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  • in reply to: some suggestions … #3064


    – instead of rotary control in mixer view you could use sliders

    I will add this to the list.

    – a button for bypassing plugins

    Already on the list. But I will put a higher priority on it. Many have asked about this.

    a transport bar in audio editor

    There are two sound editor profiles in the default setup. If you open a sound from within an arrangement, there is no transport bar in the new window, as the sound is linked to the arrangement transport bar. If you enter a sound from the browser page, you will get a sound editor with a transport bar. If you desire a transport bar in the window opened from within the arrangement, you can insert it yourself by opening the Profile Properties dialog in the View menu. You should then insert a new toolbar region at the bottom of the list.

    – objects in arrangement window can be reduced/enlarged by mouse on left/right (like in cubase)

    There already is a minimize/restore button (the rightmost button in the track header) and you can zoom the height of an individual track by using the zoom tool and drag up/down on the track header. Did you have something else in mind?

    – in piano roll view there’s no indication on what you’re editing : you could add an info box with position length note and velocity for example – and the keyboard is inactive

    Already on the list. When you say keyboard I assume you mean the on screen piano roll in the editor. Clicking on this will select all events on that key. Note audition is on the plan.

    – in piano roll too you could add the possibility to edit multiple notes (length,heigth,velocity) at a time by selecting the one you want

    So if several events are selected then dragging the length of one of the events would change the length of the other events?

    i wish i was clear enough

    I think I understood you ok. 🙂


    in reply to: midi mappings and behaviour #3062


    I think it would make sense that you could assign the same midi input mapping to all the tracks you want. but to make it active with a switch if you want to play/control it. Instead of having to drag or replace the input mapping the the track you want to play.

    This would require that when you’re dragging the input mapping you can use e.g. control key to drop a ‘duplicate’ assignment of the mapping. Furthermore it would require that I implement the input mapping on/off button (which is on the plan). When you want to change MIDI input to another track you would need to switch the mapping on the current track off and switch it on on the new track. A lot of work and a lot of things that can go wrong or be confusing. I have another suggestion:

    I could implement a global input mapping mechanism. In the input panel list in the track inspector you would have an ‘Assign as global’ menu in the list popup menu. This would set a single MIDI input mapping as global indicated e.g. by a red pinhead image in the list. Whenever you select a track and this track does not have an input mapping assigned already, then the global mapping would be in effect. This could in theory be used with audio inputs as well (e.g. a microphone input), but unwary track selections could have more drastic consequences such as loud overload or disturbing ongoing bounce recordings etc. Let me know what you think of this idea.

    Also I tried to assign a midi mapping to a track to control a parent track (with a VSTi) but that doesn’t seem to work. I have to assign the midi input mapping on the VSTi track itself: is it intended that way? I assumed that in the concept of podium also midi would behave like the audio routings >> like a tree.

    It is sort of intended, but you’re right that one would expect that the MIDI input is flowing up to the VSTi track. The reason I have chosen that it must be assigned to the VSTi track, is that if you start recording the MIDI input it may result in the creation of new note or parameter sub tracks under the VSTi track. I thought it would be confusing that if the input was on a subtrack then recording could create tracks in a sibling branch of the tree.

    I will consider your global parameter suggestions.

    Stickies are working fine here with 0.91 on all object types. As I wrote in the release note they have been inoperational in 0.90. I need more details of how you observe this bug?


    in reply to: Hello everyone! #3060

    Import plugins is pretty smooth, however I would request an option to import an entire directory and its subdirectories, since all of my VSTi’s are organized into directories (so that they’ll be more organized in Steinberg products).

    I have just added it to the future plan.

    I’m not sure why I wouldn’t want to create a master track without bounce, all projects need to go to a mixdown wave sooner or later (I think?).

    Some users may want to work with MIDI devices only.

    Clicked Map. Chose Hypersonic 1+2. A red exclamation mark showed up. An error message about missing parent track mappings to handle audio which means nothing to me right now…

    Ok, the problem is that your new track is on the same level as the master output. Use the ‘increase group level’ menu to make it feed into the master track. The master track should always be the topmost track. I just noticed there is a bug when clicking the ‘Insert new track’ menu in the area below the tracks. It does not insert the track at the bottom but rather before the currently selected track. Will fix this. I will also implement that the default group level for new tracks will be set so they are feeding to the master track.

    Went back to Map and right-clicked Hypersonic to get the properties. Clicked Device is an instrument. Clicked Stereo from source and traget channels drop-downs.

    It should not be necessary to go into the properties for the device mappings. These are for configuring the setup of the plugin/external device, and they should be set automatically by the import. If not set correctly, it’s likely to be a bug in Podium (with the exception of buggy plugins that supplies wrong info to Podium).

    I hope that “user case scenario” helped you a bit

    Great help! Thanks

    in reply to: Hello everyone! #3058


    What display resolution are you running at? What brand of graphics-card and how much video memory do you have?

    The black screen can be the result of not enough available video memory. I’ll implement a warning pop-up dialog in Podium when allocation of video memory failed. This will help sort out if this is the problem on your system.


    in reply to: Hello everyone! #3057

    I just changed the ASIO enumeration at Podium startup. This will be available in v0.92 friday/saturday. Maybe this will help with the 44.1 stream error messages as well.

    What Windows version are you using? The podium.ini file you sent me seems fine to me. No black screen on my system. Saving the setup file, as you tried with the menu, does not crash either. My best guess is that something with the driver initialization on your system is going wrong. Perhaps the new startup detection wil cure this.

    Is there any Quick Start guides or anything? I’m having a hard time figuring this all out, coming from Cubase SX.

    I know it’s not much help to you now, but I am currently creating some video tutorials, which I hope will be available in a week.

    Just let me know what is confusing. It will help me in learning what areas I need to improve. If you need a quick guide on how to set up an arrangement with plugins, there is this topic.


    in reply to: Hello everyone! #3054

    Hi suges,

    Then I went to Settings or whatever it’s called to Save All Settings just for good measure. Then the program crashed.

    Did it crash before the ‘Save Complete Setup’ finished? i.e. was pressing ‘Save’ in the file dialog the last thing you did?

    I’d like to know what it is that is completely black. Is it the entire main browser window, everyting but the window frame? If you open an Object List window (press Ctrl+L) is this black also? If this is the case, then it’s because the color settings in the setup file somehow have been set to all blacks. Probably due to the crash.

    To delete the corrupted setup look here: (if using W2K/XP):
    C:Documents and Settings[user]Application DataZynewavePodium
    Make a copy of the Podium.ini file and email it to me. There’s a chance I may detect why Podium crashed. Then just delete the Podium.ini file to start up with default settings again.

    It should not be necessary to reinstall Podium. Reinstalling Podium will not delete the setup file either.

    Podium seems to keep loading the DirectX ASIO driver for my Tascam when it first loads (I can tell because I get the “This is the first time using ASIO Full-Duplex…” message every time)

    When Podium starts, it enumerates all available drivers on the system. This is implemented by the ASIO system by loading/unloading each driver to query its capabilities. Many have found this problematic, so I think I have to skip this method and just do a search of the registry for any available drivers. This will unfortunately only tell the name of the driver. Showing how many inputs/outputs, sample rates, etc. that each driver supports will not be possible until you activate a driver.

    Don’t hesitate to ask if you run into further problems, I’m up and awake now 😉

    in reply to: Podium Music #3052

    Excellent, proof that Podium actually works 8)

    Thanks guys

    in reply to: MOTU 828 MkII Firewire #3051

    Regarding the constant overload bug mentioned in the 0.90 release topic:

    Thanks to the helpful people at my local music-retailer, I was able to borrow a 828mkII unit. After installation on my Inspiron 8200 I had detected and fixed the bug within 5 minutes. Had I not had the device it could have taken several releases of Podium before I had figured out the cause.

    And now a note to any host developers experiencing problems with MOTU ASIO drivers:
    If you use the sample rate supplied by the driver in the TimeInfo structure for each ASIO buffer, don’t trust the sample rate is valid even though the flag in the structure indicates that it is valid 😕
    The MOTU driver (v3.3) always sets the sample rate to 0.

    I was able to set the latency to the lowest setting of 92 samples, but on my 1.7G P4, it was very sensitive at >25% cpu usage and would easily overload. At 256 samples it was ok.

    I will release v0.92 on friday/saturday with this fix. Hopefully this will fix the problems reported with Creamware cards as well.

    in reply to: Review and suggestions by a proffessional musician #3049

    Thanks, proffessor. This kind of feedback is helpful for me to know what I should focus on in the development.

    It is the smallest zip among all sequencers i have tried.

    Thanks for noticing, I’ve spent years on making it this compact :). Seriously; one reason is that I’m currently not including any system dll files in the installer. Typically these are included in installers, just in case they are not present on an endusers customized Windows installation.

    What i did not manage to find was the
    controllers (parameters). Podium showed to me only 2
    controllers while there are more than 100 in battery.

    Podium currently only supports MIDI parameters. Support of native VST parameters is on the schedule.

    In piano roll view the name of the note (like C1,D1) is not
    displayed at all. So you don’t know which octave you are on.

    It’s on the list, but I will put a higher priority on it.

    1) scripting events.

    Another description of this could be ‘meta-parameters’. It’s a good idea, but also of a somewhat complex nature. I have a lot of simpler stuff that I need to implement first, but I will keep this in mind.

    3) custom editing rolls

    It will be hard to allow the user to freely configure the kind of editor they desire, but with time I may add a further variety of editors, like the guitar or score notation.

    Thanks for your input,

    in reply to: Music? #3047

    Is it worth making it a sticky?

    It sure is, when there is more than one topic in the forum 😛

    in reply to: Preset recall bug?? #3043

    I do need to put up some sort of indication that something is going on. That should be visible both when loading plugins and getting/setting large presets to plugins. These things could be handled in a background thread, but the main UI thread would still need to be blocked, since plugin and preset management are critical for any further actions.

    in reply to: Music? #3042

    I did plan on adding this at some point. I think there should be a little more activity here before it is worth creating a separate Music forum. Could you start by creating a topic in the Off Topic forum? When there are more people posting their links, I can move the topics to a new Music forum.

    in reply to: Multi-timbral VSTis #3040

    Importing a multioutput plugin in Podium will correctly create mappings for all the available output configurations. With the current VST 2.3 spec there unfortunately is no way to determine if a plugin supports multitimbrality, so Podium does not create separate mappings for the individual MIDI channels. On the future plan is an addition to the Project Wizard plugin panel, where the user can specify whether the imported plugin is multitimbral. If this option is selected then Podium would create the extra MIDI mappings automatically, but it is a dumb thing to implement just because of a flaw in the VST spec.

    In the meantime, here’s what you have to do manually:
    After importing the plugin, browse to the folder containing the plugin output mappings. Here you should create 16 new mappings set to the 16 MIDI output channels, all referring to the same global plugin instance as the audio mappings but with audio input/output disabled. When you place these on tracks they will not route audio, but only control MIDI on the individual channels. Elsewhere in the arrangement you then place the plugin audio mappings you intend to use. To see an example of how the separate use of audio and MIDI mappings can be used, look at the Drumatic plugin in the freebees example project.

    And it’s almost the last thing on my list to figure out

    😯 I’m sure we can find something that you need an explanation for 😉


    in reply to: Preset recall bug?? #3038

    is there a particular reason for the size limit?

    Nah, just a precaution. Loading huge samples (maybe by mistake) can cause long lockups with some plugins, making it appear as if Podium has frozen. I think I will raise it to 128 MB, and hold my breath until someone complains this is not enough 🙂

    in reply to: 0.91 #3037

    Installing a new version of Podium will automatically remove the previous installation.

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