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  • in reply to: FR: avoid loading bad PlugIns #5854

    Hi Max.

    Sorry, but why do you import ALL of the plugins on startup? For example, I use “import plugin” and “import plugin definition” buttons in Podium wizard to load plugs that I need in the project one by one. It’s one of the best things in Podium that you don’t need to load all plugins on startup IMO.

    BTW, for me Tracktion’s incompatible plugins list is a little buggy. I remember that once it marked my EMU FX as incompatible… 🙄

    in reply to: Offline bounce recording – UI? #5853

    My 2 cents ’bout “sequencer wars”:
    1. Cubase – it’s nice, but the interface is very-very bad. Why? Because it’s looks like hardware studio! It’s funny. I don’t understand the idea to create the virtual copy of real hardware with the same limitations. It’s virtual world! Why you can’t do whatever you want?! Podium’s interface is faaar better and much more flexible. And… the dongle. Just think – if you loose the dongle you need to buy new licence! What a strange copyprotection, that is the problem not only for pirates, but for legal users also. Cubase LE works without dongle, but it is cutdown and very limited version of SX.
    2. Tracktion. I’m an owner of T1 NFR version. It’s nice, but interface is not so logical as in Podium. Podium’s MIDI editor is much better, and Podium supports MIDI hardware, and so on, all as suges said.
    And think about copyprotection again. I’ve upgraded my hardware since I’ve registered my T1 NFR, and the key is not working anymore. It’s not a problem actually, I just need to go to the mackie website and generate new licence key, but the number of keys is limited. And it’s not only NFR limitation – same for all users. Copyprotection problems again.
    3. EnergyXT – great little thing. But for me it works better as an effect chain than a sequencer. Yes, it can do some little things that Podium (yet) can’t, like enable/disable monitoring on MIDI editing, autoscroll windows on object move, but it’s all on Frits’ list. And – believe or not – Podium’s interface is better for me here too 😉 . BTW, eXT is much more buggy than Podium, but actually all the programs I’ve ever tested is more buggy than Podium (well, exept notepad maybe) 😆
    4. Protools, Sonar, Logic – I have no experience with this programs. But I saw a lot of sceenshots and read a lot of user reviews. Looks that all of them have the same problems that Cubase have (exept that Pro Tools’ hardware copyprotection cost much more than Syncrosoft dongle 😆 ). It all looks and works like hardware.
    5. FL Studio. I’ve tested 3 and 5 versions. I don’t like pattern-based work. Patterns are good for live performance, and I hope that someday Podium will have the ability to work with markers playlist, like Cubase.
    But I don’t like patterns as the main idea of the program.

    All Podium updates is FREE for exisitng users. Maybe someday there will be an upgrade with additional plugins that will cost some money. But all the updates you can get for free. Isn’t it great?!

    Anyway, I think that Darcy should decide himself what the program is the best for him. I just want to say that my opinion is that Podium is the future of musical production. ❗

    BTW, Darcy, here is free Waves L1 clone: . Very nice limiter, if you miss mackie finalmix.

    in reply to: Offline bounce recording – UI? #5809

    suges, you’re absolutely right. But:
    @suges wrote:

    Very VERY few plugins require realtime rendering to work correctly; less than 1% of all available plugins.

    You’re right if you talking about native VST plugins; but there’s a lot of EMU & Creamware users around.

    After all, anyone using these sort of plugins can always record the audio/bounce it like they’ve normally been doing up until now.

    You’re right here too; For example, I don’t need realtime rendering right now – I just wonder what’s the difference between currently available bounce in Podium and Cubase/Tracktion/etc.. realtime rendering? Probably no difference at all…

    As a whole, I think it’s important for all of us to stop bogging down Frits with requests to support the idiosyncracies of cheapo/archaic/free/low-end plugins…

    I don’t think that people who bought cheap sequencer like Podium needs to be supported only high priced plugins 😆 But seriously, Creamware and EMU is good example here too – it’s professional quality FX and synths that don’t support offline rendering. BTW, cheap doesn’t mean bad. I bought Drumular because it’s better than DR008, Battery and Microtonic and costs almost nothing; and don’t forget that Podium costs 1/10 of Cubase’s price, but it 10 times better than Cubase 🙂

    …and their requirements, and let him focus on the big issues necessary for Podium to compete on the grand scale, specifically the things listed in his Future Development thread.
    I mean, we all want to see Podium make it to the big time, don’t we?

    Of cource we are. 😀 But everyone needs to have a chance to ask for something IMO.

    in reply to: Offline bounce recording – UI? #5807

    There is “realtime export” flag in Cubase audio export dialog and “1x rendering” in Tracktion options. Is this things work like currently available realtime bounce function in Podium or it’s something different?
    For example, I need Tracktion’s “1x rendering” option to export correctly projects that use DSP effects of my EMU audiocard. Creamware DSP FX and synths are also not support realtime rendering. So, realtime rendering is needed too (at least for me).

    in reply to: Anybody here use KarmaFX Synth Modular? (Need help) #5797

    Bugfixed version of KarmaFX Synth has released.

    Now patchsaving and fxp export working in Podium without any problems.

    in reply to: Free plugins to use in Podium #5796

    If you need to filter your sounds or add some fx, you should try this:

    Tone2 BiFilter. Musthave for your studio 8) Features: 28 filter types, 7 distortion types, Vocal Filters and many more.

    in reply to: Anybody here use KarmaFX Synth Modular? (Need help) #5794

    Thanks for confirming this Frits.

    I would like to keep focus on implementing offline bouncing, so I don’t have time currently to debug this plugin.

    Seems that’s the problem of KarmaFX Synth, because “save patch with song” function is not working in Tracktion 1 also. I’ve made this thread only because KarmaFX developer needs any other confirmations to start fixing. Now I can share this link with him, and there’s no need for you to debug KarmaFX Synth right now.
    I wish you luck in implementing offline bounce, it will be great addition for all of us. Thanks for your help.

    in reply to: Anybody here use KarmaFX Synth Modular? (Need help) #5792

    Anybody? DL size is a little more than 1 mb. Your test could be very helpful 🙄

    in reply to: Offline bounce recording – UI? #5790

    I’m wating for offline bounce too. The only thing that makes me sad is that I’m going to buy Creamware soundcard, and Creamware DSP FX & synths are not support offline bounce. 😥

    in reply to: Offline bounce recording – UI? #5785

    I’ve been thinking about solution C some time and now I understand that it can be an extension to the solution A as well. Imagine an option in Podium preferences to choose between ‘direct’ offline bounce (all audio is muted, progress dialog on the screen), and ‘background’ offline bounce (playback is not interrupted, working with arrangement is not interrupted) – that’s all the difference.

    in reply to: Tracktion user taking a look see… #5783

    Hey darcyb62!

    Regarding your post about audiocard I need to say that I’ve asked my friends who sell audio hardware here, in Russia, and they say that there’s no other audiocard with optical SPDIF on market in this price range exept 0404. 🙁


    I think you should buy yourself a christmas present

    That’s right! 😉

    in reply to: Offline bounce recording – UI? #5761

    I vote for ‘A’ too. It seems to be the most flexible. And as far as I know even some “big” sequencers still can’t bounce all the tracks of the project in a separate files automatically.



    Wow… The namesake?! :mrgreen:

    in reply to: 1.45 #5737

    @Zynewave wrote:

    I could introduce a new cursor type that indicates a marquee selection is started. I would only show it once the mouse is clicked though. Otherwise the cursor would change everytime you press shift for any of the other key shortcuts.

    That would be nice.

    @Zynewave wrote:

    Ctrl+click should toggle select, both with the select and pencil tools.

    As I can see, I need to disselect events by clicking them one by one with ctrl key pressed? If so, sad. It’s not very useful when editing a sequence with a lot of the notes. 🙄

    in reply to: Tracktion user taking a look see… #5736

    @darcyb62 wrote:

    So what am I looking for. A card that will provide me with optical spdif in/out, a minimum of 2 ins and 2 outs, ability to handle both mic and instrument, a good preamp (maybe), midi capability, low cost. Any ideas?

    At the moment, no. The only idea is to buy 0404 and use only SPDif i/o’s of it, as some of my friend do. The second audiocard is for usual in/outs.
    (I believe that one day EMU finally solve the problem with drivers).

    I’ll ask my friends who work with audio hardware here, in Russia, and post answer here.

    in reply to: 1.45 #5734

    First of all I want to say thanks to Frits for this great release.
    1.45 is a real breakout to me. Ability to create tracks and events with doubleclick is great. This thing only makes my work ~20% faster. In this case I want to say that we all time after time request some big features in Podium, like offline bounce or rewire support. Of course, this things is important (now, when propellerheads rebirth is free, rewire becomes interesting even for me 😉 ), but even a little improvements is important. So, thanks again, Frits, you make Podium better and better.

    I have two questions regarding 1.45 release. When I press shift to enable a marquee selection, cursor is not changing. Why? I think, it would better if the current cursor icon becomes select tool-like when shift is pressed.

    The second is the marquee selection behavoir. As I can see, I can only select events when shift is pressed. But sometimes I make a mistake and select more events then I need. Is there a way to fast disselect some of them, without switching to ‘select’ tool?

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