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  • in reply to: Bug recording midi output #19319

    Yes, that’s what I’m doing. Anyway I tested recording Nithonat midi out in other host and I didn’t have that problem, so I think it should be from Podium.

    Best regards

    in reply to: 2.36 #19301

    @Zynewave wrote:

    • Updated the “Tracks”, “Track Inspector” and “Mixing” chapters in the Podium guide.

    Can I assume those chapters can be translated?

    in reply to: Problems with busses #19289

    Yes! They’re stereo. When you insert a mono effect (or mono version of a stereo fx plugin) then the bus becomes mono. Use only stereo plugins if you want stereo busses.

    If you want to know more about plugins (with multiple inputs and outputs) take a look to this serie of 3 video tutorials:

    in reply to: Preview 2.36: Extended UI and mixer resizing. #19277

    Maybe it’s in your plan already, but the same shorctus you use for effects slots (Shift-Click to bypass, Alt-Click to delete) should work in the bounce slots.

    in reply to: Preview 2.36: Extended UI and mixer resizing. #19261

    I don’t see any problem with them 🙂

    One minor detail I don’t like too much is that when mixer is focused it’s embedded title bar is highlighted. I think the gui would be prettier if it wasn’t highlighted, since I don’t find any point for that.

    in reply to: Preview 2.36: Extended UI and mixer resizing. #19241

    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    – Forgive me for asking, since I can see that it makes more sense, but isn’t Shift+scroll pretty much a standard shortcut for horizontal scrolling in most other programs?

    I think that if a caveman were learning to use Podium, he would find more intuitive (Shift+)MouseWheel to do vertical scroll and Alt+MouseWheel to do horizontal scroll, since zoom is Ctrl+Shift (vertical) and Ctrl+Alt (horizontal) 😉

    – It’s impossible to use Shift+Alt+click to set automatic solo in the mixer now, due to the hand tool shortcut. By the way, something that’s always irked me is that automatic solo is disabled when you enable normal solo mode on top of it… the two should be unrelated, in my opinion. Muting should of course mute the track, but restore automatic solo again afterwards. Anyone disagree?

    Yes, it also bugged me few times. btw a simple Ctrl+Click on Solo button could be easier that Alt+Shift+Click, and it will avoid the tools temporal switch.

    @omar misa wrote:

    Podium is guaranteed to crash on my system when a particular zoom level is set in the mixer.

    I’m on XP SP3 too, and I cannot reproduce this 😕

    @Trancit wrote:

    Shift+alt+click n drag turns my cursor into a hand and affect nothing…
    Alt+ mousewheel does nothing…

    That’s because you need that mixer has enough channels in order to be scrolled 🙂

    in reply to: Bouncing problems #19239

    Thanks Frits. Anyway I discovered that tempo changing while playing could be a Podium’s bug. What happens with every (heavy on midi) project is that play cursor jumps backwards or fowards causing a little shuttering, and if this happens while a note is playing then the note will keep sounding.

    So phoscyon, monophonic synth, keep playing that note and the new ones, which will be slides with the same AMP ADSR env, won’t sound. You can try this with any synth, just change the tempo from 140 to 110 or viceversa.

    in reply to: Preview 2.36: Extended UI and mixer resizing. #19229

    There is also a little bug showing latency compensations:

    To reproduce it:
    1. Keep inspector opened
    2. Create toooooooooooooooooooooooooooonns of tracks and use an small zoom value until you need use scroll to see all the mixer.
    3. Then scroll the mixer in the way you like
    4. Close inspector

    btw you could create a new way to display latency info when strips are very thin.

    Edit: 😳 😳 😳 To reproduce it you only need slide the mixer while open and close the inspector, you don’t need to zoom out it.

    in reply to: Preview 2.36: Extended UI and mixer resizing. #19227

    Those shortcuts changes where good. They were two request from my personal and ‘fat’ to-do list for Podium.

    edit: the mixer’s fader highlight seems a little buggy when the strips are thin (it isn’t although, it seems only)

    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
    in reply to: Why a Record-button? #19224

    @MelodyMan wrote:

    All the time that i have been using Podium, and loving it, i haven’t been able to figure out why it is necessary to arm the track AND push the record-button. In my opinion the arming of the track should be sufficient to start recording.

    Am i missing something?

    You can think about it as a security valve. But you could do that it works in the way you want if you turn off the play/record option (preferences) “Deactivate record mode when playback is stopped”. Then just turn on the record button, forgot it, and start working as you describe.

    in reply to: Bouncing problems #19221

    @Zynewave wrote:

    Sounds like the plugins you experience randomly stops during bouncing, are all tempo synced? Do you have other tempo synced plugins that you can bounce without problems?

    They can be tempo synced, but I don’t use that function in this song (ext.mode means that I use the Podium sequencer instead plugin sequencer). Anyway I’m going to contact D16 about those problems, maybe they can say something. They are on holidays so we’ll have to wait a little for their answer.

    And yes, it seems like thcilnnahoj video.

    in reply to: Bouncing problems #19217

    But I didn’t have any bypassed plugin when I bounced ❓

    in reply to: Bouncing problems #19214

    Hi, I explain all my problems with more details rendering constant tempo songs (no tempo markers except the first one):

    – Sometimes after bouncing I discover that in the rendered audio a plugin (usually Phoscyon) stopped its sound in the rendered audio. This a random thing, and I’ll say that it happens 1 each three times, with 2 instances of Phoscyon (used as ext. mode) in the song.

    – Other times, after bouncing, I see those timming issues that I show in the picture, they’re random, and the happens once each 3 times too. And yes, I’m using in that song two plugins that create latency. Decimort in the Drumazon (delayed) track, which generates around 1ms of latency. And EventHorizon in the master channel, which generates around 50ms of latency.

    – While playback (not rendering) I don’t have any problem with Phoscyon, except when I want to change the main tempo of the song. When I change the tempo, via double clicking toolbar’s tempo dialog, while the song is playing, and frecuently Phoscyon (used in ext. mode too) collapse and stops it sounds. This didn’t happen in Orion, and the easy way to reproduce this bug is write two or three long track with Phoscyon (not use looping in a small clip but you can use tons of phantom copies if you wish) and change the tempo while Podium is playing.

    It seems that bouncing in realtime doesn’t have any timming or phoscyon mute problem (constant tempo song, I didn’t write in my whole life any song with different tempos).

    Frits, I don’t mind send you the project, it uses only few plugins (Event Horizon, Decimort, Simplon, Devastor, TAL dub delay, Drumazon, Phoscyon and Poise with embedded samples), but if you don’t own Drumazon or Phoscyon (only their demos) you couldn’t set them in ext. mode, due to demo limitations.

    in reply to: Preview 2.36: Extended UI and mixer resizing. #19178

    Maybe this could seem a step backwards, but honestly I would prefer the old frames in the mixer strips. They were consistent with track strips, easy to see, you can still see the color of the track, and they were pretty classy.

    Full color mixer strips is screwing up the most of my colors schemes and it seems “cheap”.

    Best regards

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