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  • in reply to: Offline rendering speed #19017

    Even if it’s a plugin it’s quite strange. I would assume that in the worst case the offline render would be just as fast as the realtime playback.

    When I have some spare time, I’ll experiment to find out which plugin causes this behaviour.

    During realtime playback I get around 50% cpu load (ie about 2 cores), which is fine.

    edit: do you pass any special flags to the plugins when doing an offline bounce? If you do not, then it probably is not a plugin problem.

    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
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    in reply to: Lovin Podium so far! #18727

    I don’t think podium needs live performance features. Unless you have a really good concept, it would probably just feel like trying to squeeze a square pig in a round hole.

    For the drum sampler: did you try the free shortcircuit 2? It works very well as a drum sampler.

    in reply to: July 2010 competition #18686

    Podium’s near perfect for me, but like everyone else I have a few small suggestions
    1. File management: an option to copy imported wavs to the project folder like conquistador says, or an ableton live like “save and collect” menu item (I’d prefer the latter, if I had to chose)
    2. Edit in external wav editor button/menu item in the audio editor. Podium’s audio editor is good, but sometimes I like to use features only availlable in external editors.
    3. Windows compliant drag and drop: this would allow to drag wav files from podiums browser onto a sampler plugin or a bounced track from the timeline straight to your desktop.
    4. When using the spline automation curve, you first need to move the spline handles out of the way before you can change the location of the automation point. It’s very annoying and fiddly.
    5. Simple audio timestretch/pitch shift in the arrangement view.

    in reply to: Kontakt 4 problems #18629

    Hey Frits, I figured it out, thanks to your tips.

    I’m running the latest 4.1 version, which changes the way samples are loaded.

    I had just updated the kontakt 3 device maps to point to the kontakt 4 dll. When I use the import plugin function and create new device maps the problem goes away.
    (I found this out, because I didn’t have the multi out dll’s mapped)

    Just as a side note: NI really needs to get their act together. They write uninstallers that don’t uninstall anything. I tried to remove absynth 4 and every single file just stayed on my system. After running the uninstaller I could still run that program.
    Their installers are also crap, Guitar Rig 4 didn’t install its presets, kontakt 4 can’t find half the factory content.

    It just makes me realize what a great job you do.

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    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
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    in reply to: Preview 2.31: Slide/zoom key shortcuts #18465

    @Zynewave wrote:

    @kyran wrote:

    While we’re on the subject of zoom and slide shortcuts:
    can you make ctrl+mousewheel zoom the time line and alt + mousewheel zoom the track heights?

    These modifiers currently don’t do anything and you have no idea how many times per minute I try to zoom the timeline using the mousewheel.

    Use the same key shortcuts that is used to activate the mouse click zoom tools (as well as the new key shortcuts): Ctrl+Alt+wheel to zoom the timeline, and Ctrl+Shift+wheel to zoom the height. Ctrl+Shift+Alt+wheel to zoom both directions. By using these key shortcuts you even get the mouse cursor showing the corresponding zoom action.

    And you learn something new everyday: I didn’t know this and it never occurred to me to try it. Not very discoverable, but if it works, it works 😀

    Thanks 🙂

    in reply to: Preview 2.31: Slide/zoom key shortcuts #18458

    While we’re on the subject of zoom and slide shortcuts:
    can you make ctrl+mousewheel zoom the time line and alt + mousewheel zoom the track heights?

    These modifiers currently don’t do anything and you have no idea how many times per minute I try to zoom the timeline using the mousewheel.

    in reply to: Preview 2.31: Slide/zoom key shortcuts #18387

    @Zynewave wrote:

    Some more thoughts:

    I’m considering dropping my previous idea about global drum map files, and instead store any customized key names directly in the track properties, similar to how the note enable/solo/mute state is stored. Thus if you save a track template with your drum plugin, the imported track will automatically have the customized key names. No need for messing with drum map selection etc. The copy/paste commands in the drum map menu will also include the note names.

    I also intend to implement the custom note naming in the piano roll. This will be particularly useful when you for example work with large sample based instruments that support key switches for selecting different articulations. You could name the keyswitches in the piano roll with “Legato”, “Pizzicato” etc. so that they match the key switches used in the sampler. A custom color option here would probably also be useful, in the case that you are zoomed so far out that there is no room for writing the note name on the black/white keys.

    Am I getting colder or warmer? 😉

    Definitely warmer 🙂

    in reply to: Preview 2.31: Slide/zoom key shortcuts #18323

    The nice thing with the fixed length look is that it gives a sort of step sequencer feel to the drum roll.
    The idea is that if note length is really that essential, you’re better off using the piano roll anyway.
    If you see the drum roll as some sort of step sequencer, then the notes should just send note on messages.
    You could perhaps create seperate note off “notes” to allow note lengths to be entered or choke groups to be emulated (think renoise).

    Again the idea is that if you should use the envelopes of your drum plugin, or the piano roll if you really need to tweak the note length on every note.

    in reply to: Preview 2.31: Slide/zoom key shortcuts #18310

    @Zynewave wrote:

    @Conquistador wrote:

    @Zynewave wrote:

    Ok, then the mute/solo state are properties of the note sequence object. Is this preferrable over having them properties of the track? And why?

    Not sure what you mean here sorry. I don’t want to choose between the functionality of the track mute / solo over the drum lane mute / solo can they not co – exist in Podium? With track Mute overriding drum lane mute if need be ❓ ❓ ❓

    When I say they are properties of the track, then I mean they are just stored as hidden properties of the track object instead of the sequence object. They don’t interfere with normal track solo/mute. The difference is that when the drum map editor stores the note solo/mute states as track properties, then all sequences placed on that track will adopt the same solo/mute state. Like LiquidProj3ct, I prefer this behaviour.

    That’s how I imagined it would work.

    in reply to: Preview 2.31: Slide/zoom key shortcuts #18298

    @Zynewave wrote:

    To keep the momentum going: Which drum plugins do you know that support custom drum key names?

    All of linplugs drum modules: RMIV, RMV, the CM 505 magware freebie

    I don’t know if battery supports it, I’d have to look in FLStudio

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    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
    in reply to: Relative snap? #18148

    @Zynewave wrote:

    Here’s a possibly weird suggestion: How about making double-tap of the Ctrl key swap between dragging phantom or unique?

    So, Ctrl+click will start a phantom copy drag. While holding down the mouse button, double-tap the Ctrl key (and keep Ctrl pressed on second tap) to change the mouse cursor from the phantom copy cursor to the unique ‘+’ cursor. It’s a bit like a secret handshake, but at least it will be known to users that read the key shortcut page in the guide.

    Sounds like a nice compromise

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