I’d use a create tag from selection option almost exclusively. +1 for all options listed.
Hi Chase! I don’t think you were being too forward, you were only asking questions some of us may have been thinking about…but Frits is good as gold, the kind of guy I could not see bailing out any time soon. Podium is his baby, and our nephew (or something like that), no child abandonment issues here. Glad you’re on board mate-
I’m sorry, I should have clarified: I knew my copy didn’t “expire”, but I didn’t know if I could still pay for update renewals or not. Boy, that would suck if the program itself would expire! (has anyone done such a crappy thing before?)
Frits will probably open shop at the same time he has the next update, I’d wager.
Thanks Ronin-
If anyone wants to donate, here’s a link from a related topic:
The paypal link for us dollars is at the bottom.
Godspeed Frits!
My copy of Podium will run out in 5 days, and I haven’t received an expiration reminder…does the “closed shop” apply to renewals? Thanks-
So, Frits, you have a new computer now? Congratulations if you do…
That song is unabashedly romantic…I like it! Sounds to me like you’ve been making songs for a while, no? I’m used to monotony in many songs, but you’ve got lots of variety throughout to keep the ears going. Production wise, I can’t tell, as it’s an mp3 and all, but I heard all the elements. Good job, and the girl’s gonna love it.
I like what I see so far…just wondering along the same lines as what LiquidProj3ct asked, if there will be track groove as well as sequence groove, if one can override the other. Good luck—
A good idea. I like the first solution, keeping it in the track properties window. Maybe you could have a default setting for the grid parameter in track properties, so you wouldn’t have to make grid settings for each track, unless you choose to. There’s my two cents.
Can’t wait to see how it turns out! Glad you had a good holiday…
Just found this at http://music.service-1.de/html/simparp.html
SimpArp is an easy to use MIDI-Apeggiator plugin. Use it with any synth (-plugin) to create these well-known sequences. Special features: host-sync, shuffle, adjustable note length with overlap at max point (for mono glide sounds), velocity adjustable or input pass thru. No installer, copy-protection, adware, spyware or whatever !
SimpArp is the free version of our upcoming D-ARP, a dual-arpeggiator plugin with some extras like interaction of the two units with scale chord generation.
There were some routing suggestions listed in the accompanying txt file, and one said:
So, it looks as though SimpArp has MIDI output? I can’t check as I am on another computer. If I find out first I’ll post it.
Also, WOK(the designer) has a Xmas and post Xmas offer- just look up “WOK christmas gift 2010” in the KVR effects forum. It says the offer expires after christmas, but he extended it another day. Have a good one!
And thank you for being thankful! Not enough gratitude in this world, so we could use more like yourself.
Good job, sir! A proper xmas gift here, folks
I’m not too sure about a workaround, but would EnergyXT work alright? Of course, it is a host working as a VST, but it could send out MIDI from its own arpeggiator. Now of course you’d have to buy it, but I have no other ideas at this time……
Tadow! Thanks much, as always. And even though I’m a bit of a scrooge, have a good holiday season everybody!
When I was a wee lad, my best friend’s dad bought him a C64, with the monochrome green monitor. One day his older brother got it hooked up to the big color TV in the living room, and it was Impossible Mission and Raid Over Moscow all weekend!
Remember when the programs were on cassette, and you had to wait 20-30 minutes to load something? That taught me patience!