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  • in reply to: midi mappings and behaviour #3095

    It’s not that important but just to ease my mind to ensure myself I’m not completely a chaotic head 😕 :
    So before it was not possible to attach a sticky at for example an arrangement object in the projectbrowser?

    The bug that appeared with stickie notes in 0.84 – 0.90 had to do with some broken Windows message handling. It had the effect that ANY text entered in a stickie note window was not notified to Podium.

    In the browser you can attach stickie notes to any object you desire by selecting the object and using the shortcut menu or pressing Alt+N to open a stickie note for that object. Once a stickie note has been entered for an object it gets a stickie note button on the object card in the browser for easy access. The stickie note button in the top toolbar is a shortcut for the page object. So if you are on the main project page, the properties and stickie note buttons in the toolbar belongs to the project object. This is the way it has always worked, to the best of my knowledge. I had no idea it was that confusing :(. Maybe I should just remove the buttons in the toolbar to avoid any confusion?

    in reply to: midi mappings and behaviour #3094

    @kagemusha wrote:

    doesn’t seem to work, I got an error message that the midi channel configuration of the assigned input mapping is conflicting with a mdi input on a previous track

    Oops, that’s right. It’s only recently that I put that check in 😳

    So the conclusion is that you cannot currently use one MIDI input to simultaneously control two or more synths. I will think about how it best can be done, but for the time being I need to concentrate on the few features stopping me from releasing 1.00.

    in reply to: midi mappings and behaviour #3088

    A quick suggestion:

    You could try creating two identical MIDI input mappings, and assign them to different synths. Don’t know if it will work as expected. I will be back in the lab tomorrow to check it out.

    in reply to: Level gets louder and louder with muted curve #3087

    Hi Eli,

    Congrats, you have found a bug 😉

    I am away from home currently, but will check it tomorrow night. The escalating audio is a bug I have seen before. Apparently I didn’t find all occasions where it occurred.


    in reply to: muting/bypassing parameter tracks #3086

    No bypass mode currently.

    I will extend the mapping bypass button (on the plan), to also bypass any parameter assignments.

    Until I implement the bypass mode, you can remove the parameter assignment from the track and then undo/redo to audition the difference.

    in reply to: Some usage questions. #3084

    You insert tempo and timesig events by clicking with the pencil tool in the two lanes above the track area.

    Drag and drop a wav file onto Podium or use the import media menu. This will create a sound object. When in the arrangement editor, open an object list (Ctrl+L) locate the sound object and drag it onto a track. Drag and drop of wav and mid files directly onto tracks are on the plan.


    in reply to: midi mappings and behaviour #3083

    I’m not sure if I understand it. Do you mean it gets confusing when the midi input track is part of other tracks where the real midi data is recorded?

    Yes, I think that is what I mean 🙂

    In the context of what i mentioned above I tried it this way because it’s indeed the global behaviour of Podium, but also because I was trying to control two different tracks at the same time. By placing the midi input channel to connect both of them.

    So, am I assuming correct that the two track tracks you want to record with one MIDI input is the track you assigned the input to (which have no output mapping assigned) and the parent track with an output mapping? What would you expect would be the outcome of recording MIDI with this setup? Maybe you could send me the project file so I could get a clearer picture of what you want to achieve.

    I was sure that before when I highlighted an object and pressed the sticky button in the toolbar it was attached. If I press that button it only opens the one I attached to device folder.

    Hmm, the Properties and the Stickie note buttons at the top of the browser has always been shortcuts for the current page object, and not any selected objects inside the page object. So this new behaviour you have observed is the way I intended it to work. The stickie note bugs I recently fixed should have no effect on this.

    in reply to: others thoughts #3078

    could you add a box (accessible by right mouse or a kb key) with editing tools (with move,write …) or a way faster for accessing editing tools ?

    I can easily put the tools in the context menu accessed with right mouse button inside the editor area. Would that be a good idea? I prefer not to make a popup tool selector window like the one in Cubase. When I get around to implementing configurable key shortcuts you will be able to assign keys to the tools.

    and i think it would be useful to put a peak indicator in mixer view on audio/vst tracks

    Currently the entire meter strip turns red when >0 dB occurs. When the meter goes below 0 dB the red color will slowly fade away. What specifically would you like to see indicated?

    in reply to: some suggestions … #3077

    @nproject wrote:

    – objects in arrangement window can be reduced/enlarged by mouse on left/right (like in cubase)

    There already is a minimize/restore button (the rightmost button in the track header) and you can zoom the height of an individual track by using the zoom tool and drag up/down on the track header. Did you have something else in mind?

    i meant the audio or midi objects (containers with events in them) (in the right arrangement panel) not the tracks (on the left)

    Oh, you mean resizing the events horizontally. Currently you can do that by pressing the control key and clicking on either end of the sequence/audio event and then drag. Corner drag handles like the ones you have in Cubase are on the plan.

    in reply to: FX presets #3076

    Another explanation could be if you’re using demoversions of some plugins. These are often save-disabled meaning that Podium will get an empty response when it requests the preset data from the plugin.

    in reply to: Multi-timbral VSTis #3075

    Just ignore the instructions above on how to manually set up a multitimbral VSTi. The latest 0.92 release has a button in the Wizard that does all this automatically.

    in reply to: Podium Releases #3068
    • Improved ASIO driver handling.
    • Added functionality to Project Wizard.
    • Various minor improvements.

    Topic: 0.92

    in reply to: preset bug #3067

    I think it may be a bug. I will look into it. Until then you will have to rename the presets in the plugin editor (if the plugin editor supports this). This way Podium will update the name of the library preset the next time the preset is stored in Podium.

    in reply to: FX presets #3066

    Creating library presets for effects is possible. It should work just like with VSTi plugins. What effect plugins are you trying with?

    Note that if you’re using insert plugins, these are only loaded when the arrangement monitoring is active (the lower left power button). When monitoring is not active, the preset menus are not available since the insert plugin itself is not loaded.

    in reply to: Hello everyone! #3065

    Could you go the Report page in the Interfaces dialog and create a report and email it to me? That way I may know a little more about the Tascam driver.


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