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  • in reply to: Using VST Plug-in with Podium #30206

    I presume you have already installed the ZFX software? It should have installed the vst plugin somewhere – commonly the default location will be something like C:\Program Files\Steinberg\vst plugins. Have a quick look at the Podium guide section on plugins here:

    Hopefully you’ll find sufficient info there to get you going. If not come back and ask again 🙂


    It’s one of the many things that Podium does so well. Once you’ve set things up to your liking just save as a track template and it’ll be ready to go in a couple of clicks.


    Yes, you can run multi-out vst instruments with Podium free. There is a youtube video here that covers the process:

    Essentially, when importing a multi out vsti Podium creates mappings for all the outs in a sub-folder. Hit F2 and your list of instruments and fx will be displayed on the left. Locate your multi-out instrument and drag the entire sub-folder onto the track header area of the arrangement page/view. Have a look at the video and hopefully it should become clear.

    in reply to: Bouncing Midi #30117

    You could start here:

    Free plugins to use in Podium

    though it’s a little out dated and some of the links don’t work any more.
    Alternatively there is good ol’ kvr:

    There are tons of very good free instruments and effects out there these days.

    in reply to: ASIO: can i reconfigure as to use microphone input? #29922

    Do you mean the Line6 pod xt? I can’t find any reference to pod xp. According to it’s manual, the xt has a usb connector for digital i/o, in which case you wouldn’t have to go through the mic input. Besides, I don’t think it’s proper to use a mic input for recording through the xt – the manual says a line-level input is required.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by kingtubby.
    in reply to: ASIO: can i reconfigure as to use microphone input? #29920

    Have you tried asio4all? It should work with your on-board sound.
    What kind of instrument are you trying to plug in?

    in reply to: 2 Minor Ideas. #29834

    If you want to assign an input to multiple tracks, you can copy the input by Ctrl+click-dragging it to another track from the input selector.

    I have to admit I didn’t know about that one – thanks for the tip 🙂

    in reply to: select all sequences in one track #29714

    With the track header selected just hit ctrl+a to select all clips, then choose ‘merge’ from the context menu. You don’t have to drag the edges of the clips.

    in reply to: Don't know how to start curve editor #29650

    A right click on the track header will give you an ‘automate parameter’ option. There are mixer related parameters available on all tracks – level, pan and send. Then, if it’s a midi track more options such as pitchbend and also vst parameters if you have a plugin on the track. Selecting any of these will create an automation track. Hope that helps.

    in reply to: Website update + One year free upgrade period #29474

    I had that problem here too, but it appears to be resolved now 🙂

    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
    in reply to: can't find native fx #29434

    Not sure about the first part but to do a plugin rescan, on the project set up page click on the drop-down list at the upper-right (devices-i/o, busses, plugins) and select ‘rebuild and load plugin database’

    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
    in reply to: quick way to copy loops #29404

    Make sure the item you want to copy is selected, then hit the ‘insert’ key



    You should have an instrument loaded (presumably 4front piano in this case) in the ‘source’ selector, just above the ‘midi in’ selector, in the track header.

    Edit: also, you’d generally only use midi-out to send notes to an external instrument i.e hardware.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by kingtubby.
Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 419 total)
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