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  • in reply to: BUG – Importing VSTi, my settings, gone? #18126

    Hello, I don’t have any problem using 2.2.9 vst

    in reply to: Relative snap? #18112

    It sounds perfect for me. I love the last suggested behavior, I always do phantom copies too and then I clone them if I need 🙂

    I don’t know if this is the right moment (and theme) to ask for this: Actually we have two keys to do area selections, Ctrl and Shift. Both keys work in the same way, but Ctrl can also add individual notes to selection. Then Shift could seem irrelevant. What I’m asking is that Shift don’t add notes to the selection but it can do a new selection (then the old selected event would be unselected). That will solve few problems, as unwanted event tweaks and you wouldn’t to worry if you have any other event selected (when you use shift key), if you have an event selected you wouldn’t have to swicht tool or manually select another event that will be included in the new area selection (very slow!).

    I didn’t see any host (FL Studio, MuLab, Orion, Reaper, Sonar, Live, Temper, EnergyXT, Samplitude,..) that have the “always add notes to actual selection” by default. So please change the shift key selection behaviour to “create a new selection unselecting the previous selection”. And keep Ctrl as it’s now (always add notes to current selected). Or viceversa.

    I hope it has sense.

    in reply to: I have some suggestions/tips :idea: #18099

    I like the behavior of only a single click in the browser to preview the sound.

    I have my samples organized in folders as Kick, Clap, Bass, Bongo, etc (as the most of people) and 99.9% of times I only must add one sample each time of each folder. Sometimes I had to add two bongos, then I search one i like and I add it, and then i must search the other.

    Reaper has an autoplay button in the bottom of the browser that I always had on. Maybe you could add a browser menu switch option as “Single click to preview samples”. It’s easy and fast. 🙂

    Another problem with browser is that if it’s focused space bar doesn’t work.

    Browser will be really useful when it supports drag and drop to VSTi, as samplers or drumsamplers, i’ll remember you this when you update it.

    in reply to: 2.29 #18095

    Ok, I would remove it since accidental clicking would be rare and easily fixable and the inspector is resizable. But it’s just my opinion, it isn’t important.

    I’d like to report a bad behavior timming notes: When you undo timming notes only the selected note is undoed. I hope it helps 🙂

    in reply to: Relative snap? #18093

    Thanks you Fritz, you cannot wonder how many time I’m going to save thanks to have close to my hand the ignore snap and relative snap option. Bye Reaper.

    in reply to: Relative snap? #18090

    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    I also LOVE the right-click cancel action, and wouldn’t want to be without it! 8)

    I start to see it useful too. Middle click while dragging is the way, well, I think 😉 it doesn’t do nothing (while dragging), right?

    in reply to: Relative snap? #18087

    I didn’t know that feature 😀 I’ll try to fit it in my workflow.

    And middle click while performing any drag operation? It seems that it doesn’t do nothing, and it doesn’t interact with other Podium function. I hope this will be a wise mouse shorcut 😉 I don’t want lose agility while working!

    in reply to: Relative snap? #18085

    I understand that it can be useful in some context, but I like more the workflow of hotkeys (less mouse movements), so if you implement the circle maybe please consider this alternative to ignore snap: Left click on the note (or borders) and while you keep down left mouse button you press right click button. While you’re dragging anything you can turn on/off snap ultrafast with right click. I think is very cool 😉

    in reply to: Relative snap? #18076

    @Zynewave wrote:

    Reassigning Shift+Alt for x/y position drag lock, as I suggested earlier in this topic, will not work. In the arrangement editor you would press and hold Shift+Alt while dragging, as a combo for dragging a phantom copy of a sequence/sound (Alt), and lock the drag direction (Shift) at the same time. There are just limits to how much functionatliy can be piled onto the Shift+Control+Alt keys.

    That’s a pity 🙁

    How about I reassign the shortcut key for snap on/off to A instead of T? That should make it easier to reach when you have your hand near the Shift/Ctrl/Alt keys. Note that A would still toggle snap mode. You cannot hold down the A key to temporarily disable snap.

    This would be a valid solution if make you sure you can turn on/off snap while you’re dragging. Anyway I’d like to use a momentary key modifier, but I can get used with toggle behavior too.

    While thinking about this, I had an idea that could make it much easier to do all sorts of drag operations:

    Imagine you have made an event selection. You then right-click anywhere you like (most likely near your selection), and what appears is a translucent circular panel containing a number of handles arranged around the edge of the circle. The handles in the circle would be shortcuts for: moving, moving without snap, resizing, resizing without snap, fade-in/out, gain, snap point, note velocity, etc. The available drag actions could be customized by the user.

    So basically you right-click, and then left-click+drag a handle on the circular panel, instead of left-click+dragging a handle on the event. The panel will pop up so that the last used handle will appear under the mouse, so if you’re doing a series of gain-adjustments on sound events, it’s a quick right/left click to start dragging the gain value. This panel would solve the problem of having more drag actions than can be activated with key shortcuts. It would also offer easily accessible drag handles, in case you have zoomed out so far that it would be difficult to hit the normal smaller handles on the event. It would also work well with touchscreen interfaces. 😉

    Crazy idea?

    Uhm, I think it’s a crazy idea in this moment, maybe later when touch screen would be more common. Why don’t you embrace in a total mouse customization for events? As PVR tool in sonar. You draw in a new window a big note, with the different zones, and let the user define the action for each combination of modifier+mouse button for each zone.

    I wouldn’t mind wait two month for something like that, you will do tons of people happy with Podium 😉

    in reply to: 2.29 #18074

    Why do we need Editor button? the squares don’t clutter the parameter list and I cannot see any advantage in to have it turned off. Are I missing something or this button could be eliminated?

    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
    in reply to: Relative snap? #18064

    @Zynewave wrote:

    You would only need to click, and then press Shift, before starting to drag. Thus you can avoid that it snaps before you press Shift.

    It sounds good 😉

    in reply to: Relative snap? #18046

    Frits, I’ve thinking and ignore snap shorcut should act before start the movement, because imagine a note like this:

    If you want to move the note start or end a little to fix something in a melody, if you start dragging without ignore snap shortcut you will lose the clue about where was exactly the start or end of the note.

    So the solution would be that if the cursor is over events (not free piano roll / arrangement space) or in its border shift key works as ignore snap before click.

    in reply to: I have some suggestions/tips :idea: #18044

    @JonteyshLably wrote:

    I want you to know that I use FL Studio for my “real work” but I wanted to test some other DAW too (not becouse FL Have any LIMITS, absolutly not, well only exporting surround sound…). I wanted something cheap and visually “good looking” and I fellt good when I saw Podiom.

    I make hard dance and techno… and I know what I want after 1 year 9 months from a beginner too where I am now. but moastly a DAW don’t affect that… music styles… only workflow.

    As you could see this is something I’m telling in VIP Lounge. Welcome Jonteysh 🙂

    The moast annoying thing in Podium is that, alot of settings that affect a working project’s workflow do not save in “thi” project, like “editor profiles, setup profiles”. And there is no ability to save smaller presets of “editor profiles”, like, this preset is for the mixer, this preset is for pianoroll, this preset is for… If I make one misstake I have to start over and use the default setup for help, then use my “setup’s” (back n fourth?)but if I distroyd the sequencer I can’t take a peace from the default and than use it in mine… “@work setup” and then continue the mod.
    I hope you understand me? I really like this and soon or later I will make a track with this wonderful DAW, and make a perfect good looking projekt. I really like the ability to make alot of color sets!

    I barely understand you here, but I’m going to try. Editor profiles aren’t designed to be saved in the project file, however you can save them in a file using Setup–>Save setup. If you make mistake and delete something you can always restore it back using Insert New button, you don’t need restore default one!

    When you do one or two songs in Podium you will realize that you only need one or two editor profiles. if they’re two you can switch between them with editor profiles buttons, if you have them in the profile.

    Anyway I advice you start a new profile from zero and start adding components. You will find something that will work with you. I love plain and simple setups:

    You have to make the pianoroll more flexible, no double click to prelisten a sample in browser (if I have not missed a setting) and smoother gui, like animitions, kinda deadlike, like in a cellphone from Sony Ericsson

    This is also in the same thread from VIP Lounge. An yes, I totally agree, those small details are absolut winners.

    in reply to: Relative snap? #18043

    @Zynewave wrote:

    Can’t it sometimes be confusing to have both snap modes enabled? For example, if you have an event that is very close to the grid line, it would be very hard to see whether you have dragged it so that it snaps absolute to the grid, or relative.

    No 🙂 In theory you can believe can be some problems, but in the practise you discover that you always see where you’re snapping, even 1 pixel. While Podium hadn’t relative snap I had to use Reaper or FL Studio to do it, and that’s my experience.

    After thinking about it for a while: How about assigning Shift+Alt as the x/y drag lock (currently Shift), and then assigning Shift to override snap? These shortcuts will only work if you press them after you have clicked the events to start the drag.

    I’d like the key shortcut behaviour for snapping to be identical in all editors, so since Ctrl and Alt are used to drag copies in the arrangement editor (Windows standard), it has to be Shift or some other combination.

    For me those are great shorcuts! 😀 and I’d bet that for all mouse-musician

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