I’ve identified the problem when bounce rendering with plugins that introduce latency. I’m working on a fix for that. Whether this fix solves all reported bouncing issues remains to be seen. I expect to have a 2.40 beta ready for the weekend.
Hi rickshapiro,
Since this topic, I have not received additional feedback on the 01X. If 01X driver updates during the last five years haven’t changed the behaviour in Podium, then I can only suggest using ASIO4ALL. I believe the ASIO4ALL driver allows setting up multiple stereo I/O pairs, but I have not tried this myself.
Hi accordo. Thanks for the feedback.
@accordo wrote:
I was wondering if in the Pianoroll Editor Profile custom choices, the behavior of the mouse could be expanded. For example the Slide tool could be engaged by the RMB by simply detecting the initial movement of the cursor to bypass the right-click menu (similar to the iPhone in terms of detection/engagement).
Your suggestions for enhancing keyless mouse operation are welcome. At some point I’m going to enhance multi-touch operation of Podium.
One issue I see with using right-click+drag for sliding, is that currently any clicked events are selected on button down. That is the standard Windows behaviour when right-clicking objects. I think that needs to be changed, so that the objects only gets selected on button up, simultaneously with the menu popup. Or would it be ok if the right-click slide tool would affect the selection under the cursor?
Only if the mouse is moved a certain distance (4 pixels is the Windows default) will the slide tool jump into action. This is necessary, or else it would be very hard to reliably open a menu (unless you use a trackpad instead of a mouse).
For the most part, the Slide tool compensate for the scrolling of the wheel which could be use (by preference) for zooming in/out (Slide is faster and more natural than scrolling IMHO by reflecting the real world of pencil and paper hands movements).
This would allow to use the mouse in the pianoroll for writing, deleting, moving notes, right-click menu, zooming in/out and sliding without using any modifier keys.
So you would like an option to change the default mousewheel action to do zooming instead of sliding?
It’s on the todo-in-the-future list. Simple note loop-recording would not be difficult to implement. It’s a bit tricky if it should support loop recording MIDI automation such as pitch-bend or modwheel, as that would require some new mechanism to handle parameter child tracks of each loop recorded note track.
Nope. I haven’t been involved in this product.
@function wrote:
edit: I am away there is a note-map editor, where you can choose to show which notes you want in the piano roll editor- could there be a “Quick Note Map” feature, where you select which midi notes [already drawn on the editor] you wish to see in the piano roll and hit a button ” quick note map ” this is akin to the Live feature ‘Fold’.
If you use the “drum map” mode, then only the enabled notes are shown. In piano roll mode, only full disabled octaves will be hidden. If individual piano keys should be hidden, the white/black keys would be cut in half, which I think would be confusing. Isn’t the Live ‘Fold’ feature only available in drum view?
Also – does Podium allow you to edit multiple MIDI tracks on one piano roll?
You’ll see ghost notes of other tracks in the piano roll background. Alt+click a ghost note to switch the editor to that sequence.
@LiquidProj3ct wrote:
Frits, I have a new musical order for 1th January 2011. Please, could you fix before January the latency bug? I say this because I cannot render to wav any song!
Please don’t feel pressured about this, if you feel that you cannot fix this soon just let me know and I’ll make the songs in another host. 😉
Best regards
2.40 will be a minor bug fix release. I’ll see if I can reproduce this bug and include a fix for it in 2.40. I can’t make any promises though.
It’s on the todo-in-the-future list.
@LiquidProj3ct wrote:
Another bug: when mixer strips are enough slim they doesn’t switch between meters modes single clicking on them
This is on purpose. I disable this feature when zoom is less than 100%, because the fader click area starts to overlap the meter.
@outsiderinvention wrote:
Bug Report –
2.38 does not save the midi device with a project.
Thanks. I misunderstood you the first time I read your post, as I thought you meant MIDI device objects in the project and not the MIDI settings in the interfaces dialog. I’ve now fixed this bug, and will release 2.39 within a day or two.
#-o Doh!
That’s a upper/lower case sensitivity bug in the 2.38 updated code for the Podium.ini file. I’ll try to release 2.39 with a quick fix later today.
@Infinitoar wrote:
It’s my guess, which is probably true, is that only major updates are for Podium the paid version. The freeware version is not a priority updated version so whatever bugs or problems are in the freeware version are left alone until much demand is asked for it.[Although I see more licensed users than freeware ones.] Or not updated at all.
I kind of feel stupid JUST realizing this, which I thought before that, both versions of Podium were updated just that Podium Free was “nerfed” or major features were taken out but still kept the overall updates as the paid version.
Podium Free is identical to the full Podium version, except for the few mentioned feature limitations. Whatever improvements and bug fixes I make to Podium will automatically appear in Podium Free. Podium Free releases will appear less frequently, and will be delayed a few versions, compared to full releases. I don’t plan to release a Free version each time I release a full version. That is why Free 2.36 is not available yet.