# Added a ‘select all from cursor’ command to the edit menu.
# Exporting a segment of a sound will use the filename instead of the sound object name when writing the wave name inside the wave file.
# Audio tracks that are muted by a parent bounce track no longer streams in the background. This reduces disk usage at the cost of short delay before tracks start playing again when unmuted.
Thank you very much, Frits 🙂
I think the “hype” is caused by the fact that it is free.
But I doubt that the hype for Reaper will last longer than a few more months..
I would not risk such pronostics…
The comparison of softwares is always a difficult exercise, which don’t give any benefits if it doesn’t help to improve something.
If I have well understood, this discussion is about “why so much people supporting Reaper, and why so few supporting Podium” ?
Personnaly, I was, and I am already, very pleased to see Reaper, not because it is free, but because it has already all the audio editing tools and ergonomics that I need in Podium since soon two years… (but Podium has of course also some other things that make me use, and love, it !).
Even if everybody has a different approach with audio softwares, when you see after a short or a long time, it doesn’t matter, that you can work in an effective manner, you wish to support it.
Justin and Frits have certainly opposed developpment methods.
I think that Frits is a perfectionnist, who takes all the time that is needed for every feature he adds to be perfectly in place with the others and is fully tested before integrated.
The result is a regular but rather slow progressing, which will give a wonderfull tool for people who can wait and who can accept to do things sometimes with more pain, because they can be confident in the long term.
I must say that for me it is worth the effort !
Justin adds a lot of things simultaneously, even if it can be improved and can cause problems. He can of course do that because the software is in beta state.
The soft is not very buggy but not very stable, it has a rather bad look but the programmer seems to favour the tools rather than the appearance, and people too.
For me, it is very logical that people “prefer” Reaper (I think that they even don’t know Podium) because it corresponds to what we generally want : something that is at the same time powerfull and easy to use.
Podium cannot really compete in this domain, due to specificities that make it irreplaceable, and if they change, it will not be Podium anymore…
The workflow is one of these, so easy and logical (without the sends) when we have understood it, but so strange before !
I think that there is also a problem of the terms that are used (already discussed) and the manner to do things.
Podium remembers me about the DX7, 20 years ago (!) : it was indeed a simpler synthesis than the “analog” model that we were used to, but because it used “operators”, “index” or “rates” instead of “oscillators”, “modulation” and “times”, because it needed the push of a lot of buttons to make easy tasks, there was very few people that made sounds.
I’d suggest that you colour your tracks in a way that helps build a better image in your mind of what’s going on.
Concerning the readability of the flow, I am used to color the tracks depending on their function : audio track, plugin track, MIDI programs, volume, plugin automations, bounce…
Of course ! 😀
I suppose that the Freeze function that speaks Sardaukar must be a transparent process for the user, no need for some new bounce track in the hierarchy, just the background creation of a file that is played INSTEAD OF what is seen on the selected track(s).
There will be no visual change in the arrangement other than a different aspect of the track and the fact that it is locked.
When the Freeze button is unpressed, the hidden file is destroyed and the track can be edited etc.
Is this what you mean ?
If yes, I think that this feature would correspond to a different usage than the Bounce, and will be a good complement.
What I like with the bounce is that it makes a new file that I can eventually edit and copy to another arrangement.
What would be nice with a transparent Freeze feature is to help the CPU during editing before the final bounce, without having to create and see new tracks which are only duplications of others and take some space on the arrangement for nothing.
Perhaps you could add also to the FR the List and the Profile which is used ?
I generally work with two or three arrangement windows (two monitors), one acting as a global view of the main working arrangement with a special compact profile.
(see this old post : http://www.zynewave.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=531&highlight= )
Each time I start the project, the three windows show the Browser and I have to open the arrangements, change the Profile and the zoom.
A sort of “total recall”, option will be of incredible value.
And I must say, one more time, to show the plugins that were previously opened will also be great…
I didn’t receive any password.
Could you send it another time ?
Whaouh !
I think that it is a very good thing.
I will be happy to contribute in some manner with my modest capabilities.
You can add me for a user account 😀
It seems to me that what they refer to as ripple editing is how Podiums segment selection/editing is working. Deleting a segment will remove anything inside the segment and move following events back to close the gap. Using the ‘insert blank’ edit menu on a segment selection will move events forward to make room for the empty segment.
Yes, I use this some times to split all the tracks at the same position which is otherwise very complicated, or to push all the following events when there is a silence on all the tracks.
It will be a good complement to a Ripple Edit feature.
Thus if you bounce a group of audio tracks, you are actually not reducing the disk streaming. I intend to change this so that streaming of muted audio tracks is disabled if they are muted by a parent bounce track.
Thanks for the explaination, I understand better what happends some times !
I use a lot muted tracks during editing, not with bounce tracks, but in order to have different versions of a montage or often to replace a Mute Event feature.
So, for me, it will be nice if the streaming could be also disabled for all muted tracks.
Personnaly I rarely use Mute / unmute during playback because the automation tracks are not updated.
How are your stylus buttons mapped?
I have mapped the four left buttons on the tablet with Alt (for resizing sequences), Ctrl+Shift (for vertical zoom of individual channels in the sound editor), Alt+Shift (for slide tool) and also the space for start/stop.
I have mapped the ribbon with Ctrl+Alt+Defilement (fast) wich gives an excellent horizontal zoom.
I have also tried to use the second button of the stylus for resizing or the slide tool, but I have found it not obvious to use…
The good point with the tablet’s buttons and ribbon is that all the functions can be trigged with my left thumb without having to move the hand and even, with the habit, to look at the tablet.
I could hardly use Podium without it now !
What I would like in the future, is to replace the resize command with a “split” one, when it will be available, and when the resizing of the sequences will be done without a special tool (I hope so !).
How old is it? Hmm! *checks Wacom website*
Are you aware of some problems with the ribbon ?
Perhaps we could do a feature request for an optional reversal of this?
Hmmmmm, I’ve already tried, but the lack of answer has let me thought that it was not a good suggestion 😉
But we can try once more ! The XY zoom could be such a wonderfull feature.
Have you tried MIDITab as a VST inside Podium ?
Any chance that you could spend some time implementing this in a not so long future ?…
A ‘select all from cursor’ option will be already very usefull.
The Ripple edit which exist in some softwares allows to move all the objects that follow the one(s) which is selected and moved, depended on some options.
In Reaper it is a three states button : off / the track’s event / all the tracks.
In Vegas, it is a simple on / off button, but the button has a ‘sub menu’ where we can choose (memorized) between ‘Affected tracks’, ‘Affected tracks, bus, marker and regions’ and ‘All tracks, markers and regions’.
The locked events are not affected by the Ripple.
I suppose that in Podium it could be something like : ‘track’s event’, ‘track and sub tracks’, ‘all tracks’ ?
Personnaly I prefer the three states button solution…
+ 1
I’ve added ‘select all from cursor’ to the edit menu. Will appear in 1.61.
Wonderfull !
It will be a great relief !
Thanks a lot.
The first step to a Ripple Edit feature ?