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  • LiquidProj3ct

    Anyway, if fonts are dark and curve are bright you only will see one of them. The wisest solution would be a user customizable colour for all those curves/audio/midi clips.

    in reply to: How do you see my english? #18702

    @German Fafian wrote:

    Hi there!
    You can always go to one of many Irish Pubs around Spain.
    There are groups of people who get together in those to practice Spanis/English among them.
    Besides the Ales are quite good 😉

    The problem with those irish pubs is that there’re a lot of girls, and I’m like a dog running after a car when I see one

    Just joking 🙂 That’s true in Madrid, but where I live there aren’t english people in them. however I know anoter night pub where I could find. Thanks!

    in reply to: July 2010 Competition comments #18696

    I also love things like block, but I thought it was too advanced so I didn’t requested them. I’d rather to see basic need satisfied 😉

    in reply to: The Tools Thread #18695

    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    You mean that, when both events are selected, moving either the end point of the first one or the start of the second one should move the whole fade? That could work, good idea.

    Yest, that what I want mean 🙂

    I mostly agree, but I wouldn’t call a feature that saves any user (maybe not you, maybe not me) from manual work bloat. After all, that’s why computers are so great, no? 🙂

    Forgive me, maybe what I said could sound a little rude, I only wanted to tell you about my ideas. Since I’m not enlightened (yet :P) sometimes I can be a little selfish, and if I don’t see its inmediate purpose I think they’re unuseful tools and bloatware, just what I fear 🙂

    in reply to: The Tools Thread #18690

    With Pencil tool I’ve almost all I need. I cannot split (scissor) notes and the right click it’s totally unuseful. I can move them, resize them, delete ONE of them, draw them.

    It’s true they few rare circunstances when I miss some tools as you said:

    – Slip tool (alternatively, the bottom edge of events could be used to slip, although it might become fiddly when there’s not much vertical space between events).

    I’d do something like ALT+LMB for this in the event. Nowadays this is a resize shortcut, but I find it obsolete having easy access to resize dragging note borders.

    – “Text” tool – to make time selections inside events only (alternatively use Shift as a modifier for the scalpel and/or eraser tools to delete the selected area – works only for deleting, though).

    I never need something like that. I *think* it’s one of these rare tools you need use twice each project, because you can easily replace it with slip/trim actions.

    – Paint tool – click, hold and drag to create multiple notes in a row (can be done nicely with the insert key currently, but not quite as fast).

    I do this operation unfrecuently too. Once you started to make a project it’s a rare tool too. Useful for quick acid lines. I have enough with INS key anyway. You would spend more time switching too that just keeping down the INS key.

    – “Roll” tool (see this on the website for MOTU Digital Performer).

    This is nice. I wound’t use it unless I record a band again, but I can see why this tool it’s really useful. However… Why make a new tool for that? You could easily select two crossfaded clips and (if both are selected only) you simple drag the intersection and they would move as we see in MOTU page.

    – Ability to use the scalpel tool on notes as well. Also, when snap is activated, click-dragging with the scalpel tool over a part of an event could slice it to grid-sized chunks.

    Yes, a few times each project I need this, scissor chords. Nowadays I have to create a new chord to do this.

    Don’t get me wrong, I want that Podium get bigger, but I don’t want that thing which made that I flee from other nice host: They’re overbloadted with tools, menus, synths and buttons that you only need use two minutes in 70 hours that you need to make a new song.

    IMO, the need of move the cursor from the target event to select a button (or menu entry) do a operation, and move again to the button it’s a big time loss. The same with too many shortcuts. Few of them are nice and helpful but too much are a big drawback.

    And about your methods the only good way I see to work with a decent speed are “A tool per mouse button” (which is a cheap and dirty solution to…) and something like Sonar PRV Tool. If a event have enough regions to define LMB, RMB and modifiers it will the end of all the drama about events behaviour. I think all other behaviours you listed are covered with this tool. Yes, it will take some time program this, but I think it will be a good thing. New users will customize their workflow with events and they will feel ‘in home’.

    in reply to: July 2010 competition #18683

    1 – MIDI plugins
    2 – Option to save PluginDataBase from device menu, not everyone knows how to navigate towards the file, and it’s a smooth solution.
    3 – Option to avoid keyboard focus for devices, allowing switch focus from device to Podium with a hotkey. This will allow use space bar to play/stop while program a plugin.
    4 – Allow customize right click mouse button in editors and arrangement, so you could right click to delete events, and shift+rightclick to split them
    5 – Use different vertical gridlines width each beat [as I showed in the picture of this thread]

    Of course if I win I’ll give my license too


    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    Something that would be handy is a ‘reset’ command to return the event to its original setting. When I gave it a spin just now it was a bit fiddly sometimes to get the original timing back (you suddenly have to do math! :lol:). It would probably be easier to delete an event and replace it with a non-stretched copy, but only as long as it’s not unique.

    I also hope that the resize/fade handles will be made more distinguishable, should you redesign them at some point.

    I share these thoughts with thcilnnahoj. The timestretch cursor could be a hand, or something like that. So you could see clearly what you’re doing.

    Additionally, do you remember my Autocad high-precision picture in the 2.32 thread? I realized that if a note is pretty close to absolute snap point, ie, 95% of a 1/16th note, you only have a 2.5% (5/2)to resize it until the absolute snap point (B1). The solution would be move “Bx” to the half of snap current value + “Ax” current position.

    The new colour of curves sequences doesn’t seem good with my current skin (Evergreen)

    Why don’t you create a new colour entry for note and curve preview on clips?

    in reply to: A little improvement please… #18667

    Uhm, I think we had a misunderstanding. All the plugins runs fine in Podium but they have problem with keyboard focus and mousewheel. I don’t know about Nexus, I never tried it.

    IL Gol’s plugins [as VocodeX] don’t steal the keyboard focus, but the mousewheel doesn’t work

    IL Maxx’s plugins [as DrumMaxx] steal the keyboard focus, and the mouse wheel doesn’t work. Mouse wheel doesn’t work in native version inside FL Studio either.

    Fabfilter plugins steal the keyboard focus, and the mouse wheel does work.

    D16 plugins steal the keyboard focus, and the mouse wheel does work.

    I did the experiment in FL Studio enabling and disabling keyboard focus of third party plugins that support mouse wheel. When keyboard focus is enabled mouse wheel doesn’t work. When it’s disabled mouse wheel works.

    It seems that mouse wheel is related to keyboard focus. Those plugins that support it only seems work when they have the keyboard focus.

    in reply to: How do you see my english? #18666

    Thanks for the fix thcil 🙂 Feel free to check mi errurs evrytime yuo thynk is neided 😆

    Just joking a little 🙂

    in reply to: Reorganize VSTI/VST #18665

    Glad it helped you 🙂

    in reply to: Reorganize VSTI/VST #18659

    arf arf arf

    here is the last part:

    in reply to: Messin’ with envelopes #18658

    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    What I cannot think it’s in a shortcut key to timestretch :S maybe Alt before start dragging clips with the bottom dots, but don’t know with events without those dots. Or right shift key, maybe.

    I got it, it could be Ctrl after initial click

    in reply to: A little improvement please… #18657

    IL Plugins and Sylenth1 do work in Podium. The only problem is that those plugins steal the keyboard focus. FL Studio has an option for each plugin to avoid that it had the focus.

    You have the same problem in all the host that don’t have this option.

    Maybe you could add in device setup an option to force to the plugin to release the focus.

    in reply to: Reorganize VSTI/VST #18655

    Part 2/3, next part will be ready in one hour I think

    in reply to: How do you see my english? #18654

    Well, my spoken english isn’t good, but I watching few subtitled movies that’re helping me to hear it and speak it. If I can speak broken it will be enough to end learning in another country.

    Thanks guys 🙂

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