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  • in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
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    in reply to: The Device Mapping Thread #18597

    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    >> To make working with busses easier…

    … we could have an extra menu entry like or on top (or at the bottom) of the list.

    This command would create a new bus instance and assign either the resulting (stereo) send or return mapping to the track. I assume it’s not a problem for Podium to find out which mapping fits.
    The command would show up everywhere Podium detects a bus mapping, so it would not be limited to the default Busses folder created automatically.

    I didn’t understand very well, because I see the current way very good: If you add any send X and there isn’t any return X, podium ask if you want to create one, it renames and tags it and set it to “automatic solo”. What would be the advantage?

    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    >> About side-chain mappings

    Everyone should know how Podium handles side-chaining plug-ins. (Please correct me if I’m wrong here!)
    There are usually two mappings created from a multi-input-enabled VST:
    – one which is input- and output-enabled
    – one which is input-enabled only (side-in)

    Yes, and you cannto figure how do this without seeing a tutorial or reading the manual. To be honest I don’t think that problem is “sidechain”. The problem are multiple inputs and/or multiple outputs plugins. It’s difficult and tedious use them in Podium for a newbie.

    I wouldn’t know how to approach this, but something like that each mixer strip would had a channel settings (1-16), and an special mini zPlugin that would send the audio between channels. Or a matrix screen where you configure each mixer strip channel (or convert it to another channel). Or something like zRoute FR.

    This would be a big change… :-k

    in reply to: The Device Mapping Thread #18595

    I generally agree with those ideas. However i’m pretty busy now, it’s my birthday 🙂 so i’ll post my ideas later, everyone here know them, although

    in reply to: Clip 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 (done!) #18576

    pigini,you’re using a very generic name: “bassline”. Look at my first example “bassline fadein”. Usually I name each clip by its function (fadein) and its variation number (3), and when I do a unique copy is to do a variation.

    however if you (second person of plural*) think it’s a step backwards and it’s very important for you using generic names as “lead” and a “lead 2 2 2 2” cleary tell you that it’s a variation of “lead 2 2 2” and not from “lead 2 2” but it’s from “lead 2”, then I retract from this FR. I thought it would be helpful for everyone 😉

    *This is one of things that I hate from english, you cannot differenciate with the word ‘you’ when you’re talking to one person or to more people

    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
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    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
    in reply to: 2.31 #18550

    Thanks 🙂

    in reply to: 2.31 #18541

    Having lots of drums I thought that I could colour hihats in red, but when I opened the menu to colour drums I was lost because I didn’t know where the hihats were. Could you use the same names in the popup window that we have in the piano/drum roll, please?

    This doesn’t seem to work when Podium extract the key names from the plugin, it only works when you write the names manually

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    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
    in reply to: 2.31 #18534

    I’m astonished about how polished and smooth you’re making the interface and the workflow. Addding a new drums track using a template is a breeze.

    Please continue this work… I’m sure I’ll be rewarded 🙂

    in reply to: Welcome screen problem #18526

    @siegfried wrote:

    Thanks 😳 Oh, and one more quick question: is it possible to save my song as a new arrangement? I mean: I open some arrangement in the project, work on it and now I want to save it, but not overwrite previous version of arrangement. I only figured that I can save it as a whole new project… thank you

    No, you cannot, however you could do a new phantom copy (right clicking on the arrangement) and start working on the copy. I know it isn’t the same, but at least you can do it until a certain degree 🙂

    in reply to: 2.30 #18523

    Frits, this isn’t the first time this happens me. I don’t know anyway to clone this, but sometimes when I have few track bounced and I save the file, when I open the file again the plugin adjustments are deleted and I only have got the default patch. I *think* that the other times this happened with Synth1 too, so it could be a fail of the plugin.

    I reeopened today a track that I did two weeks ago to ear it with clean ears and I ‘ve lost the setting of one Synth1.

    I’d like to know if other people have similar experiences, that’s the reason I post this here.

    edit: yup! I reopened the track (without save it) I turned off bounce and now the plugin can recall its settings, I’m going to do a copy, save the presets and look for a way to replicate it. :-k

    in reply to: Preview 2.31: Slide/zoom key shortcuts #18510

    Frits, there is a bug when you switch between drums roll alt+clicking in a ghost note from another drum roll. It seems that names aren’t updated

    in reply to: Preview 2.31: Slide/zoom key shortcuts #18509

    @Zynewave wrote:

    After reading your post again, I see that you meant track template files. As I’ve previously said, I haven’t yet added the new settings to the pod file format. When I’ve done this, then of course the drum map setting will be remembered for the track.

    I didn’t know that! 😉

    @Zynewave wrote:

    I’ve adjusted it so that the zoomed event height must be at least 12 pixels instead of 8 pixels, before the velocity hot spot area becomes active.

    THanks, much better!

    @Zynewave wrote:

    It seems unintuitive to me that you can point/click besides something to edit it. It will also present problems if you have events joining the event you want to edit. In that case I guess the outside resize area will disappear in FL, or else you cannot click the joining event? You also can’t click with the pencil tool right next to an event to place a new event. You’ll have to click further away, and then move the event back so that it joins with the other event.

    In the way you say it, yes, you’re right, but FL Studio can do it, I don’t know the reason because I don’t have it installed now, but its editors behaviour are almost a reference for the most of hosts. Although podium surpass it with this release in the most of aspects.

    edit: question, what’s the purpose of “Note Enabled Mode” button on piano roll? If none it should be hidden/disabled or that it can enable and disable keys without go inside menu.

    in reply to: Preview 2.31: Slide/zoom key shortcuts #18500

    Now with current drum system I was working on new track templates but I see that editor status (as enabled keys / drum map mode) isn’t saved in template. Could it be possible?

    It’s a little boring each time I looking for inspiration for a new song open Poise or Nepheton go inside a menu and select “drum map mode” and then the enabled keys instead starting to write notes right away

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