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  • in reply to: 0.90 #2963

    @Wiecher wrote:

    Just downloaded 0.9.
    Setting up Midi/Audio did not work properly!
    I tried to make use of the Asio drivers on my PC but after having pushed the Apply button, the following message is displyed.
    “Could not start 44100 HZ audio streaming”.
    I also tried to open project freebies.
    I did not install any of the plugins.
    I therefore tried to play the song, but nothing is heard.
    Do I really have to install every plugin?


    What soundcard are you using? The only soundcards I know of that does not work with 44100 are from Creative. If that is the case, then select 48000 as default samplerate in the interface setup dialog. To make the freebees arrangements play at 48000, enter the properties dialog for the arrangements and change samplerate from 44100 to 48000.

    If you would rather avoid installing the plugins used in the freebees project, you could try to import your preferred plugins using the Project Wizard. Then enter the map panel in the arrangement editor and substitute the example plugins with your new plugins on all relevant tracks. The parameter tracks will then not work as intended, but at least you should be able to make sound.


    in reply to: Podium Releases #2959

    The first public beta release of Podium.

    Topic: 0.90

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