium.
I still think you need to implement a way that you can move a volume (or any parameter) without it has effect on the curve (modifier key)
Agreed. It’s on the list.
If you want to avoid ‘leaving’ a curve breakpoint when you drag a slider, use the right mouse button (while still holding left button down) to abort the drag action. This will reset the slider to the position before you started dragging, and undo the curve change.
I just verified that I can record both curve and parameter events with my AN1x. There doesn’t appear to be anything broken that once worked. However the parameter events so far only work with MIDI parameters. The floating point parameters such as mixer level and pan and VST parameters does not currently include a dial. I’ll get around to implement that at some point.
Hi Dustin,
I fully understand your request. I had intended to keep the demo updated on each version. However, a crack of the 1.00 demo appeared the day after I released 1.00, and yesterday 9 out of every 10 visitors to the site came as referrals from warez sites. I suspect a lot of the ‘ghosts’ you mention are just waiting for a new crack of the latest version.
I will update the demo soon, but I’d like my paying customers to be a step ahead of the warez users. I’m thinking about how to cripple new demo versions so that a demo-crack will not be as complete as the full version. What kind of crippling would be acceptable to you?
You need to set a minimum and maximum value before it is enabled. If min and max are the same there will be no effect of using a curve sequence for the parameter. Parameter objects with 0 in both min and max are typically used for ‘mode’ parameters that will cause an effect just by being received by the device.