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  • in reply to: Preview 2.23: Redesigned group panel #16789

    We could use some hotkeys for change the send amount, as ctrl+click

    And yes, those mockups were done in ms paint, so i’m gonna try those alternatives. Thx! 😆

    Edit: another alternative coud be start drag and drop when you click in anywhere except in the border of the fader, which would be reserved for change its value

    in reply to: Preview 2.23: Redesigned group panel #16786

    You’re right… did I tell you about the knob version where if you left click on knob you change its value and if you left click in the rest of the button you start a drag’n’drop operation? 😀

    I think this is important, that’s the reason that i’m mastering MS paint 😀

    in reply to: Preview 2.23: Redesigned group panel #16784

    If you allow me, this is my idea of “sends” 🙂

    Where you can send the signal to the send track in any point of chain

    in reply to: Preview 2.23: Redesigned group panel #16779

    Well, I said ‘hide’ not ‘erase’ 🙂

    in reply to: Preview 2.23: Redesigned group panel #16777

    Extra comments 😀

    – Could be possible hide Bus Return and Master from track list? (not from mixer!) I think they’re unuseful and a waste of valuable vertical space.
    – When tracks are minimized appears the “minimize button” and when they’re maximized appears the “maximized button”?

    From here:

    To here:

    in reply to: Preview 2.23: Redesigned group panel #16776

    My feedback about beta 9:

    – Please, allow copy/move fx between mixer strips
    – It isn’t congruent selecting a mixer strip (with a certain colour) and the associated track. While the mixer strip is frame-coloured, the mixer track is full coloured overriding the existent colour.
    – Maybe you should allow inspector rack have the same format that mixer strip, with small plugin slots
    – I think this is a very good point: Left click on “Send”s in normal insert mixer strip is useless. You could easily delete the send faders and crush it in a new derived component, where the fader is inside the send slot.
    – Could the popup dialogs with dB/pan info follow the faders instead be static? I think it would be cool.
    – Changing the strips names without open the track properties windows would be cool, writting straight in the interface. In fact I think someday will be possible eliminate that window…

    Now I’m going to work 🙄

    in reply to: Preview 2.23: Redesigned group panel #16762

    @Zynewave wrote:

    Some may think that this improves the overview, while others may think the lack of indentation of the track names disrupts the overview. Personally I think indentation works well in for example a file folder list, but I often find it confusing that the track header controls are shifted around according to group level position. What do people think?

    I prefer the actual way, but since I don’t use too much levels I don’t think it would be a major problem, at least for me, switch to the suggested mode.

    @Zynewave wrote:

    Perhaps other users can post whether they think single-click bypass is essential?

    While you can show the button with mixer options I don’t think it would be a major problem. Personally I’ll have them hide, since shift+click is more comfortable for me (I must add that I use this shortcut regulary). Although thinking in new Podium users maybe it’s more easy for them show the mute button in default setup.

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    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
    in reply to: Preview 2.23: Redesigned group panel #16749

    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    I should ask, without trying to be too perfectionist, why do you use a brighter colour in the top of each strip (‘Acoustic Guitar’ & ‘Chords’) and you don’t do it in ‘Track 3’ and ‘Master’?

    Those tracks simply have no color assigned to them! 🙂

    Uhmmm well, yes! But I wanted to mean that maybe the tracks that have a colour assigned shouldn’t have those bright colours on top of their strips. Just a matter of taste, nothing important 🙂

    @kyran wrote:

    As it stands now there is no quick way to bypass an effect using the mixer view (if I’m seeing things correctly).

    If I understand you, Shift+Left click is the quick way to bypass them. Anyway, as Frits stated, you can make visible the bypass buttons in mixer options.

    in reply to: Preview 2.23: Redesigned group panel #16745

    It looks great 🙂

    I should ask, without trying to be too perfectionist, why do you use a brighter colour in the top of each strip (‘Acoustic Guitar’ & ‘Chords’) and you don’t do it in ‘Track 3’ and ‘Master’? And, maybe the BSMR buttons must be moved two or three pixels towards left, allowing the orange frame be visible, unless your intention was that.

    in reply to: Preview 2.23: Redesigned group panel #16743

    When I open a new project and new arragement I must follow these steps for a weird bug:

    in reply to: Preview 2.23: Redesigned group panel #16736

    I was playing recording some audio (beta8). Those marked fields are weird since they’re the same that parent layer, aren’t them?

    in reply to: Preview 2.23: Redesigned group panel #16735


    The new slider is ideal for me! I personally don’t like have to much numbers and letters in screen, because it clutters the host and my mind. So, really, they are awesome!!!

    @Zynewave wrote:

    I’ll implement wider meters once I implement strip width zooming.

    Thanks you Frits 🙂

    @Zynewave wrote:

    The “mouse over” highlighting helps indicate that a click will start a drag operation and not select the track. Consider the large area where you can grab the fader. If there were no highlighting here, you would often click this area thinking that it would select the track.

    I understand, although… have do yo think that select a strip/channel could be done clicking on fader too? I don’t find any problem if I select a channel clicking on the pan slider, or mute button. I really didn’t meditate this too much, but I find it could be a good idea.

    I like a lot the new frame to show what channel is selected, because it does something that helps me to identify the channels. Allow me explain. I’ve some minor problems trying to find the name of the strip (such bass/drums/voice…) I usually tend to confuse them with the plugin is actually loaded in the track. Maybe you could do the name of strip more easily identifiable. You could center the name in the strip, or you could use another colour related with the strip’s colour. When you select the strip with this new frame, and you highlight the strip name, is something very cool. Maybe you could highlight the strip channel when it isn’t selected also.

    Congrats by this new design, I’m eager to play with beta 🙂


    in reply to: Preview 2.23: Redesigned group panel #16728

    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    I find the icon non-descriptive of its function (especially compared to the +/- button). Someone who didn’t already know might even think it’s supposed to be a small dial of sorts.

    I like the new design, I must play with it before give any feedback although.

    @ronin wrote:

    Hmm I think the source & input buttons are too big..

    Agreed. Not sure what the solution is but it does look like a case of a bit too much information being presented to a user. I would add both Source and Input to a right click menu possibly.

    It could work the way it is now I guess. Not sure. :-k

    I think that Frits are doing them big because he wants take advantage of the windows7’s touch screen tech…. just an suposition 🙂 I think he said in anywhere that he will do the interface resizable.

    in reply to: Idea: The DAW is a Sampler #16723

    I’d prefer see an internal sampler:

    And, most important, integrated minisamplers in drum roll for each row, where you could load a sample or just use it as it’s now.

    But I would say that these things are luxuries, Podium should fix another issues 🙂

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